A great monday!
Dear Friends,
We've been so busy walking, talking to doctors, preparing for the installation of the vac sponge and watching Nan eat that until now I've not had a minute to blog.
When I went down for hot tea for Nan I saw Dr. Bertagnolli in the entry, she suggested we come right up to see Nan so we did. It was so good to see her again. She came in and Nan beamed from ear to ear. It was a great visit and we presented her with a box of Sees. She loved it. She took Nan's feeding tube out of her nose, loved the incision, gave the go ahead for the vac sponge, said Nan would probably be in rehab for about a week, said she wanted Nan to go to a rehab in Cambridge where the same doctors as here at the hospital do rounds. She said that after the rehab she wanted to get both a visit to her office and a CT scan and then Nan would be free to move about the country. She was thrilled with the progress and just plain delighted with the outcome of the surgery. She is so fun to have in the room.
The equipment for the vac sponge is already in the room and now we are just waiting for the doctors who are going to do it to arrive. Our nurse today is wonderful. Nan has turned a corner with a much stronger voice, better energy, better eating. Today we are having a party with Roxanna from Conn., Marilyn from Rhode Island, Dana from Houston and Tim from CA. We have lots to talk about and to celebrate. I think Nan may get another transfusion though since her hematocrit keeps dropping slowly and is now lower than ideal. What ever I think we are ready for it. God has blessed us so much and today just seems like another really turn for the good for Nan. She had some mashed potatoes for lunch, hot tea, boost. For breakfast she had all of the Cream of Wheat and part of a muffin, boost and milk.
She is feeling much better now with some lingering aches and pains.
So we have only good news from Boston today and we thank the Lord with our whole hearts.
Have a good monday, we plan to.
tim, nan, dana, marilyn, roxanna
We've been so busy walking, talking to doctors, preparing for the installation of the vac sponge and watching Nan eat that until now I've not had a minute to blog.
When I went down for hot tea for Nan I saw Dr. Bertagnolli in the entry, she suggested we come right up to see Nan so we did. It was so good to see her again. She came in and Nan beamed from ear to ear. It was a great visit and we presented her with a box of Sees. She loved it. She took Nan's feeding tube out of her nose, loved the incision, gave the go ahead for the vac sponge, said Nan would probably be in rehab for about a week, said she wanted Nan to go to a rehab in Cambridge where the same doctors as here at the hospital do rounds. She said that after the rehab she wanted to get both a visit to her office and a CT scan and then Nan would be free to move about the country. She was thrilled with the progress and just plain delighted with the outcome of the surgery. She is so fun to have in the room.
The equipment for the vac sponge is already in the room and now we are just waiting for the doctors who are going to do it to arrive. Our nurse today is wonderful. Nan has turned a corner with a much stronger voice, better energy, better eating. Today we are having a party with Roxanna from Conn., Marilyn from Rhode Island, Dana from Houston and Tim from CA. We have lots to talk about and to celebrate. I think Nan may get another transfusion though since her hematocrit keeps dropping slowly and is now lower than ideal. What ever I think we are ready for it. God has blessed us so much and today just seems like another really turn for the good for Nan. She had some mashed potatoes for lunch, hot tea, boost. For breakfast she had all of the Cream of Wheat and part of a muffin, boost and milk.
She is feeling much better now with some lingering aches and pains.
So we have only good news from Boston today and we thank the Lord with our whole hearts.
Have a good monday, we plan to.
tim, nan, dana, marilyn, roxanna
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello everyone in Boston. This is great news and I only wish I could be at the party with all of you. Thats OK Erin when you get back home we will have to have a big party to celebrate and it looks like it's going to happen very soon. I think I will start planning it. I'm so happy for all of you and Erin you better keep up the good work so that we can see you very soon.
Talk to you soon
Mary Puente
At 12:50 PM,
Barbara said…
Wow, Nan!!!
Gerard and I have been out all morning and rushed home just now so that I could check to see if there was an update on the blog...where we found this great report. Praise God!
Dana, I know you have been a huge help to Nan and to Tim during the time that Nan had made all of this progress, and am so glad that you are there to help Nan out and to keep Tim company, too.
Love you much,
"Cousin" Barbara in Houston
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is such good news. NAn please remember the harder that you work at this the sooner you can get home to Star and Keanna. I can not imagine what you are going through but I know that if anyone can make it through it will be you. The house is not the same with you being gone so long. It has been a long time since you have had to be away so long. Please know that we all miss you and hope that all goes well. You are a great person and if God will help anyone it should be you. Thank you for everything you do for all of us regardless of what you are going through. It is rare to find such selflessness in another human. Take care and love each other,
At 5:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Again we have good reason to say "Praise The Lord " It is so good to hear that things are finally moving rapidly in a positive direction. We share in Your victories, Big & Small and will be watching for even more good things to come.
We are back from the Chemo Clinic with Good readings and a very Pleased Dr. Carrol is Preparing Herself for 4 days of feeling not the best but We feel that We are prepared for it and after 10 months of this stuff it is becoming routine of sorts. The Dr. is keeping Her on the same Med but at a slightly reduced level which makes it easier for Her to take & tolerate it.
Have a good night of rest and look for good things in the morning. How about a Waffel, Strawberrys & some Scrambled Eggs ? Sounds like a winner to me !!
Love You Both,
Bob & Carrol
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey guys,
Glad to hear that so much is going well today. I'm back in the office and working on figuring out everything I've missed out on the last month. Hope mom can come home soon.
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys,
I called today, but no answer. Must have been during your party time.
Would love to have been in on the conversation with you guys and the surgeon. She is a really neat lady and has a sensitive heart. She has done only good for you . The Lord has a way of working with and through so many avenues and we seem to be on the receiving end. By the grace of God, I do believe I'll see you in CA instead of MASS. Can't wait!
Love you all very SPECIAL,
Talk to you tomorrow,
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys,
I called today, but no answer. Must have been during your party time.
Would love to have been in on the conversation with you guys and the surgeon. She is a really neat lady and has a sensitive heart. She has done only good for you . The Lord has a way of working with and through so many avenues and we seem to be on the receiving end. By the grace of God, I do believe I'll see you in CA instead of MASS. Can't wait!
Love you all very SPECIAL,
Talk to you tomorrow,
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
Didn't check the blog for three days (at a Bill Liversidge seminar at Mills River church), what a thrill to see God's continued blessings being poured out.
Nan God must have special things planned for you and Tim.
I sent you an e-mail with a suggestion that I hope you will undertake for your GIST friends.
Love and prayers from North Carolina, Phyllis (7/10)
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