Sunday evening in Ct. with Rick and Roxanna
Dear Friends,
Nan left the hospital about 1:30 today. We loaded up our rental car and headed out 9 to end up on 395 which is a beautiful and direct route to East Lyme which is where we are tonight. Rick and Roxanna did a BBQ and included some really good vege meat, burgers and hot dogs. Nan and I both enjoyed our meal very much and have been just laying around this evening watching their plasma TV and fully appreciating not being in a hospital room. Of course it is very frightening to me personally, just hoping and praying that nothing will go wrong for Nan. So far so good. All her systems appear to be working well and she handling food well.
It felt very strange to drive away from Boston, it has been nearly two months where that was home. Now we move back into a more normal life.
Our plan appears to be lay low for a couple days with Nan recovering strength, then back to clinic in Boston, then to a hotel in Providence for the night, then to the plane for home via Vegas so Nan can get up and move around.
Our hearts go out to our kids tonight, Nikki and Steve have been out of power for about 50 hours, have a little generator going to keep their fish tank alive and grabbed the motorhome with its generator to run the frig. The temp was 106 and I feel so sorry for them, how can they sleep in such heat? And that is the weather we are heading into, whoopee!!
Your prayers have covered us for weeks and tonight we would appreciate your remembering Nan that she can get a good nights rest in a normal bed, not a hospital bed. Pray that she will continue to get better and stronger.
Our friends Roger and Carol need our prayers tonight. They have faced some tough challenges in the past 24 hours and they need God's hands over them. We have other friends who desperately need God's blessings as well and I'm sure you have friends who need God's special help as well.
We are thankful tonight for life. Praise God! Thank you Irene for the beautiful CD, we listened as we drove down today, beautiful in every way.
We love each of you and appreciate all you have done.
tim, nan, rick and roxanna
Nan left the hospital about 1:30 today. We loaded up our rental car and headed out 9 to end up on 395 which is a beautiful and direct route to East Lyme which is where we are tonight. Rick and Roxanna did a BBQ and included some really good vege meat, burgers and hot dogs. Nan and I both enjoyed our meal very much and have been just laying around this evening watching their plasma TV and fully appreciating not being in a hospital room. Of course it is very frightening to me personally, just hoping and praying that nothing will go wrong for Nan. So far so good. All her systems appear to be working well and she handling food well.
It felt very strange to drive away from Boston, it has been nearly two months where that was home. Now we move back into a more normal life.
Our plan appears to be lay low for a couple days with Nan recovering strength, then back to clinic in Boston, then to a hotel in Providence for the night, then to the plane for home via Vegas so Nan can get up and move around.
Our hearts go out to our kids tonight, Nikki and Steve have been out of power for about 50 hours, have a little generator going to keep their fish tank alive and grabbed the motorhome with its generator to run the frig. The temp was 106 and I feel so sorry for them, how can they sleep in such heat? And that is the weather we are heading into, whoopee!!
Your prayers have covered us for weeks and tonight we would appreciate your remembering Nan that she can get a good nights rest in a normal bed, not a hospital bed. Pray that she will continue to get better and stronger.
Our friends Roger and Carol need our prayers tonight. They have faced some tough challenges in the past 24 hours and they need God's hands over them. We have other friends who desperately need God's blessings as well and I'm sure you have friends who need God's special help as well.
We are thankful tonight for life. Praise God! Thank you Irene for the beautiful CD, we listened as we drove down today, beautiful in every way.
We love each of you and appreciate all you have done.
tim, nan, rick and roxanna
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim, Nan, Rick, & Roxanna,
How we have all prayed for this day! Isn't God good, eventhough we know that we do not deserve His mercy and grace. I am so excited for you both. The road home will have it's rough spots, but you know who is still in charge so try to relax and enjoy the ride and time together.
You are a tough team and together you can do anything, I truely believe that.
Know that you are truely loved,
P.S. Thanks to you, Rick and Roxanna, for being so giving and careing. I love you both for it.
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good luck to you. Hope you continue to do better Nan. Enjoy your visit with Rick and Roxanna. Finally you get to relax a little.
Pam :)
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was so good to talk to you today, Nan, as you traveled to CT ~ even though I did lose you along the way somewhere. My prayer is that God will sustain you and give you strength for the trip. The trip will be long and wearisome, but you will make it! Your determination will take you a long ways. God has blessed you both so much. I know his grace will continue to be with you.
Harry left for FL with his step daughter today. He said he just couldn't stay in the cottage any longer. Too many memories. My heart goes out to him! Thank you for your prayers. Yes, it has been a difficult 24 hours.
Love and prayers ~ Carol and Roger
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