Nan leaves hospital but not all is well
Dear Friends and Family,
At long last Nan was rolled from room 16 and Brigham and Womens Hospital this afternoon, July 19 at 4 pm. We are overjoyed with that development however she is not feeling well. The feeling that something is caught in her throat was with her this morning where she threw up and again this evening after we got to the hotel where she threw up several times. She kept repeating, I just want to feel good.
This afternoon we left the hospital with our many sacks of assorted items that have collected over the past 46 days. Nan left with a tiny vacuum pump for her wound. I spent the morning collecting prescriptions from various doctors with the help of Trina and Anne Marie. I ended up over at Dana Farber to get the last two prescriptions for Gleevec and Rapamune. Then to the pharmacy but could not locate it per the instructions I had been given so kept walking and finally found it, they said it would be awhile so got a quick sandwich from Rebecca's Cafe, back to get the meds, some won't be there until tomorrow but of course we have to go back tomorrow to have the vac. sponge replaced at the hospital after the visiting nurse comes to the hotel in the morning. Traffic will be tough like it was this morning, during the night a 30 inch water main broke under the main street, Mass. Ave. So this morning the only connecting link I knew to use to get to the hospital was closed. A 20 min. trip to 2 hours. Woke at 6 am and got to Nan at 8:30. This afternoon when we left the hospital we faced the same bad traffic so took a different route which includes a rough road, Nan felt every bump. She was so glad to get to the Marriot and found the bed to be incredibly good. Once she hit the bed it was over an hour before she woke again.
Later she sat up in a pretty good chair and tried to feel better but ended up feeling worst. After she lost it a couple times we ordered room service, sandwich and French Onion soup. Well the soup did not work and she lost that too, lost even with Malox, with Zophram. The sandwich stayed down better and she has had the rest of her meds now and is asleep again.
This has not turned out to be the joyous escape from the hospital we expected. I have been praying all day that God would help her throat and digestive system get over its irritation and let her eat and drink again. Both are vital or she will be back in the hospital again.
Its 11:16 here and I'm heading to bed. We hope and pray for a better day tomorrow.
Please pray for Nan this evening, that she can overcome this problem and get on with her recovery. We are discouraged this evening I think dreading the possiblity that Nan would have to go back into the hospital.
We remember how far we have come and we look to the future. Yet tonight the way still seems dim. Please pray that God will wrap His healing arms around Nan and given her peace, healing and strength.
We send our love and appreciation for everything.
tim and nan
ps Sharon got home safely and was back at work today. Thank you Sharon for all you did for us. We miss you!
Nan enjoyed calls from Nikki and Jason today, they really lift her spirits. Nikki is in training in Tenn. and Jason is at Campmeeting in Soquel near Santa Cruz, CA.
At long last Nan was rolled from room 16 and Brigham and Womens Hospital this afternoon, July 19 at 4 pm. We are overjoyed with that development however she is not feeling well. The feeling that something is caught in her throat was with her this morning where she threw up and again this evening after we got to the hotel where she threw up several times. She kept repeating, I just want to feel good.
This afternoon we left the hospital with our many sacks of assorted items that have collected over the past 46 days. Nan left with a tiny vacuum pump for her wound. I spent the morning collecting prescriptions from various doctors with the help of Trina and Anne Marie. I ended up over at Dana Farber to get the last two prescriptions for Gleevec and Rapamune. Then to the pharmacy but could not locate it per the instructions I had been given so kept walking and finally found it, they said it would be awhile so got a quick sandwich from Rebecca's Cafe, back to get the meds, some won't be there until tomorrow but of course we have to go back tomorrow to have the vac. sponge replaced at the hospital after the visiting nurse comes to the hotel in the morning. Traffic will be tough like it was this morning, during the night a 30 inch water main broke under the main street, Mass. Ave. So this morning the only connecting link I knew to use to get to the hospital was closed. A 20 min. trip to 2 hours. Woke at 6 am and got to Nan at 8:30. This afternoon when we left the hospital we faced the same bad traffic so took a different route which includes a rough road, Nan felt every bump. She was so glad to get to the Marriot and found the bed to be incredibly good. Once she hit the bed it was over an hour before she woke again.
Later she sat up in a pretty good chair and tried to feel better but ended up feeling worst. After she lost it a couple times we ordered room service, sandwich and French Onion soup. Well the soup did not work and she lost that too, lost even with Malox, with Zophram. The sandwich stayed down better and she has had the rest of her meds now and is asleep again.
This has not turned out to be the joyous escape from the hospital we expected. I have been praying all day that God would help her throat and digestive system get over its irritation and let her eat and drink again. Both are vital or she will be back in the hospital again.
Its 11:16 here and I'm heading to bed. We hope and pray for a better day tomorrow.
Please pray for Nan this evening, that she can overcome this problem and get on with her recovery. We are discouraged this evening I think dreading the possiblity that Nan would have to go back into the hospital.
We remember how far we have come and we look to the future. Yet tonight the way still seems dim. Please pray that God will wrap His healing arms around Nan and given her peace, healing and strength.
We send our love and appreciation for everything.
tim and nan
ps Sharon got home safely and was back at work today. Thank you Sharon for all you did for us. We miss you!
Nan enjoyed calls from Nikki and Jason today, they really lift her spirits. Nikki is in training in Tenn. and Jason is at Campmeeting in Soquel near Santa Cruz, CA.
At 1:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning to you both,
I hope this morning brings sunshine, smooth traffic to the hospital and uplifted spirits.
Hopefully, after a good nights sleep, Nan's throat will feel better and the food will stay down. Maybe yogurt, applesauce and oatmeal would help. I know staying in a Hotel is tough to get the right easy food but little packets might not need so much refridgeration and storage. A good ol brownie might do the trick. Put a big scoop of ice cream or whipped cream on top of that and it will cool the throat and hopefully slid down easy and stay down. Often sugar will help to settle the stomach. Remember all of the recommendations to "eat chocolate" with Gleevec.
The vomiting will irritate the throat with the acids from the stomach so bland might be best.
Being in the hotel will take away that feeling of security and it is expected to "feel down", you will also not have that "hustle and bustle" to get you started each morning. That is good and bad because the "hustle and bustle" is also what keeps you awake at the wrong times.
Too bad there was not a closer hotel to stay for this initial time out of the hospital.
Keep knowing that you both are so strong and you will get through this. This is a big hurdle and each day will be better. It is kind of like Christmas, all of the build up to the day and then, for some reason, there can be that let down when the big day comes.
Just both of you rest as much as possible, Tim, being the care giver is very trying and tiring I am sure you are also at your wits end trying to be "everything".
All of us are thinking of you guys and praying for the continued recovery and strength.
Love and best thoughts.
Sue Muse
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