Steve's big day
Dear Friends and Family,
Our son in law Steve turned 33 today and to celebrate he put down travertine tile in their living room. This evening we went to a steak house to celebrate. Nan had hoped to feel good enough to able to go but the nausea got worse all day so she rested at home by the fire. Keanna was on her best daddy loving behavior. We all ordered food we wanted and were given excellent service, perfect food and our waitress was a vegetarian. While steve swore us all to not tell the waitress that it was his birthday Keanna started to sing very quietly to her daddy and the waitresses came with the special ice cream birthday treat and a cowboy hat which Keanna wore to the car. Then she sang the song again in the car and then louder when we got home, so tender and sweet, her little voice. Their new puppy was dancing around, learning to fetch a ball, learning to go potty in the front yard, what a precious duo these two.
When I got home Nan had visited the kitchen and made muffins so she would have something to eat with her Gleevec. Once again she surprises me.
We have been home today and I've been cranking out the work as fast as I can. However I've felt ill most of the day with ear ache, stuffy head, constant coughing. Sort of hard to work when one feels lousy. nan has felt rough too with some blood in her left nephrostomy from time to time. I can always hear the joy in her voice when someone calls and for a few minutes she is lifted out of the pain and suffering to a place of joy. So friends and family please keep those calls coming, emails are great too.
We can sure use your prayers as we approach wednesday and the 1 pm procedure. Also could you please pray that God will work through the statements we just sent out, we really need the clients to be prompted to pay for work long completed. Nan worked hour after hour getting the statements out with hand written notes and pleas, folded them, stamped them and this morning I mailed them.
We thank you for your love,
tim and nan
Our son in law Steve turned 33 today and to celebrate he put down travertine tile in their living room. This evening we went to a steak house to celebrate. Nan had hoped to feel good enough to able to go but the nausea got worse all day so she rested at home by the fire. Keanna was on her best daddy loving behavior. We all ordered food we wanted and were given excellent service, perfect food and our waitress was a vegetarian. While steve swore us all to not tell the waitress that it was his birthday Keanna started to sing very quietly to her daddy and the waitresses came with the special ice cream birthday treat and a cowboy hat which Keanna wore to the car. Then she sang the song again in the car and then louder when we got home, so tender and sweet, her little voice. Their new puppy was dancing around, learning to fetch a ball, learning to go potty in the front yard, what a precious duo these two.
When I got home Nan had visited the kitchen and made muffins so she would have something to eat with her Gleevec. Once again she surprises me.
We have been home today and I've been cranking out the work as fast as I can. However I've felt ill most of the day with ear ache, stuffy head, constant coughing. Sort of hard to work when one feels lousy. nan has felt rough too with some blood in her left nephrostomy from time to time. I can always hear the joy in her voice when someone calls and for a few minutes she is lifted out of the pain and suffering to a place of joy. So friends and family please keep those calls coming, emails are great too.
We can sure use your prayers as we approach wednesday and the 1 pm procedure. Also could you please pray that God will work through the statements we just sent out, we really need the clients to be prompted to pay for work long completed. Nan worked hour after hour getting the statements out with hand written notes and pleas, folded them, stamped them and this morning I mailed them.
We thank you for your love,
tim and nan
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
You will be in Our thoughts and Prayers tomorrow as You go to S.F. to have the "Leak " fixed. How We hope that things will go well for Our Dear Nan.
We are surviving the gloomy weather and wishing that the Sun would shine again very soon. Strange how the weather plays so big a part in Human emotions.
Your Grand Daughter is a real Quitee Pie and shurely brings You so much warmth & Joy. We do so miss having Ours close by. What a void in Our lives since She and Her Parents have moved away. We see them so seldom now. Enjoy Yours while She is avaliable, They Grow up so fast and then Grand Parents are not the Prime interest in their life like they used to be.
Have a Great & Productive Day,Tomorrow.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
Glad to hear the news about Steve. 33 huh, dang I thought you were 33!
It seems like it wasn't that long ago. The Tracy Press ran a mystery photo in the paper last week. Some kids in a manger scene dressed up in pretty costumes. They looked so nice. Jeff, Michael, Kevin, Nikki and Elisa decked out for the season. I will try and snag a copy for us. Things have not really changed much since then. Christmas is still a special time and Christ is still a loving savior and a good time is had by all who believe!
God bless you and Nan tomorrow during your trip to the big city.
Your friend,
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