Keanna makes a visit
Dear Friends,
We are in the waiting room near mom's room. Nikki talked the nurses into letting Keanna visit mom. They whisked her into the room and Keanna asked grammie to wake up, in a little bit Nan moved her head from side to side and moved her tongue a tiny bit. She has done this several times, not that I have seen but Dana was insistent that mom moved several times.
I am writing right now to ask that when you open this blog you will pause for a moment and simply ask Jesus to wake Nan up, she has been off the sedatives from awhile and it is time for her to wake up a bit. They say it can take some time for the meds to move out of her system but of course I am concerned. We all would appreciate your prayers in her behalf today.
Please Lord gently wake Nan.!
Thank you for your prayers on her behalf.
mustard family
We are in the waiting room near mom's room. Nikki talked the nurses into letting Keanna visit mom. They whisked her into the room and Keanna asked grammie to wake up, in a little bit Nan moved her head from side to side and moved her tongue a tiny bit. She has done this several times, not that I have seen but Dana was insistent that mom moved several times.
I am writing right now to ask that when you open this blog you will pause for a moment and simply ask Jesus to wake Nan up, she has been off the sedatives from awhile and it is time for her to wake up a bit. They say it can take some time for the meds to move out of her system but of course I am concerned. We all would appreciate your prayers in her behalf today.
Please Lord gently wake Nan.!
Thank you for your prayers on her behalf.
mustard family
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi my name is Chongo and I am Jason's friend from SWAU. I just wanted to know that Nan is im my thoughts and prayers as well as the family.
God Bless
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Mustard Family,
The MBA graduating class of 2006 wore Pink Ribbons on their gowns the entire weekend in prayer for Nan. Your family was prayed for at every event.
Jason, buddy, we love you. Jo’s continually being hugged and cared for by all your friends back home.
Our God is an awesome God, and we will continue to pray for His healing hand, His calming presence, and to understand His will.
What a blessing, that through Christ, our families are so big. I know you’re all so far away in Boston, but just a prayer away in our hearts.
Good Luck today, we’ll pray that Nan wakes up soon. It would be good for her to hear the good news of being tumor free, and it would be such a blessing to for the family to be able to communicate with Mom.
God Bless you all,
The Parker Family.
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad to be able to keep in touch with Erin's progress. She is the toughest fighter I know. You are all in our prayers.
love, Ann and Michael Russell
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
My parents just sent me your blog site. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Mustards,
I pray that the sedatives wear off and na is awake very soon. Please keep good thoughts.
Love to you all
Pam Burge
At 1:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Tim and family,
Hope you are all doing well. My daughter is always asking me how Nan is doing so I called her and updated her on your latest blog. Bryce called to let me know that Sissy was having church at the house nad that she and him had pryers for Nan. He said he is going to sleep with Sissy's bible untill Nan wakes up. I just find it amazing that even a four year old and a 14 year old could have such empathy for another person. Today is the first day of summer vacation and my children are at home praying, lighting insents and reading the bible. Think of how many others that we don't even know of that offer up their pleas for Nan. But they both have had such great encounters with Nan they won't do anything untill we get an update that Nan is awake. So the Lords ears are on high alert right now. We are all pulling for you and praying and hoping. Love to all of you always.
Pam :)
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear jason and family, I am praying for you many times during the day. Before we had graduation at the Hollister school we prayed for 15 minutes for nan. I happened to be looking for some baby pictures for yoori to take back to Japan of andrew! I found several pictures of Nan and me together. I remeber her as a knock-out blond. My hearts ache for all of you, but for you Jason, I know you the best, ironic isn't it? Your mmom and you! I love you both and know that I will continue to follow progress and pray all the time!!!!! Bye for now, Joan Hacko.
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey man(Jason), I'm praying for your mom. It is weird that your mom and my mom graduated togather. I believe in prayer, you have mine. Love you, Andrew Hacko
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Mustard Family,
I am a college friend of Jason and Jo from SWAU. I just heard about Your mom Jason and I am praying for her! I hope that she wakes up soon and that God lays His healing hand on her!
May God Bless you all as you tred through the waters!
Carrie Long
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
The voice of a grandchild is the best medicine available! So good to hear Nan is beginning to respond even if only a little. Her body has been through a LOT it will take time. Our prayers continue.
Roger and Carol
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