The cruise is over....
Dear Friends and Family,
This evening our hearts are pretty bummed out, the doctor came in this afternoon and told us we would have to leave the ship for a hospital in Acapulco to yet be determined. We will be leaving the ship in the morning right after we arrive. A local agent of Princess Cruises will arrange transportion and a hotel room for me and a hospital room for mom. Can you possibly imagine how disappointed she is tonight. She has had two more high fevers but now they catch them sooner with tylenol and that seems to head it off so it does not get so high. But the big issue the ship doctor is removing mom is low hemoglobin, today it was 7.5 and he says that is too dangerous to be on ship or even fly so he wants her to have a transfusion in a mexican hospital. That really frightens us a great deal.
Our ship doctor has arranged the entire shore process with Travel Guard our travel insurance. Once we are at the shore hospital and they access Nan they will talk to Travel Guard and suggest a plan, if they say she can fly then Travel Guard will find commercial flights home, if they determine she is too ill to fly commercial then they will bring a jet ambulance in but they will only go to San Diego unless they make a special waiver, not likely. As I left the room this afternoon to have dinner with Mary and to pack our room up, Mary actually did the work, Nan was beginning yet another fever session, was throwing up a bit and had a nasty headache. As they keep telling us Nan is a very sick woman.
I am in total disbelief that we are being put off to a Mexican hospital for of all things a blood transfusion. I hope to be able to persuade the mexican doctor to allow her to fly home in spite of hemoblogin being 7.5. So we will see.
It is highly unlikely that I will be able to blog again once on land. However my cell phone will work, 925 998 9855.
Please pray for both of us especially Nan as she is totally upset by all that has happened. We knew we were taking a risk but really hoped and prayed that her health would hold for the trip. It did not. We have infection someplace, eloevated white count. Not good at all.
Please pray real hard for the next twenty four hours. Pray for Nan's health and for His guidance over all involved. We might need some transport once we get to San FRancisco or we may end up in Houston, just not sure what will happen right now.
So I'm signing off and for those of you who know me well, you know a mental state I am in. Thank God for Mary who has been like a rock for us.
There is lots more to say but I'm out of minutes and the nice guy here is going to refund some minutes back that I have left over.
Tomorrow we pay in full for the medical care we have receiving on ship, wow and then we pay for the Mexican hospital to be paid by later by the insurance company.
love to all, how I wish we were home with Keanna tonight.
tim and nan
This evening our hearts are pretty bummed out, the doctor came in this afternoon and told us we would have to leave the ship for a hospital in Acapulco to yet be determined. We will be leaving the ship in the morning right after we arrive. A local agent of Princess Cruises will arrange transportion and a hotel room for me and a hospital room for mom. Can you possibly imagine how disappointed she is tonight. She has had two more high fevers but now they catch them sooner with tylenol and that seems to head it off so it does not get so high. But the big issue the ship doctor is removing mom is low hemoglobin, today it was 7.5 and he says that is too dangerous to be on ship or even fly so he wants her to have a transfusion in a mexican hospital. That really frightens us a great deal.
Our ship doctor has arranged the entire shore process with Travel Guard our travel insurance. Once we are at the shore hospital and they access Nan they will talk to Travel Guard and suggest a plan, if they say she can fly then Travel Guard will find commercial flights home, if they determine she is too ill to fly commercial then they will bring a jet ambulance in but they will only go to San Diego unless they make a special waiver, not likely. As I left the room this afternoon to have dinner with Mary and to pack our room up, Mary actually did the work, Nan was beginning yet another fever session, was throwing up a bit and had a nasty headache. As they keep telling us Nan is a very sick woman.
I am in total disbelief that we are being put off to a Mexican hospital for of all things a blood transfusion. I hope to be able to persuade the mexican doctor to allow her to fly home in spite of hemoblogin being 7.5. So we will see.
It is highly unlikely that I will be able to blog again once on land. However my cell phone will work, 925 998 9855.
Please pray for both of us especially Nan as she is totally upset by all that has happened. We knew we were taking a risk but really hoped and prayed that her health would hold for the trip. It did not. We have infection someplace, eloevated white count. Not good at all.
Please pray real hard for the next twenty four hours. Pray for Nan's health and for His guidance over all involved. We might need some transport once we get to San FRancisco or we may end up in Houston, just not sure what will happen right now.
So I'm signing off and for those of you who know me well, you know a mental state I am in. Thank God for Mary who has been like a rock for us.
There is lots more to say but I'm out of minutes and the nice guy here is going to refund some minutes back that I have left over.
Tomorrow we pay in full for the medical care we have receiving on ship, wow and then we pay for the Mexican hospital to be paid by later by the insurance company.
love to all, how I wish we were home with Keanna tonight.
tim and nan
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Mom and Dad,
I'm sorry that all these complications have come up on your trip. At least you guys got a few days in. I hope and pray that everything will work out in Mexico. At least you'll be in a big town so maybe that will mean a much better hospital than you're expecting. Let us know what we can do.
Love you guys,
Jason & Jo
At 11:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Alls well that ends. Well it was a long shot bet that Nan could go 12 days with no fever, dang-it. I would have taken the bet though, based on my knowledge of Nan's strong will to reach an obtain things that others thought were not possible. You like any other adventurer were up for the challenge yourself.
The question now is what different adventure is ahead now that the cruising adventure has been completed. I'm sure you never in your wildest dreams thought, "My next adventure will start in sunny Acapolco". But yet your are there and the adventure has started and you are puting one foot in front of the other and moving forward to the next page of your adventure with Nan. Sense you can not trade part of your life with your wonderful wife without giving away all of it you must pass through the not so fun parts and relish the others.
The sun will come out tomorrow and God is still in the heavens. Please find a rose to smell and share with Nan!
At 3:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sick at heart over the situation but so very thankful you are able to be in a large town and hospital. Think of all the points you could be at now on the cruise and what you might not have had available to you. God is good. Thank you so much, Mary, for being there. Take one moment at a time and get back home. Will be praying big time.
Love you all, Sharon
At 7:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
With deep sadness and concern I write this Sabbath Morning. We trust that the Good Lord will heed all of the Prayers on your behalf and lead You to the right Medical Staff to get relief & healing for Dear Nan.
We will indeed continue to lift You up in Prayer. The Lodi Church has You on this Sabbath Morning Special Needs List.
We look forward to Your Safe return to Your Home in Discovery Bay. How We wish that We could be there with You ,Please know that We are with You in thought & spirit while You go into un charted territory.
Thank you for the update We will try to call Later Today on the Cell Phone.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings to our dear ones! We are praying that you will be safe and Nan gets the right treatment. Stay calm, Tim, and do some deep breathing when things seem impossible. God loves you and will do what is best. Hang on!! Love, Barbie & Ger
At 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
We got home from our cruise this p.m. and the first thing I did was get caught up on the blog. I'm so sorry the cruise didn't work out for you. I know how much Nan was looking forward to it. I talked to her Monday just before we set sail and we talked about our going on separate cruises together.
I'm so thankful that Mary is there for you. I was concerned about you being alone if Nan got sick. I'm glad she was there for you both. Too bad the Dr. didn't listen to you and give her that transfusion before you left.
We are anxiously awaiting more news as to where you are and how Nan is getting along. We add our prayers to the many prayers being sent up for you and Nan.
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
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