Nan has a big day!

Dear Ones,
Its 11 pm and we just got home after a big day. A day that included a quick trip to John Muir Hospital in Concord after they called and said the blood was available for the transfusion, my coming upon the scene of a plane crash that had just happened in Concord, Nan's gradual improvement in her strength to the point that we went shopping after she was released from the hospital at 7. We had taken her there in her robe and a down blanket so we had to find some warm little boots and a coat that was 75% off.
In the distant past Nan and I used to sign on to sell Christmas trees at Cal Expo for Bob Knox. No one knew for sure where Bob had made his money but he ran a great operation and rented a large portion of Cal Expo, the state fair grounds in Sacramento. I always worked outside selling large trees to businesses and Nan helped with flocking, pricing and everything else needed to move trees out the door. There was a Santa every year and a couple cute things who took photos and dressed up in Elf outfits, usually Bob's daughters. Joyce, his wife, a striking tall blond was always there working as well, pricing trees and keeping things going. I met some of the TV news people who came for trees and had a great time in the weather. During those years we were in ministry and took our vacation time, earned some money and had a great Christmas because of it. One year Nan tied many rows of colored lights to a beautiful noble fir and then had the guys block over the lights and limbs, it was the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. We lived in our motorhome and the kids were very young and Marilyn our long time friend helped babysit them. Great memories as we look back on Christmas Tree Land.
We have heard from Jason and Jo who are house bound by the Denver storm. They are pretty much stuck indoors at Julie's place. The snow is deep and they are hunkered down reading and enjoying family. We are so thankful they got there before the storm and are planning to leave after the storm.
When I left the hospital today in Concord after getting Nan settled in her room I drove to Highway 4 to connect with 680. As I drove I noticed dozens of red lights blinking and police cars everywhere. Then I noticed that there was no traffic on the other side of Highway near the airport, that is when I saw the plane. The front looked like it had been put through a blender. I have included a photo I took as I drove by right after the fire was put out. We learned tonight that the three people on board died and that the 12 year old boy who was still alive after the accident has passed away as well. The pilot was 78 years old and one of the passengers was also up there in age. As I drove by and looked at the weather I found it hard to believe that anyone would be flying in those conditions, light rain, low haze and fog. This was his second try to land and if he had been 50 feet higher he would have been fine. I was filled with sadness knowing that suddenly peoples lives were ended and that others who loved them would always remember this Christmas for sad reasons.
I drove to Novato to see a property I have seen before, shot the comps and was lucky enough to find fuel, Nan's van tells you how many miles you have left before running out. It stops at 0 miles and I drove several miles with that readout showing on the dash. $52 later I hit the road again for Vallejo, then to Concord, back to Vallejo for a missing photo and then back to Concord to the hospital where Nan only had about 1/2 hour left before the blood was all in. Then we loaded up, bundled her warmly and wheeled her to the car. She wanted to shop so we did first finding a dress in the back up bag we carry in the car and then finding a coat at Old Navy and some foot ware too. She suggested we eat out and of course nothing warms my heart more than eating out. So Olive Garden was our next cold and rainy stop. 35 minutes later we were seated, soup and salad, bread and for Nan some fettecini alfredo, bellini ice tea. We enjoyed our time there in spite of a noise child at the next table and increasingly noise adults as the beer flowed. On the way home we tried to locate a Christmas tree but to no avail. We'll look again tomorrow.
This evening we can see that there is still some leakage in the incision wound, it appears very thick and will hardly go down the tube. Juli will come tomorrow, she is the wound care nurse and she will change the collection system and then it will be easier to see what is actually taking place. Nan really felt rough on the way to the hospital this morning but feels much better this evening, could be the help of the steriod they give her, always gives her a little boost in the energy department.
We are grateful just to be inside now, sort of warm, furnace quit today, won't fire up so back to depending on the wood stove.
We send our love and our sincere hope that you are warm, dry and contented on this the shortest day of the year and the longest night. We are very grateful to Sylvia for her help with the house, the clothes and the cookies, yum yum. We can't wait to see Dana and her friend who are coming right after Christmas.
Take care of yourself,
tim and nan
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi From Lodi,
Glad to read that the transfusion went well and Nan is feeling so much better.
The Sun is shining brightly today so We will enjoy it while it is with Us.
We too remember Christmas Tree Days Past but now We have settled for decorating Our Fake Tree which stands by the fire place all the time . It really looks quite nice with the lights on and the skirt in place around the bottom.
Here is hoping that the Leaking will stop and the wound will be able to heal at last.
Have a good weekend and We will try to get over to visit with You next week after Our visit to the Chemo Center on Tuesday . (Monthly Aridia Infusion)& Blood work. We continue to pray that the Chemo will not be necessary for at least 1 more month. Carrol feels so much better with out that stuff.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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