Life goes on

Dear Friends and Family,
This evening Nan and I spoke to Art our good friend from Gilroy and expressed our sorrow at his losing his mom this morning. She passed in her sleep. What a wonderful dedicated woman she was and lived a full life of family and caring. Art has been especially close to her and has taken care of her in his own special way. He had been dedicated to her comfort and care and while he knew she was about to go still when it happens it is a loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with Art, Connie, the kids and Arts siblings.
Nikki and Keanna came over tonight and under mom's direction made noodles and chicken. Also green beans, rolls and of course on moms plate, green olives. It was so good to see Keanna in action again, she is very mature in her conversation and comments and it seems she has grown more every time we see her. Nikki is in high gear Christmas mode and no one does it better than she. She buys and then when she finds out she got a good deal she puts it on Ebay and sells it higher, she covers the costs of many toys and clothes by selling for profit. Amazing. She and Steve have Ebay totally dialed in and make lots of money selling just about everything. I laughingly relate the story that when Keanna gets a gift she looks at her mommy and says, mommy can I keep it or are you going to sell it on Ebay. I'm sure there will have to be therapy in the future somewhere!!
I was in Walnut Creek, Orinda, Oakland today. For a bit I was walking in Jack London Square by the water's edge as I tried to get in back of a condo building to take more photos. Traffic was very bad and even though I took back roads to get home it still took a while to make it. When I did dinner was about ready. Nan had me build a fire later for some warmth and she is now sleeping in her chair waiting for my help so she can go up to bed. She has once again battled nausea all day but this afternoon went through the difficult task of getting dressed. When I came home she looked great, I mean really great, see if you agree? I have included a couple photos from this evening.
I'm out again tomorrow seeing properties but will be home early tomorrow afternoon. This has been a brutal week work wise and I'm sure glad that Loree is beginning to feel better and can help with some of the phone calls and setting up orders. She has not recovered fully yet but is doing better every day.
We are waiting for a call from intervential radiology regarding the leaking. We hope to hear something soon and get to move forward with some positive action for Nan's sake.
Thanks for your prayers and love especially during this special season.
tim and nan
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi and Happy Sabbath
Thank goodness for a day of rest- Especially for Tim. I am amazed how far and wide your job takes you. May you enjoy your Friday evening and Sabbath together. Nan you look great- Steve thinks Tim might want to use something other than a wide angle 'house" lens for people pictures- It makes your small dog look very large and gives Nan amazon legs :-) Hope this week includes a step forward with the leak and some help somehow with the nausea.
At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
I enjoyed your comment about coming home to dinner and having a loving wife there to greet you. You and Nan have a relationship that few couples enjoy. I hear it every day in your writing. How blessed you both are to have been so well matched. You are fortunate as well to have this special time with each other.
Thanks for taking us with you on your ride. It is a glorious view.
Love and prayer as well,
your friends Nan ans Wes
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