Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving, we hope your day was filled with meaning, joy and appreciation along with some very tasty food.
Dana started yesterday to get ready for noon today. She started again this morning at 6 am and at 12:30 today the meal was on the table. Keanna helped set the table, fold the napkins, place the cups. Steve and Nikki were here briefly and after Steve saw the turkey he decided they could eat a quick bite. So we had Nikki, Keanna, Steve, Jason, Jo, Timothy, Dana, Marilyn, Clayton and me at the table. We had to create a side table there was so much food. Dana had me take a pie next door and we enjoyed the cheesecake they brought to us. Dana had prepared a 14.5 lb turkey along with a complete vegetarian meal. Everything was great and I don't think anyone went away hungry. Great job Dana and thanks very much. Also a special thanks to Ron, Dana's husband who was willing to share her with us. He was able to have thankgiving with his parents in Houston.
Our morning started pretty stressful as we were getting nan up and into the wheelchair only to discover that after many months her colostomy bag was filled and had broken. Poor Nan, weak from fever was covered with the results of a broken colostomy bag. The team went into action and Dana cleaned, Marilyn cleaned and then marilyn had to do a new thing, install a perk u stay as the one on nan's left side was totally destroyed with bad stuff. In about 45 minutes Nan was clean, in a new gown and on her way to the recliner where she has spent the day. What was so exciting was that the GI system had opened enough to send through a lot of stuff. We don't know if it will stay open and work properly or not but we were thankful to see it work this morning. Nan has spent a day of up and down temperature wise. She has been up to 101 and as low as normal during the day. The house was so cold this morning, 64, that I built a small fire which raised the temp to 71, too warm for her. So then we opened a slider allowing cooler air to come in.
Timothy had a hard time falling asleep last night as he was in strange surroundings. He eventually did sleep and the kids had a pretty good night after all. Clayton took over the motorhome and had wireless internet, TV, a furnace to keep him warm and a nice bed so he was happy.
This morning after the brief detour with nan the Macy parade came on and everyone enjoyed seeing the show.
It is an experience I know you enjoy, that of having family members come home and just sit around and talk, catching up with each others lives, talking kids, comparing child rearing, sharing dreams and frustrations. Nan and I both enjoy having everyone here and though we had thought our nurse Terry was coming by and also Pam we still enjoyed ourselves a lot.
It was with great sadness that I watched the kids drive away, back into their busy lives. Yet they gave so much by coming, they gave joy, hope, encouragement, reassurance, warmth and love. We are thankful that Nan is here today for yet another Thanksgiving.
Today I seek your prayers for the infection and resulting fevers. There is a general concensus that the infection is probably nested at the end of the picc line, yet I doubt anyone is ready at this point to suggest that Nan get a new picc line, she is just too weak right now. So the effort is to treat the infection by having antibiotic flow over the infected place. What is so different is this, in the hospital about a month ago when nan was troubled by infection in her blood she was receiving up to 5 different kinds of antibiotic every day, now we are having 1 antibiotic every 2 days. I think you can see why I am concerned and so far we are not winning with this infection. The effects on Nan are very obvious, extreme fatigue, some confusion, shaky limbs and flushed facial tone. She can hardly hold a glass of water or hold a phone at this point.
This would be a great time for God to do something really special, to lift her up and restore her to a better level of health. We promise to give Him the glory and recognition. However we know we are in His hands whatever occurs.
Special thanks to those who wrote messages to the blog today. We appreciate it very much. I print them out and let Marilyn and Dana read them and if Nan is awake she reads them too.
So we send our deepest thanksgiving wishes for you and yours.
tim and nan and marilyn and dana
ps. the photo was from a couple days ago.
At 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!
Giving thanks makes you happy so maybe the day should be called, Thanks Happygiving!!!!!!! This would be more accurate but it is hard to change tradition. For sure you don't want to skip all the eating traditions, even though they tend to put you to sleep.
Today like you I am well blessed and thankful and happy. It is a good day and I am glad to have Nan share it with all of us. The timing on that blockage issue seemed off a little but we are all happy for another answered prayer for sure.
I'll see you at Kohl's tomorrow at 4AM so you can pick out your Christmas present!
