Friday morning - today I will see my Nan
Dear Friends,
Nan called at around 6 this morning and sounded pretty good. She claims not to have slept at all last night but in spite of that sounded pretty strong. She had not walked yet but had had breakfast. She got word that Dr. Morgan, Dana Farber trial doctor, does not want her to move until monday so at least I will know where to locate her tonight when I get to town.
After talking to her I was so motivated, she said, come back soon! I raced downstairs and uncrated her new walker she bought during the winter. As walkers go it is beautiful, green plaid seat, excellent hand grips, good brakes and 4 wheels so nothing has to drag when you are walking, has storage and a nice seat as well. I think she will enjoy getting her hands on it. We finally decided that for today I will need a walker and use it right up to the door of the plane and then they will store in at that point and I'll get it back directly after arriving in Boston. I'm taking a large hard sided suitcase we call big Bertha in the family. It has made many trips without ever damaging anything inside. I am taking a new photo of Keanna which Nikki and Steve prepared for Nan and I don't want it damaged. Plus our next trip this way will see us bringing a lot of items back and the larger bag makes sense. Now I get to drag it all over today but its worth it.
Talked to Art Diaz and Steve Ahn. Both are great friends and encouraged me to keep in mind where we were a month ago and were we are now. Nan was in grave danger a month ago and is now eating, walking, talking, take Gleevec again and gaining in strength every day. Tons of reasons to praise a loving, healing God and to look forward.
Due to your generosity I think we are going to squeeze by this week financially. We are still seeing less income since I have not been generating any income over the past 5 weeks but the donations have partially offset that loss of income. This trip is ending up costing me no out of pocket expense since one of our close friends gave miles for the round trip ticket and booked it for me and Mary from DB travel provided the funds for the rental car. I am deeply touched by the help Nan and I are receiving. I sure hope we can be there to help when someone else ends up in a tough situation. I pray that God will remind me to step up to the plate and help in return for the kindness we have been shown by so many.
Right now I am jamming to finish some appraisal work that remains on my desk. Little jobs that need my attention seem to multiply like rabbits when I am here. There may be glamor in owning a small business, I have not found it yet but I am very thankful for what we have and plan to do everything I can to hold on to it and build the business stronger once Nan and I are back here full time.
I got to spend a nice evening with my precious kids last night. Nikki, Steve, Keanna, Nate and I had dinner at a place we like nearby which serves Mexican food done right. It was time well spent. Keanna attends a Christian day care school in Brentwood. As a result she has started to pray for Grammie whereever she happens to be, in the park, in the car, at home she will just stop and pray, Dear Jesus, Please help my Grammie feel better, Amen. I tell you it touches ones heart to hear her.
I will blog again tomorrow since I will be in the air from 1:15 to 9:59 and then take the train to the hospital which can take up to an hour. Nan expects me to come see her tonight and I can't wait to see her, hold her, just take the sight of her in again.
Thanks for your help in prayer, emails, cards, financial help and your calls. We are so touched and lifted by our friends around the country. People matter!
Nan called at around 6 this morning and sounded pretty good. She claims not to have slept at all last night but in spite of that sounded pretty strong. She had not walked yet but had had breakfast. She got word that Dr. Morgan, Dana Farber trial doctor, does not want her to move until monday so at least I will know where to locate her tonight when I get to town.
After talking to her I was so motivated, she said, come back soon! I raced downstairs and uncrated her new walker she bought during the winter. As walkers go it is beautiful, green plaid seat, excellent hand grips, good brakes and 4 wheels so nothing has to drag when you are walking, has storage and a nice seat as well. I think she will enjoy getting her hands on it. We finally decided that for today I will need a walker and use it right up to the door of the plane and then they will store in at that point and I'll get it back directly after arriving in Boston. I'm taking a large hard sided suitcase we call big Bertha in the family. It has made many trips without ever damaging anything inside. I am taking a new photo of Keanna which Nikki and Steve prepared for Nan and I don't want it damaged. Plus our next trip this way will see us bringing a lot of items back and the larger bag makes sense. Now I get to drag it all over today but its worth it.
Talked to Art Diaz and Steve Ahn. Both are great friends and encouraged me to keep in mind where we were a month ago and were we are now. Nan was in grave danger a month ago and is now eating, walking, talking, take Gleevec again and gaining in strength every day. Tons of reasons to praise a loving, healing God and to look forward.
Due to your generosity I think we are going to squeeze by this week financially. We are still seeing less income since I have not been generating any income over the past 5 weeks but the donations have partially offset that loss of income. This trip is ending up costing me no out of pocket expense since one of our close friends gave miles for the round trip ticket and booked it for me and Mary from DB travel provided the funds for the rental car. I am deeply touched by the help Nan and I are receiving. I sure hope we can be there to help when someone else ends up in a tough situation. I pray that God will remind me to step up to the plate and help in return for the kindness we have been shown by so many.
Right now I am jamming to finish some appraisal work that remains on my desk. Little jobs that need my attention seem to multiply like rabbits when I am here. There may be glamor in owning a small business, I have not found it yet but I am very thankful for what we have and plan to do everything I can to hold on to it and build the business stronger once Nan and I are back here full time.
I got to spend a nice evening with my precious kids last night. Nikki, Steve, Keanna, Nate and I had dinner at a place we like nearby which serves Mexican food done right. It was time well spent. Keanna attends a Christian day care school in Brentwood. As a result she has started to pray for Grammie whereever she happens to be, in the park, in the car, at home she will just stop and pray, Dear Jesus, Please help my Grammie feel better, Amen. I tell you it touches ones heart to hear her.
I will blog again tomorrow since I will be in the air from 1:15 to 9:59 and then take the train to the hospital which can take up to an hour. Nan expects me to come see her tonight and I can't wait to see her, hold her, just take the sight of her in again.
Thanks for your help in prayer, emails, cards, financial help and your calls. We are so touched and lifted by our friends around the country. People matter!
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
Today will be long and stressful but at the end of the day there will be a joyous reunion, the thought of it will keep You going.
Great Idea for the walker transportation on the Plane, they do get pickey about extra baggage now days. You might get to like the thing so much that You will need to buy another one. ! Ha Ha.
Have a good Day, Trip, Flight and above all give Nan our love a good wishes when You get a chance.
Prayers and loving thoughts continue for You Both,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan & Tim,
We are so blessed to have friends like you. When I think of all the examples of faith and joy in the face of difficult circumstances that we read in your blog each day I count my blessings twice. Thank you for your friendship and Christian witness. It has provided light for my own journey.
You are continuely in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless You Both!
Wes and Nan
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
It will be great for you to be back with Nan. Hope you two take good care of each other. All that has been overcome is just amazing. So I want to share with you Nan that so many people call here asking how you are and what the latest is. They all are amazed at the strength that you have. The fight that you keep fighting and the accomplishments you continue to make. Kepp going. Soon you can come back home.
Take care,
Pam :)
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Tim, I'm glad that walker isn't permanent! As tired as you will be it will probably be a welcome aid for you. We continue to remember Nan in our prayers. Many here in NC follow your blogs and have been touched by Nan's strength and your faith. With blessings come responsibility. I wonder what ministry God has in store for you. It just might not be appraising! May God continue to bless you and lead you in His plan for your lives.
Love ~ Roger and Carol
At 11:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Dad,
Hope you get to see mom really soon. We have one day and then we're on the plane tonight. Long trip, but it's been great. I'll call as soon as I can.
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