Just trying to stay warm

Dear Friends and Family,
Brrrr, its cold for California, actually saw frost on roofs this morning on my way to my first appointment. Nan stayed in bed for awhile and warm. Her poor body is feeling the pains and effects of the procedure which had her on her tummy face down for a couple hours on an open incision and the bags. Never fun and she tends to feel pains in different places at different times for a couple days. Her life is nearly controlled by the constant and unrelenting nausea no matter how faithful she is with the Kitril every 12 hours. We go the TPN going early tonight in case we end up going to the hospital tomorrow for blood. At this point we have not heard anything other than they are trying to locate the blood for the transfusion. From experience we know that will take one to two days. So we will try to call in the morning to find out what is happening.
I think I mentioned that we finally decided to see if the furnace will work and amazingly it did so we have it set at 68 as a backup to the wood stove which we keep hot all the time. This evening we've had the family room at 72 and its very comfortable. I've been snacking on good food Mary brought over yesterday. She brings enough for a week it seems and its always great. George our orange and white kitty is trying to assist with this blog, he keeps putting his paws up on my knee and wants to be petted. Fun kitty.
I keep discovering more surprises thanks to Syliva. Everywhere in the whole house that I turn I find clean!!! I am amazed at all she got done, clothes folded, dishes washed, floors clean, bathrooms clean, sinks sparkling, table sat, pretty pretty and a wonderful plate of cookies which tend to be on the disappearing side.
Nan is having a hard time finding foods that don't just make her sicker. Today she has had some mandarins, chocolate milk, water, crackers but none of it felt good to her tummy. I'm praying that God will intervene and help solve this growing problem. It appears that there is very little leaking taking place if at all. The wound care nurse comes tomorrow providing Nan is here and not at the hospital getting blood.
This evening I dashed into town to watch Keanna having her swimming lesson. I have included couple photos of that event. She can now swim the width of the pool, dive to the bottom to pick up rings and is really doing great, she loves it. What joy she brings all of us. Her first comment, did Grammie come? She notices things fast.
Well we wind up yet another day having experienced safety through the throngs of shoppers on the highways, inspecting houses with rotten decks, trying to keep appointments, trying to keep warm while measuring houses, loving a new CD I got from an online CD company connected to the classical station in SF. Laud to the Nativity by Respighi and The Magnificat by Monteverdi, Roger Wagner Chorale and LA Philarmonic Orchestra. Its a Clarion recording and its just wonderful. The opening by Marie Gibson, Soprano is just breath taking. Really takes me back to the wonderful chances Nan and I have had to sing with the Stockton Choral in Notre Dame, St Stephens cathedral in Vienna, Carnegie Hall in New York and some place huge in London. What a wonderful experience to blend your voice with 150 singers and an orchestra. Good stuff. And we both miss the Adoration Singers experience, blending voices with friends for worship, giving something back to our Creator.
Also channel 106 on XM radio has continuous classical christmas music which is a great treat. Helps to pass the miles and traffic with time less music.
Well Nan is mentioning that its time to sleep and I sure agree. So we send our love and heartfelt gratitude for the beautiful Christmas cards and letters which keep us in touch with so many. We enjoy every one of them.
Please pray that God will manage the nausea that is constantly with Nan right now. She would be doing pretty well if she could shake the constant sick tummy.
Sending love,
tim and nan
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
I am glad to hear that it was a good day. Nan's day was uneventful, you got some work accomplished and you both got to experience the residual benefit of your friend Sylvia. There was also the cookie magic and the mermaid grandaughter. This combined with the sound of great music would warm everyones heart. For those of us lucky enough to have heard you and Nan sing maybe a little warmer.
I will put that constant nausea issue higher up on my prayer list and don't worry about the cold it will be raining tomorrow!
Love and prays,
At 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
It's that North Carolina stranger again. Letting you know that you are lifted in prayer daily.
I love the pictures. What a joy our kids and grandkids are. I was sitting in my chair last night and feeling a little under the weather (I have a cold). I turned my head and found a huge smile right there on our hearth. It is a 3 ft wooden Christmas tree that two of our granddaughters made for us. I was there when they made it and helped paint the heart and star decorations that were glued to it. The tiny lights peek out between the hearts and stars and give it a sweet glow. I makes my heart warm and gives me a big smile every time I look at it.
I pray that you will find lots of unexpected Christmas blessings and joy filled smiles at your every turn.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis Lytle
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hope mom feels better soon. We're holed up here in the Denver blizzard. Two feet of snow everywhere and nothing on the news but snow. Good thing I brought a good book. See you guys soon,
Jason and Jo
At 9:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aunt Nan & Uncle Tim,
We are very happy to hear that the procedure was a success but pained to hear about Nan's nausea. Hopefully something will settle her tummy soon.
Thinking of you both this joyous time of year and we continue to pray for your needs,
Rodney, Shay, Gunnar and Camden
I think your kitty, George, did an excellent job as editor.
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Mustards,
Glad that the furnace is working well, I think that We all will make good use fo them this Year. Thank Goodness for the "Medical Baseline Allowance" from PG&E.
We continue to pray for relief from the Nausea. What have You learned from the Scan C.D. and is is in Boston Yet ?
We are looking forward to seeing Roger & Carol some time soon.Hope their flights are going on as planned. Weather has really got things in a mess at the Major Air Ports across the Country.
Have a safe & Comfortable day , and go easy on the cookies !!
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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