We give thanks for a successful week

Dear Friends and Family,
Finally its friday evening and we are winding down. When I got home Nan had just taken her temp and it was 102.2. Panic immediatelly filled my heart as I remembered last friday evening with its 103.8 temp. So we found the tylenol, got out some cool clothes and as of the last measurement it was down to 99. something. After I got home and we chilled for awhile we came down and Nan used the yellow squash I purchased last night and cut them into thin slices. Then we put them into a pan with water and scallions, salt and pepper and cooked them for awhile. I made some yummy mac and cheese (thanks Marilyn), had pineapple left over from the party and made popcorn. Nan sipped water. I built a fire and we felt the warmth immediatelly, thanks Art, then I rubbed Nan's feet with the special marilyn lotion.
My day went very well, two nice little homes in Oakland with sweet senior citizens, then to Ruby Hill in Pleasanton for a 3.7 million dollar place, over 7,800 sq. ft. and very nice, then on to Newman for a well kept property. On the road I listened to a Alex Cross book by Patterson. Sure helps the miles go by fast. Thats good because Freeway 5 is about as boring as can be. I took the time to stop at a local place and had an omlet, first one I've had in a very long time, since Dana was here I think. It was good. I'm really getting hooked on the GPS, I take the 30 seconds to dial in the new address, tell it to navigate and it tells me with a map and comments when to turn and what the street name will be that I am turning onto. Now I'm thinking that perhaps I need to make a move and embrace technology some more and get a device that measures houses with a laser beam. Those that use it swear by it but I have been resistant so far. The GPS saves me time and makes me money every day, its amazing.
Nan spent some time upstairs today and then came down and was in her recliner for hours. She is very tired this evening but I think contented. She warmed me that the new shipment of TPN was going to look different. Does it ever, it was pure white before since it was filled with lipids (fats), now it is clear so they have changed the formula. They found Nan's sugar levels and lipid levels were both very high. So I'm glad they changed things and I hope this gets her more in balance. Crescent Home Health care is a nationwide company which does a great job of supplying the supplies we need for Nan's care. They monitor the blood work taken on monday and respond to it. They stay in contact with us faithfully and if anything they over supply things. They have a very reliable delivery team which may show up early in the morning or late at night. Some of the meds are sensitive to temperature so they pack them in these cold bags, we are giving the cold bags to anyone who might be able to use them. Hate to throw away such good things but don't need 50 of them on hand. When I get home I bring the two boxes in and sort which things go into the nurses box and which things go into my box. That way I know where to go for supplies. We have a small frig next to our wet bar and it works great to hold the meds, boost and V8 juices Nan loves.
Tomorrow morning I get to take Keanna to Sabbath School, can't wait, Nikki will call when she wakes up and we will make sure Mom can handle being left alone for the morning. If she is OK then Keanna and I will head to Sabbath School and have a big adventure with Jesus. She is doing very well with the phones now and can carry on quite a conversation. We love her very much.
We extend a special thanks to all who made the party so enjoyable for Nan. Especially we thank Pam for working so very hard to make everything clean and then planning the food so well. Thanks to Barbie and Gerry who came and helped so much. Barbie by working and Gerry by staying out of the way due to his ailing foot. And special thanks to Jason and Jo for their help, Jason makes a mean punch! And what would a party be without guests? Your coming was very special to Nan and she loved the day, loved seeing each of you and was very touched by your loving cards and kind words of hope and faith.
So we are enjoy being together this evening without having to worry about work.
We send our love and a special thanks to Donna, more info later!
Here are a couple photos from the party. 1) Nikki uses her new camera as Jo looks on 2) Keanna and Sidney help grammy open presents 3) Steve and Sylvia with John 4) Nan blows out her candles as Barbie, Bernice and Pam look on.
Thanks so much for a wonderful party and day.
We have a wonderful family and the best friends!
tim and nan
At 10:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
For readers that don't have time to read all of tody's blog right now. I offer the short version.
Tim cools it with hot chick!
Tim's heart is filled!
There was no mention of onions in
the squash?
Tim is sweet on senior citizen!
Tim gets Cross on I5!
Tim was egged in Patterson.
Tim is hooked and will continue to
embrace it for more money!
Tim adjusts Nan's sugar with Vodka like substance.
Party favors and memories are still fresh!
Rest well and enjoy,
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