Are we ready for the upcoming week? What will it bring?
Dear Friends and Family,
Well our sunday is winding down. Nan is sleeping after a big excursion which included getting her totally dressed in street clothes, heading down 7 floors to outside air and breezes. After she sat there in the wheel chair watching the pidgeons and enjoying just being outside we came back in to the AuBon Pan where she and Sharon chose a roast beef sandwich, peach ice tea and some peta chips. Then we headed back up to our luxury suite where Nan put back on her jonnie, Sharon tucked her in so she would be warm and she is now asleep. Sharon meanwhile being tired after walking all over again today buying goodies like playing cards, new reading glasses for Nan (they are so cute) and assorted other items is reclined in the chair reading with poor light from the closed blinds on the window. She looks cute with her reading glasses at the tip of her nose and stretched out with a towel wound into a ball behind her head. She has been very helpful and her presence is much appreciated.
This afternoon I used the card that Dana left me to do my laundry. Dana explained to me how to do laundry, not an easy process. To do the laundry you have to have a guy from our hotel walk you over to a special elevator which serves the apartments which go up to the 25th floor. You tip him and he lets you into the elevator and then you stay put until the laundry is done. The actual laundry room is hot HOT H O T but there is a lovely place in the hall by the elevators where AC blows cold, of course you have to stand there with no chair if you want the air. I sat on the floor nearby and read some in my book while the washers slowly did their job, then there were no dryers available but several had stopped and were full of clothes, so tempting to remove them but I'm not willing to make someone upset so I waited until one became available. I hour later the clothes were dry and I folded them and headed back down to the room. Then Nan was calling wondering where I was so I walked quickly back in the very hot and humid temp. to find her ready to go for the ride and to get dressed. It was a wonderful event, to see her dressed, hair done, nails done and she looks so hot. What a total cutie!
First time in clothes in 42 days, now that is something to live with.
We have a partial idea what is to come tomorrow. They will remove the vac sponge and replace it with a smaller one and the doctors are considering allowing Nan to have a swallow test with barium to see if there is anything physically wrong with her ability to swallow food. She often complains of it hanging in her throat. Our big objective for tomorrow is to make the move to Youville. I will believe it when I see them put her into the ambulance to transport her over. I just hope everything goes smoothly.
It is very easy for Nan to get cold right now but she cannot take the weight of the blankets they have here so Sharon is trying different things to get her warm. She put a bengay patch on her neck but that ended up being too cold so now Nan has a towel behind her head to warm it up. Then Sharon put a blanket over the AC / heater outlet, that should be interesting!!
I'm going to put my head back for a nap soon, this chair sleeps pretty well I think. I'm tired, late nights and early morning calls tend to catch up with a person after all.
What have you been doing today? I hope you enjoyed the sun, did chores and spent some good time with your family. Have you ask God for His blessings for you today, they may come in unusual ways, like when Nan feels up to smiling, that is a blessing or all the lights are green going to pick up Sharon, little blessings that make a big difference.
Sharon has signaled across the room that she is ready to go explore her new Bed and Breakfast called the Friendly Inn.
Please have a nice evening and lets all have a very good week. Our daughter Nikki is flying somewhere this week for training for her work. We hope she has a good week and a safe one.
To all we send our love and appreciation.
Please pray that Nan's digestive system will slow down and that she can continue to be stronger and stronger each day.
love to all
tim and nan and sharon
Well our sunday is winding down. Nan is sleeping after a big excursion which included getting her totally dressed in street clothes, heading down 7 floors to outside air and breezes. After she sat there in the wheel chair watching the pidgeons and enjoying just being outside we came back in to the AuBon Pan where she and Sharon chose a roast beef sandwich, peach ice tea and some peta chips. Then we headed back up to our luxury suite where Nan put back on her jonnie, Sharon tucked her in so she would be warm and she is now asleep. Sharon meanwhile being tired after walking all over again today buying goodies like playing cards, new reading glasses for Nan (they are so cute) and assorted other items is reclined in the chair reading with poor light from the closed blinds on the window. She looks cute with her reading glasses at the tip of her nose and stretched out with a towel wound into a ball behind her head. She has been very helpful and her presence is much appreciated.
This afternoon I used the card that Dana left me to do my laundry. Dana explained to me how to do laundry, not an easy process. To do the laundry you have to have a guy from our hotel walk you over to a special elevator which serves the apartments which go up to the 25th floor. You tip him and he lets you into the elevator and then you stay put until the laundry is done. The actual laundry room is hot HOT H O T but there is a lovely place in the hall by the elevators where AC blows cold, of course you have to stand there with no chair if you want the air. I sat on the floor nearby and read some in my book while the washers slowly did their job, then there were no dryers available but several had stopped and were full of clothes, so tempting to remove them but I'm not willing to make someone upset so I waited until one became available. I hour later the clothes were dry and I folded them and headed back down to the room. Then Nan was calling wondering where I was so I walked quickly back in the very hot and humid temp. to find her ready to go for the ride and to get dressed. It was a wonderful event, to see her dressed, hair done, nails done and she looks so hot. What a total cutie!
