Tuesday morning - a little bit awake
Dear Friends,
The sun is shining again today after many days of rain we are hopeful. Nan's nurse says she is a little more awake but not too much. We are on our way to breakfast now and then to visit Nan. It is overwhelming, the things she still faces, on the plus side are a more powerful heart, lungs working well, blood in better condition, platlettes pretty well holding their own, no bleeding anywhere now, lungs no longer being suctioned but drain tubes remain in, the liver and kidneys are still in trouble and the dialysis was still going last night and was pulling out toxins, lowering the creatins, last night they were down to 2.8 and the prior day they had been 3.5. Nan normally runs about 1.5 in good times. So we have real challenges. We found out last evening from the nurse on duty that Nan may be in ICU for 30 days. At first they said 15 days or so.
One of Nan's school mates from her days at Lodi Academy was also thinking of helping with this unusual situation we find ourselves in. The advantage of their way is the gifts are tax deductible.
Luella writes, "As a token of our love to you, three churches have or will be opening up a Mustard Family Fund for individuals to contribute. This money will be a tax benefit to them, and then it can be funnelled to Nan's Recovery Fund to get to your account to be used where you need it most. So, in your next blog message, mention that the Denver First Church is ready to receive funds now. Their address is Denver First Adventist Church, 6200 West Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80227. On a post-it-note, please write "Mustard"--NOT DIRECTLY ON THE CHECK!!
In addition, Darrell Rott's church, also in Denver, I believe, will do the same. Tracy Church will follow suit when Pastor Witcome comes home and attends church board meeting Tuesday night (tomorrow). Their address is: Tracy SDA Church, 2025 Holly Drive, Tracy, CA 95376.
Knowing that some help is coming has certainly helped us sleep better here in Boston. We trust God in all things and we know that long term all things work together when God is in charge.
Quiet heros that allow us to be here for Mom are Steve Shipley, Nikkis husband who is working very hard seeing properties and helping keep the company alive in California. Also totally supportive is Jo, Jason's wife in Aptos. They talk many times a day and she has got so many praying for mom. How we wish we could all be together.
I will post again after we visit Nan.
Thank you for your prayers and lets keep prayers going to wake up, kidneys to put out and liver to work harder!
Love to all from Nan's family
The sun is shining again today after many days of rain we are hopeful. Nan's nurse says she is a little more awake but not too much. We are on our way to breakfast now and then to visit Nan. It is overwhelming, the things she still faces, on the plus side are a more powerful heart, lungs working well, blood in better condition, platlettes pretty well holding their own, no bleeding anywhere now, lungs no longer being suctioned but drain tubes remain in, the liver and kidneys are still in trouble and the dialysis was still going last night and was pulling out toxins, lowering the creatins, last night they were down to 2.8 and the prior day they had been 3.5. Nan normally runs about 1.5 in good times. So we have real challenges. We found out last evening from the nurse on duty that Nan may be in ICU for 30 days. At first they said 15 days or so.
One of Nan's school mates from her days at Lodi Academy was also thinking of helping with this unusual situation we find ourselves in. The advantage of their way is the gifts are tax deductible.
Luella writes, "As a token of our love to you, three churches have or will be opening up a Mustard Family Fund for individuals to contribute. This money will be a tax benefit to them, and then it can be funnelled to Nan's Recovery Fund to get to your account to be used where you need it most. So, in your next blog message, mention that the Denver First Church is ready to receive funds now. Their address is Denver First Adventist Church, 6200 West Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80227. On a post-it-note, please write "Mustard"--NOT DIRECTLY ON THE CHECK!!
In addition, Darrell Rott's church, also in Denver, I believe, will do the same. Tracy Church will follow suit when Pastor Witcome comes home and attends church board meeting Tuesday night (tomorrow). Their address is: Tracy SDA Church, 2025 Holly Drive, Tracy, CA 95376.
Knowing that some help is coming has certainly helped us sleep better here in Boston. We trust God in all things and we know that long term all things work together when God is in charge.
Quiet heros that allow us to be here for Mom are Steve Shipley, Nikkis husband who is working very hard seeing properties and helping keep the company alive in California. Also totally supportive is Jo, Jason's wife in Aptos. They talk many times a day and she has got so many praying for mom. How we wish we could all be together.
I will post again after we visit Nan.
Thank you for your prayers and lets keep prayers going to wake up, kidneys to put out and liver to work harder!
Love to all from Nan's family
At 7:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
A little is more than none. We will continue to pray for her and I pray that by the end of the day we can read about how Nan woke and started talking away. Coninued good thoughts to you. Love to you all. Pam :)
At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Not seeing a comment since yesterday morning had me a bit concerned, so have been doubling prayer efforts. Thank you so much for the trickle of updated news. I'm so thrilled with the technology of internet. The instant communication brings us so close together. Thanks, Jason, for setting this up for all of us know Nan's progress.
In the meantime, she would want you to sleep well, eat well, and take time to walk and de-stress. You need to remain healthy for Nan's sake.
Hugs to all.
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Tim,
We can only say, thank The Lord for another day for Him to work His wonders on Nan's behalf.
May God sustain You Tim & family thru this trying time.
We are glad to hear that there are positive responses from Nan.
We as all of the rest who are so keenly interested in what is happening with Nan will keep praying for the very best for her and all of Your family.
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim & family,
Hi! I wanted to let you know that we have all the Adoration Singers praying for you!
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I am still off of work and would be glad to offer my computer skills or phone answering skills if you need my assistance at your office in Calif or if there is anything I can do from here at my home office. Just let me know.
God be with you and bless you.
Love & Prayers,
Leslie Sain
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