Dear Friends and Family,
Nan is very ill, started late last night with being chilled, woke with high temp and many episodes of vomiting. She has been at the ship hospital since 10 this morning and is on antibiotics. Ships doctor may yet transfer her to the shore hospital here in Mazitlan. We leave today at about 3 pm I think and will be at sea for a day and then in another large city. I've seen high fevers before but this one won't go away, went down and then back to 103.3. Mary has been a dear and helped us, is sitting with mom now so I can come and ask you to pray for her.
Nan is not responding like I would like, as I left the room I noticed her heart rate had started to decline from the 152 it was. When she gets high fever her heart rate usually goes way up. It was only 102 when we first got to the infirmary.
We were doing so well and I know Nan is crushed with the idea of having to go into a Mexican hospital. Mary is working on flights home or even to houston, anywhere in the states without tranfering planes. All of this is just in case her fever does not head back to normal. Can you imagine how I feel right now? Your case is overwhelming to anyone and Pams medical history she created for the doctors has been a big help.
Please pray that God will keep his protective arms around Nan and His healing to her fever. I am finally at a place where my cell works now but it is very expensive to use and will not be working tomorrow or evening this evening. Suddenly this ship seems like a prison instead of a getaway. Nan is lucid and just very sleepy right now, is aware of what is happening and shakes her head no when Mexico hospital is mentioned. I think we have the dr persuaded to allow her another day at sea to see if the meds work and then we'll take it from there. We have the best travel insurance one can buy so whatever we need will be covered.
Please pray, pray, pray.
tim and nan
Nan is very ill, started late last night with being chilled, woke with high temp and many episodes of vomiting. She has been at the ship hospital since 10 this morning and is on antibiotics. Ships doctor may yet transfer her to the shore hospital here in Mazitlan. We leave today at about 3 pm I think and will be at sea for a day and then in another large city. I've seen high fevers before but this one won't go away, went down and then back to 103.3. Mary has been a dear and helped us, is sitting with mom now so I can come and ask you to pray for her.
Nan is not responding like I would like, as I left the room I noticed her heart rate had started to decline from the 152 it was. When she gets high fever her heart rate usually goes way up. It was only 102 when we first got to the infirmary.
We were doing so well and I know Nan is crushed with the idea of having to go into a Mexican hospital. Mary is working on flights home or even to houston, anywhere in the states without tranfering planes. All of this is just in case her fever does not head back to normal. Can you imagine how I feel right now? Your case is overwhelming to anyone and Pams medical history she created for the doctors has been a big help.
Please pray that God will keep his protective arms around Nan and His healing to her fever. I am finally at a place where my cell works now but it is very expensive to use and will not be working tomorrow or evening this evening. Suddenly this ship seems like a prison instead of a getaway. Nan is lucid and just very sleepy right now, is aware of what is happening and shakes her head no when Mexico hospital is mentioned. I think we have the dr persuaded to allow her another day at sea to see if the meds work and then we'll take it from there. We have the best travel insurance one can buy so whatever we need will be covered.
Please pray, pray, pray.
tim and nan
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey dad,
Just got your message. Praying for you both. Keep us posted. We'll be home tonight.
Love you guys,
At 4:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Am so glad that you called and I have spread the word to those who pray for Nan on a daily basis. We are praying that God will be in full control, so as for now, thank Him for it and let go and let God. I know He has a plan for you two and He will tell you what to do and when to do it. Keep us posted and remember that we love you both.
Love & prayers, Sharon
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We have notified all that are on Our Prayer Chain List of Your Plight and Many Prayers are going up for You even as I write.
God Bless You and Keep You and give You strength to handle what ever comes along. We will put Our Trust in Him to lead in the right direction.
We continue in Prayer For Both of You at this most Critical Time.
Bob & Carrol.
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
My favorite verse for scary times is Joshua 1:9 NIV (second half): "Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
"Wherever" includes the Pacific Ocean, a Mexican hospital, or anywhere else! Do not be terrified.
My prayers are with you,
Bev Scott
At 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I am praying right now...
I got this e-mail story tonight and it seems meant for you and another person I know. So I am sending it.
By William E. Richardson
“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20,
The cliff-hanger is a common storytelling device. It creates interest at the
end of chapters in novels to make you want to keep reading. It’s used at the
end of some TV dramas so you¹ll be sure to tune in next week. Before TV
caught on, the I-want-to-know-what¹s-next idea proved successful in
serialized movies and radio programs.
However, cliff-hangers aren’t always entertaining, especially when they
occur in our daily lives. An event erupts without warning at school or at
work. Or your cliff-hanger comes after reading a letter, talking on the
phone, or visiting the doctor¹s office.
Suddenly, you feel like your feet are dangling in mid-air and you’re
clinging to the root of a tree growing out the side of a cliff. A giant
question mark presses down on you, like a weight on your shoulders. You
whisper a prayer and wonder what will happen next.
In those cliff-hanger moments, the easiest reaction is panic. It’s also the
worst. Panic clouds your thinking. Panic raises a wall between you and your
best decision-making. But there¹s hope.
It’s possible to get a foothold in the cliff. In that instant, and
thereafter, dwelling on God’s presence is your answer. He promised to be
with you no matter what. God is with you at that very moment as much as He
was one minute before the surprise pushed you off the cliff.
The apostle Paul faced plenty of cliff-hanger moments. Reflecting on those
scariest unexpected times, he could say, “I am persuaded that” He then
rattled off a list of extreme situations he’d faced. He concluded that
nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ
Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:39). Nothing! God is with us.
To be that persuaded in your cliff-hanger moments is your lifeline for
survival. You may still not know what will happen next, but God will always
be bigger than your problem. What’s unknown to you is never unknown to Him.
He’s ready to help you have Paul-like faith.
Like the elderly woman living in London during World War II. Someone asked
her how she could remain so calm night after night when the Germans kept
bombing the capital of England.
She answered, “Every night, I say my prayers and then I remember how the
parson told us God is always watching; so I go to sleep. After all, there’s
no need for both of us to stay awake.”
Are you resting like that, in the presence of God’s love? Whether finding
your footing on solid ground or still hanging, wondering, are you secure in
knowing that God is with you? That He’s both aware of your situation and
attentive to your need?
It’s OK to ask, “What will happen next?” It¹s better to pray, “God, I¹m
ready to trust You no matter what happens next because You’re always with
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