Its's official, Nan is leaving room 16, Praise the Lord!
Dear Friends and Family,
After about 45 days here at Brigham and Womens Resort and Spa Nan is checking out. The wonderful lady from Physical Therapy came today and put Nan through her paces. She walked without the walker, did stairs, did her exercises and passed everything. No rehab needed, Nan rules!!
Last evening Sharon and I went to a mall and purchased some dresses for Nan to try, we will probably do that later in the day. They are very nice and we hope some of them fit just right. Nan's doctors were here early this morning and laid out the plan. Nan needs a few more days of two different antibiotics and a smaller vacuum sponge. The patient coordinator, Anna Marie, ordered a small traveling version of the vacuum pump saying it might be 2 to 5 days but she did her magic and the pump was delivered this afternoon to our room. Trina, the nurse practiciner who does her vacuum sponge is arranging the perscriptions we will need to get at the pharmacy and Travis over at Dana Farber is getting the prescriptions we need from them arranged. Sometime tomorrow afternoon we will load this precious lady up and drive the 8.2 miles to our hotel room at Marriot in Quincy which is down Freeway 93. The next day, thursday we will drive back to have the vacuum sponge changed at the surgery clinic and then back to our hotel. A visiting nurse will bring the antibiotics to us each day at the hotel. After I took Sharon to the airport today, yes through the tunnels which have concrete pieces falling from the ceiling, I ended up on Freeway 93 south by accident. Well I decided that I would just go find the hotel so after driving through detours etc I located the Marriot, checked in, looked over our room, 735 and headed back. I timed my return trip up Freeway 93 to Mass Ave to the hospital, about 23 minutes even with some slow traffic. I'll stay there tonight and then back early in the morning to get prescriptions filled, load things in the car and get ready to transport the princess to her new digs. We have the room for 10 days but won't probably need it that long. We are considering seeing if we can visit Roxanna and Rick perhaps on sunday afternoon through Wed. when we see Dr. Bertagnolli in clinic and get our final release to go home. Our going to Roxanna and Ricks depends on how Nan tolerates the ride in the car from here to the hotel and how she feels overall. Sharon kindly purchased a blood pressure device today which measures her blood pressure from around her wrist. That will let us monitor her while at the hotel.
Our emotions are all over the place right now, on one hand we value the safety of this place, no matter what happens Nan receives the care she needs, on the other hand we want to leave the hospital and head home as soon as we can to resume and treasure our lives. It felt very strange to pack my things today in the hotel room, I have lived there for over a month.
Today Nan had me pick up a Falfalla sandwich for her and Sharon at the Galleria across the street. She ate most of it but has suffered with nasea this afternoon, once again it feels like something is stuck in her throat. The throat specialist here has recommended that she have a swallow test with barium when we get home to see if there is something that can be fixed or made better for her for the future.
Overall Nan is stronger than at any time since surgery. She moves about freely but tires easily. Her balance is good, her stability if pretty amazing.
So this evening I am doing some appraisal work and relaxing after running the whole day. Outside is brutal, about 100 with 90% humidity. And of course I had to drag suitcases to the car. Anyway everything has gone smoothly today.
Once again we would like to let you know how much it touches us to have received your support during our crisis. On June 6 our life changed forever, Nan got a new lease on life, a fighting chance, all her tumors removed and now she has recovered enough to venture out on her own. It has been a miraculous time, an amazing time, a tough time, a frightening time and out of it a new kind of faith has been born. We continue to be amazed at the different groups of people that have been faithfully praying for Nan, almost every day we learn of more people who have been praying. Nurses and doctors here at the hospital believe that Nan has "an angel" on her shoulder.
Sharon, Nan's sister in law, arrived at just the right time and has been a great help to us and especially to Nan. They cried together, played together, ate together, played Gin Rummy together. She has touched our lives in a manner that will never be forgotten and Nan and I say thank you Sharon for EVERYTHING you have done to help us get through this time. Everytime we have needed special intervention God has sent someone to help us and we appreciate them all, Sharon, Dana, Roger and Carol, Marilyn and Roxanna, Nikki and Keanna, Jason. Thank you all!
Please pray for our transition, that God will continue to send His blessings.
Thank you each and every one for all you have done. Also a special thank you to our son in law Steve who has worked so hard to keep things going at home and to Loree for covering so many things for us. Soon Loree we will be there, soon.
We hope you have a nice evening.
With love and appreciation,
Tim and Nan
After about 45 days here at Brigham and Womens Resort and Spa Nan is checking out. The wonderful lady from Physical Therapy came today and put Nan through her paces. She walked without the walker, did stairs, did her exercises and passed everything. No rehab needed, Nan rules!!
