Thursday evening
Dear Friends and Family,
We are sitting around watching survivor, listening to Nan's IV pump beep and eating popsickles. That includes Nan, she is eating her popsickle and loving it.
Today several doctors have been here but at this point there is no clear plan yet as what to do. The local urologist has expressed reluctance to do anything at all for fear of doing something wrong. Our young oncologist Dr. Shoba has had me email Boston doctors to request assistance. She called me a few minutes ago here in the room to tell me she was in email contact with with Dr. Steele, our urologist in Boston discussing nans. I also received an email from Dr. Morgan our trial doctor who said he thought the situation was basically surgical in nature. So things are moving along. I hope that Dr. Shoba can get to talk to Monica our surgeon, Dr. Bertagnolli is a one of a kind surgeon and her input having been there inside of Nan's body is vital to finding a solution. One answer might be to move to UCSF where some of the best specialists on the coast practice. So tomorrow will perhaps provide more answers. Meanwhile Nan has had a very good day with very little pain, excellent alertness, many phone calls and the constant and loving attention of Barbie. They have had a great day together while Gerry and I were out seeing a couple properties. When we got back we hung out for awhile and then went to Round Table for salad and pizza. then back to enjoy time together here in the room. The nursing staff have outdone themselves with excellent service the entire we have been here.
Nan has some flow into her wound and at one point got sort of up on the bed and got it to drain totally out. Now there is fluid residing in the wound cavity again. Nan ask and received permission to move to solid liquids, soups, chocolate milk, tea, broth. She is handling food pretty well so far.
We are about to head home, we are tired and sleepy. Thanks all of you who have called Nan today to say hello including my sister from Ohio. It was wonderful to hear her cheery voice with words of hope and faith. Pam called and is feeling better and will see us this weekend, we look forward to seeing Nikki and Keanna on sunday. Jason surprised us today and popped in for a several hour visit. What a high point for Nan to get to see Jason, a total surprise. Thanks Jason for all that driving, mom loved it and loves you.
We have had some wonderful emails today and the cards you have sent are so special, today we heard from Sibyl, Irene, and a total surprise of financial help and a nice card from Amanda, total shock and deep humility. Thank you Aunt Ann for your special message, thank you Roger and Carrol, thank you Bob and Carrol, thank you fellow Gisters. It is a tough time and we don't know where or what happens next, your support and expressions of love make a huge difference. And having Barb and Gerry here has been an absolute gift from God. Marilyn has made sure we will not be hungry or out of paper supplies for the next lifetime!!
So we sign off tonight with mixed emotions, hope for solutions, faith that God is in charge of our lives, sadness at having to leave Nan here alone for the long night, confidence that she is in good hands here. Irene's card today was so right on regarding seeing God's answers, it was like the card was written just for our situation.
We send our love to each of you. You do make a huge difference for us. THANKS
tim and nan and barb and gerry
We are sitting around watching survivor, listening to Nan's IV pump beep and eating popsickles. That includes Nan, she is eating her popsickle and loving it.
Today several doctors have been here but at this point there is no clear plan yet as what to do. The local urologist has expressed reluctance to do anything at all for fear of doing something wrong. Our young oncologist Dr. Shoba has had me email Boston doctors to request assistance. She called me a few minutes ago here in the room to tell me she was in email contact with with Dr. Steele, our urologist in Boston discussing nans. I also received an email from Dr. Morgan our trial doctor who said he thought the situation was basically surgical in nature. So things are moving along. I hope that Dr. Shoba can get to talk to Monica our surgeon, Dr. Bertagnolli is a one of a kind surgeon and her input having been there inside of Nan's body is vital to finding a solution. One answer might be to move to UCSF where some of the best specialists on the coast practice. So tomorrow will perhaps provide more answers. Meanwhile Nan has had a very good day with very little pain, excellent alertness, many phone calls and the constant and loving attention of Barbie. They have had a great day together while Gerry and I were out seeing a couple properties. When we got back we hung out for awhile and then went to Round Table for salad and pizza. then back to enjoy time together here in the room. The nursing staff have outdone themselves with excellent service the entire we have been here.
Nan has some flow into her wound and at one point got sort of up on the bed and got it to drain totally out. Now there is fluid residing in the wound cavity again. Nan ask and received permission to move to solid liquids, soups, chocolate milk, tea, broth. She is handling food pretty well so far.
We are about to head home, we are tired and sleepy. Thanks all of you who have called Nan today to say hello including my sister from Ohio. It was wonderful to hear her cheery voice with words of hope and faith. Pam called and is feeling better and will see us this weekend, we look forward to seeing Nikki and Keanna on sunday. Jason surprised us today and popped in for a several hour visit. What a high point for Nan to get to see Jason, a total surprise. Thanks Jason for all that driving, mom loved it and loves you.
We have had some wonderful emails today and the cards you have sent are so special, today we heard from Sibyl, Irene, and a total surprise of financial help and a nice card from Amanda, total shock and deep humility. Thank you Aunt Ann for your special message, thank you Roger and Carrol, thank you Bob and Carrol, thank you fellow Gisters. It is a tough time and we don't know where or what happens next, your support and expressions of love make a huge difference. And having Barb and Gerry here has been an absolute gift from God. Marilyn has made sure we will not be hungry or out of paper supplies for the next lifetime!!
So we sign off tonight with mixed emotions, hope for solutions, faith that God is in charge of our lives, sadness at having to leave Nan here alone for the long night, confidence that she is in good hands here. Irene's card today was so right on regarding seeing God's answers, it was like the card was written just for our situation.
We send our love to each of you. You do make a huge difference for us. THANKS
tim and nan and barb and gerry
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Family & Friends,
So good to read that you have connection with Boston and things are moving to resolution for Nan.
We are wraping up the last few hours of Chemo for Carrol and will be Praying for Nan's healing and comfort as We retire shortly.
The Sunshine warmed Us up a bit this afternoon, hope You were enjoying some Sun too.
Have a good rest this evening, Nan is in very capable hands and the Good Lord is watching over Her full time.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 5:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello - I love reading these blogs and hearing the day to day happenings in the Mustard family. I'm hoping they can find something to stop the flow where it's not supposed to go and get everything back on track without surgery. Nan is fragile and another surgery - wow!!
I did send a few things with Barb and Gerry and really tried to get something that may sound good to Nan and some things that you can put in a zippie bag to take with you so when you forget to eat you'll have some good for you snacks. Most things don't have sugar for the diabetes - watch out for some of the applesauce.
The paper products will keep if you don't need them now - you will need them at some point. This was just my little way of contributing.
Have a good Friday. This is my early day at work and I've got to get running.
Prayers and Love going your way, Marilyn
At 11:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
I'm anxious to hear today what the decision is on moving Nan to UCSF or not ~ surgery or not. I'm so glad that the Boston Dr.'s are willing to be in touch with the Dr.'s there in CA and can guide them as to what to do for Nan. And Dr. Bertagnolli definitely knows her way around Nan's body.
Roger got his driving privileges reinstated today so he's feeling freedom again. He is still in cardiac rehab and doing well. He even got clearance to go to Dollywood next week. So I guess he's doing well. The Dr. cautioned him to listen to his body and take it easy ~ like only one leaf blower at a time, etc.
Now for some answers and decisions re Nan's treatment then have a good week end with good news.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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