Nan bounces back!
She chose the title just before I left her room in the ship hospital. As I left her latest temperature was normal again after a day of 104+ and extensive vomiting this morning. The hospital crew could not have been better or more caring. First they decided that she must leave the ship when we arrived due to her complexity. Gradually as we got to know them and shared what Nan has already experienced and won over they began to mellow. Finally we arrived at a compromise. They would do antibiotics available to them and if she was not better by Saturday they will ship her out to a local hospital. In spite of being very sick and nearly out of her head she refused to consider going to a hospital in Mazatlan today. For hours her fever would not break and continued at nearly the 104 for hours. So she got three different kinds of antibiotics today, is now getting 1 liter of saline with potassium, her level was not out of range but at the lower end which is good news, the potassium in the TPN bag must be working. Her creatines were 2.7 today which is not bad really. They found bugs in her urine again, like always. Something was very resistant to tylenol and the other kind of fever buster as well but finally yielded. How can we every thank you for the prayers that have placed in Nan's behalf today. I have prayed nearly constantly today for God to do His thing, not ours for Nan and this evening she is lucid, asked if she could have asparagus soup and amazingly they found some on the ship, she loved it. mary was a wonderful friend and was with us for hours this afternoon encouraging both of us and working the phone to make sure our travel guard is in full effect. It is and Nan bought the highest level so even if she has to be flown home it covers.
So now what is up? They have let me come sleep in the hospital with Nan tonight and I plan to do just that to keep a watchful eye on her. We hope that Nan is back to her old self tomorrow and can be out and about after a good night and morning of rest. For awhile today I watched a heart rate of 152 and then it gradually began to slide until now it is about 105 to 110, her normal rate. We have had to intervene many times today with information that the medical people did not have and together I think we have accomplished a real turn around for Nan.
While in port the doctor showed me how to use the cell, calls to the us require +1 in front of them. So I've been able to be in touch with some of you that I could reach. Unfortunately just when nan was feeling good enough to talk on the phone we were sailing out and leaving the cell service behind. Next time will be on Saturday.
Thank you each and every one for your prayers. Lets face it we were all concerned about Nan being so far from medical care and today proved that to be true. I am praying that God will help us in spite of our lack of perfect judgement and bless Nan with a positive experience. She certainly has had enough bad times over the past year.
So we send our love and our appreciation to each of you.
with love
tim and nan
So now what is up? They have let me come sleep in the hospital with Nan tonight and I plan to do just that to keep a watchful eye on her. We hope that Nan is back to her old self tomorrow and can be out and about after a good night and morning of rest. For awhile today I watched a heart rate of 152 and then it gradually began to slide until now it is about 105 to 110, her normal rate. We have had to intervene many times today with information that the medical people did not have and together I think we have accomplished a real turn around for Nan.
While in port the doctor showed me how to use the cell, calls to the us require +1 in front of them. So I've been able to be in touch with some of you that I could reach. Unfortunately just when nan was feeling good enough to talk on the phone we were sailing out and leaving the cell service behind. Next time will be on Saturday.
Thank you each and every one for your prayers. Lets face it we were all concerned about Nan being so far from medical care and today proved that to be true. I am praying that God will help us in spite of our lack of perfect judgement and bless Nan with a positive experience. She certainly has had enough bad times over the past year.
So we send our love and our appreciation to each of you.
with love
tim and nan
At 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Phyllis had a wonderful story. I think it was mostly for Tim since he is the ever ready care taker. Nan is truely amazing with all her ups and downs. I read these last 2 blogs to Bernice which added much strength to the prayer chain. We are all anxious to hear from you again. Love, Yvonne & George
At 9:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
I'm so glad that things are changing for the better. We were going into a restaurant when Art got your call - we prayed right there. We were very concerned for both of you.
The Mexican doctors are actually very good, I know people that travel there after U.S. doctors are not able to cure them. Hopefully you won't be needing the doctors anymore and the rest of the trip will be very enjoyable.
Thanks for the updates.
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Praise the Lord !
We will continue to thank Him for the Turn Around for Nan and that things will stay stable for more Days too come.
What a powerful tool "United Prayer" is.
Much Love,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry I wasn't available yesterday to help with the prayer vigil but it is good to hear that things have improved even without my help. There may be a lesson in that. I really don't like lessons. Especially the hard ones. Lucky for me my friend Tim is taking all the hard ones.
The lesson is that the good friend helps everyday not just once in awhile. It is nice to know that God is with us continually especially when our friends aren't as available as they might want to be. Should you have time to include me in your prays I could be a better friend.
For you and Nan I offer my prayers tonight for continued improvement and an enjoyable conclusion to your cruise.
At 2:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
God is great!! How blessed we are to know Him. We thank Him moment by moment. I pray that you will have a healing and peaceful day. Thank you, Mary, for being there and for being such a true friend. Love to each of you Sharon
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