Last evening Sharon and I went to a mall and purchased some dresses for Nan to try, we will probably do that later in the day. They are very nice and we hope some of them fit just right. Nan's doctors were here early this morning and laid out the plan. Nan needs a few more days of two different antibiotics and a smaller vacuum sponge. The patient coordinator, Anna Marie, ordered a small traveling version of the vacuum pump saying it might be 2 to 5 days but she did her magic and the pump was delivered this afternoon to our room. Trina, the nurse practiciner who does her vacuum sponge is arranging the perscriptions we will need to get at the pharmacy and Travis over at Dana Farber is getting the prescriptions we need from them arranged. Sometime tomorrow afternoon we will load this precious lady up and drive the 8.2 miles to our hotel room at Marriot in Quincy which is down Freeway 93. The next day, thursday we will drive back to have the vacuum sponge changed at the surgery clinic and then back to our hotel. A visiting nurse will bring the antibiotics to us each day at the hotel. After I took Sharon to the airport today, yes through the tunnels which have concrete pieces falling from the ceiling, I ended up on Freeway 93 south by accident. Well I decided that I would just go find the hotel so after driving through detours etc I located the Marriot, checked in, looked over our room, 735 and headed back. I timed my return trip up Freeway 93 to Mass Ave to the hospital, about 23 minutes even with some slow traffic. I'll stay there tonight and then back early in the morning to get prescriptions filled, load things in the car and get ready to transport the princess to her new digs. We have the room for 10 days but won't probably need it that long. We are considering seeing if we can visit Roxanna and Rick perhaps on sunday afternoon through Wed. when we see Dr. Bertagnolli in clinic and get our final release to go home. Our going to Roxanna and Ricks depends on how Nan tolerates the ride in the car from here to the hotel and how she feels overall. Sharon kindly purchased a blood pressure device today which measures her blood pressure from around her wrist. That will let us monitor her while at the hotel.
Our emotions are all over the place right now, on one hand we value the safety of this place, no matter what happens Nan receives the care she needs, on the other hand we want to leave the hospital and head home as soon as we can to resume and treasure our lives. It felt very strange to pack my things today in the hotel room, I have lived there for over a month.
Today Nan had me pick up a Falfalla sandwich for her and Sharon at the Galleria across the street. She ate most of it but has suffered with nasea this afternoon, once again it feels like something is stuck in her throat. The throat specialist here has recommended that she have a swallow test with barium when we get home to see if there is something that can be fixed or made better for her for the future.
Overall Nan is stronger than at any time since surgery. She moves about freely but tires easily. Her balance is good, her stability if pretty amazing.
So this evening I am doing some appraisal work and relaxing after running the whole day. Outside is brutal, about 100 with 90% humidity. And of course I had to drag suitcases to the car. Anyway everything has gone smoothly today.
Once again we would like to let you know how much it touches us to have received your support during our crisis. On June 6 our life changed forever, Nan got a new lease on life, a fighting chance, all her tumors removed and now she has recovered enough to venture out on her own. It has been a miraculous time, an amazing time, a tough time, a frightening time and out of it a new kind of faith has been born. We continue to be amazed at the different groups of people that have been faithfully praying for Nan, almost every day we learn of more people who have been praying. Nurses and doctors here at the hospital believe that Nan has "an angel" on her shoulder.
Sharon, Nan's sister in law, arrived at just the right time and has been a great help to us and especially to Nan. They cried together, played together, ate together, played Gin Rummy together. She has touched our lives in a manner that will never be forgotten and Nan and I say thank you Sharon for EVERYTHING you have done to help us get through this time. Everytime we have needed special intervention God has sent someone to help us and we appreciate them all, Sharon, Dana, Roger and Carol, Marilyn and Roxanna, Nikki and Keanna, Jason. Thank you all!
Please pray for our transition, that God will continue to send His blessings.
Thank you each and every one for all you have done. Also a special thank you to our son in law Steve who has worked so hard to keep things going at home and to Loree for covering so many things for us. Soon Loree we will be there, soon.
We hope you have a nice evening.
With love and appreciation,
Tim and Nan
At 6:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
There are no words to express the praise we have for our Dear Lord, the healer of all. Nan, you are truly a miracle! We all needed a miracle about now. I know it has been a very difficult time for both of you, however your faith has been strong and you kept on going. With blessings come responsibility. Your next chapter in your lives has not yet been written. Our prayer must now be to lead you to what ministry God has in store for you. Obviously He has some very special purpose for both of you. He led you "through the shaddow of death" and now you have a new life to live. Awesome!
Love and continued prayers,
Roger and Carol
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nan and Tim:
This is indeed a miracle. We have faithfully prayed prior to surgery in fact before I even met you. Art told me how strong you were. Seen you through the eyes of Tim and reading the daily updates since June....God is good, he has a plan for you Nan.
Our best wishes for a FAST recovery out of the hospital!
Connie and Art
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
The greatest news you could get. Congratuylations on a job well done Nan. I am elated for you.
Pam :)
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We are not sure if You are going to continue this blog so We have sent you an E. Mail on line.
We continue in Prayer for You in the next few days. The Lord is leading and You have been truly blessed and healed by the Almighty.
Please stay in touch,
Much Love & Prayers always,
Bob & Carrol
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tima and Erin:
I just got home from babysitting Owen and read the great news. Erin I'm so happy for you it will be only a few more days and we in
California get to celebrate with you here at our side. Our prayers were answered. Enjoy your stay in Quincy. Tim you take good care of her. Talk to you all soon.
Mary Puente
At 2:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan & Tim,
Am home again and ready to go to work. I am so thankful to such a loving God for all he has brought us through. He said that He would never leave us and I always knew that He said what He meant and meant what He said. You keep going, girl. Thanks for a great privilage to be part of your
life. I love you both,
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear mom & dad,
I'm so happy that the road home is coming very soon. Praise God that he has healed mom in such a speedy time. I can't wait to see both of you and give you a great big hug! Continue to work hard on the recovery.
Love you much,
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