First time in clothes in 42 days, now that is something to live with.
We have a partial idea what is to come tomorrow. They will remove the vac sponge and replace it with a smaller one and the doctors are considering allowing Nan to have a swallow test with barium to see if there is anything physically wrong with her ability to swallow food. She often complains of it hanging in her throat. Our big objective for tomorrow is to make the move to Youville. I will believe it when I see them put her into the ambulance to transport her over. I just hope everything goes smoothly.
It is very easy for Nan to get cold right now but she cannot take the weight of the blankets they have here so Sharon is trying different things to get her warm. She put a bengay patch on her neck but that ended up being too cold so now Nan has a towel behind her head to warm it up. Then Sharon put a blanket over the AC / heater outlet, that should be interesting!!
I'm going to put my head back for a nap soon, this chair sleeps pretty well I think. I'm tired, late nights and early morning calls tend to catch up with a person after all.
What have you been doing today? I hope you enjoyed the sun, did chores and spent some good time with your family. Have you ask God for His blessings for you today, they may come in unusual ways, like when Nan feels up to smiling, that is a blessing or all the lights are green going to pick up Sharon, little blessings that make a big difference.
Sharon has signaled across the room that she is ready to go explore her new Bed and Breakfast called the Friendly Inn.
Please have a nice evening and lets all have a very good week. Our daughter Nikki is flying somewhere this week for training for her work. We hope she has a good week and a safe one.
To all we send our love and appreciation.
Please pray that Nan's digestive system will slow down and that she can continue to be stronger and stronger each day.
love to all
tim and nan and sharon
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan,
Just wanted to remind you that prayers continue in Oklahoma City for you both. Nan, I'm so excited about the progress that you've made this week. I read each blog each day, I just haven't had a chance to share with you. You are one blessed woman, and I know that God has big plans for you after your recovery! I'm praying that your digestive issues resolve, that your move to "Whoville" is easy and your stay VERY short. May our Father continue to rain His blessings on you both. God's blessings.
Jani DeHart
At 6:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Nan. It must feel great to be yourself again (even a little) after so many days of being in hospitol jammies and hospitol beds and being told what you could and could not do. Soon you will escape that drab hospitol and get to be out and about and being Nan again. I hope you enjoy that. It's easy to loose who you are in life with what you deal with. The way you have stayed above what is going on is amazing.
Take care of yourself and keep up the hard work.
Pam :)
At 7:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
We will Pray for Nan's tummy & the move to Youville as You requested.
I think the Lord likes specific requests, it's like "Just The Facts " He will hear and answer. We can be assured of that.
Great to hear that You have ventured outside Nan, What do You think of Boston on the outside ?
Your memories of it will be something to reflect on in the future many times.
Tim, Don't forget the "New England Clam Chowder". it's a must when You are in Boston.
We are still roasting out here 104 again today and 5 more days of this stuff to come they say, YUCK !!
So gald that You have help there in the very human form of Sharon. She indeed is a Saint. We who read this blog each day all have come to love Her for the lift that She brings to Nan.
Sleep well and may the Move go as planned tomorrow.
God Bless You, We Love You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Nan and Tim,
Just to let you both know that you are in my thoughts and prayers throughout each day.
When I think back to a month ago...WOW what miracles and blessings have covered you.
May God's hand of healing remain over you as He finishes the good work He has planned for you both.
Love and Prayers,
Phyllis, North Carolina
former Sounds of Praise member.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi tim, erin and Sharon:
Good to hear Erin that you got all dolly up today for your great adventure. It is great the Sharon is there she is one that can really motivate you. Keep up the good work and I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you make your move to Whoville. It has been really hot here today and more to come. You all take care and God will be there for all of you.
love you
Mary Puente
At 8:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Some tips to warm Nan:
*When I was in the hospital, nurses provided me with warmed towels to wrap my wrists and hands in, if your blood gets warm so do you;
*A Heating pad if available; and/or,
*Warm or Hot beverages if she can drink, even if she can hold the warm cup. That helped me after my abdominal surgery, and helped with digestion (warm water, sometimes with lemon).
We are all thinking and praying for you still, and am hoping you can come home very soon, where you belong!
Nikki's Work Posse
At 8:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, mom, dad, & Sharon. I'm so happy that mom is getting better each day and the road to recovery seems so much more positive than it was a over a month ago. Keep up the awesome work! I know by no time, mom will be back on her toes getting her business done at home! Jason and I had a great weekend together and with our friends back from Africa. My cousins from Hollister visited Saturday night so it was nice to spend time with them. I'm now back at PUC, blah :( I'm going to try to see friends from Nepal who are staying in Angwin somewhere. The car is driving beautifully :) Jason and I love it! Can't wait for you guys to ride it! Take care and I'm sorry if I hadn't talk to all of you for a long time. Will do when I get back on Wednesday, YEAH! Love you all!
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