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustard Household All,
Glad that You had such a warm & "Filling" Thanksgiving Day with Your family and Friends.
Carrol & I got My Mother out of Her Room at Ashley Place and over to Our Local Carrows for a Traditional Turkey Dinner. We all enjoyed it very much and did not have a messy kitchen to clean up afterward. We had Friends over later in the afternoon for dessert and a evening of "Mexican Train" & "Tripoly". Now it's rather quiet and time to catch upon the Mail and get a head start on the Laundry.
We continue to Pray for Nan's Comfort & Healing and long to have Her back more in the main stream as She always was.
Much Love to You & Yours,
Bob & Carrol.
At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings on Thanksgiving night to the Mustard household! Sounds like Dana did double duty with making vegetarian plus turkey. Seeing the kids is always nice. Dennis and Lyndi along with Jeni and her boyfriend came over to our place after they had Thanksgiving dinner at her Mom's with Lyndi's sisters and their families. Marilyn and Patrick along with Beverly and her family and Gerry and I ate up at the Meridians. It was a great dinner! They had 3 different seatings and we took the middle session at 2:00 p.m. All the seatings were filled so they had a great turn-out. Jeni's boyfriend is Dan ... I forgot to ask his last name. He seems like a nice fellow. Marilyn and Patrick are going shopping early (6 a.m) in the morning. Our neighbor lady brought over a nice warm pumpkin cake/bread this morning. It made the house smell so good. Gerry had jump started her car for her yesterday so she made him a surprise. Ger hopes she will need more jump starts!
Patrick has been having fun driving his Mom's LSV around .. they named it Little Red. Jeni and Dan took it for a spin. Everyone likes these "toys" no matter if you're young or old retired folks like us.
My prayers are reminding God that he made Nan and please look after her and let her be more comfortable.
I'm hoping Marilyn is still coming up this weekend???? Have her let me know if she wants to stay overnight as I will change the sheets otherwise I'm leaving them on as Mike is coming back in a week or so...he thinks.
Cheerio for now. Love, Barbie
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
I'm so glad that you were able to enjoy Thanksgiving with all your family. We went to Mimi's Restaurant with Bev and Harry, the food was great and yes no mess to clean up. Afterwards we went to their house, watched videos from a Women of Faith conference, yes even the guys enjoyed it. The four of us had a great time catching up. We got home from Livermore at 11:30pm. A long line of cars was waiting for the Gilroy Outlets to open at midnight. I'll stay away from all the stores the whole weekend!
Our prayers are with both of you, we hope that the infection gets under control as well as the high temperature.
--Connie and Art
At 3:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
And a good morning after Thanksgiving!
Many thanks to Dana for her labor of love in helping to make your day so special. Thanks to Jason and Jo for uprooting little Timothy from his secure surroundings for a sleep over. Thanks to Steve, Nikki and Keanna for taking the time to come by often. Thanks to Marilyn for her constant watchful eye and gentle care of Nan. Thanks to all your faithful blog readers and prayer warriors. Thanks to Tim for his undying love and devotion to his special lady. Thanks for the breakthrough on the colostomy bag! Does this possibly mean that the tumor did shrink enough to allow things to move again? Could this be the source of the fever with all those poisons trapped in her body? Yes, you have so very much to be thankful for. God blessed you with a day you will long remember. I hope you got lots of pictures!!!
We had a very nice planned "pot luck" dinner with friends then went on to Fletcher to see Dad and Barbara. Dad is doing very well for being nearly 93! He was struggling with his computer again trying to get it to do his Christmas letters the way he wanted them. I brought them home....
Continue to bask in the memories of your very special day!
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 5:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dana, you and Marilyn are one of a kind. God knew what He was doing when He made you two. Thank you both so much for all you have and are doing to help with an uneasy and uncertain situation. Between you two and Tim, Nan could not be in a better set-up than she has right now. Wish I were there with you.
We kept the Center open today and had a big thanksgiving dinner for the clients and some of their visiting families. We have great employees and I know they are thankful to have today off. I know that Rick and I certainly are. We work long hours and taking care of the needs of 180 clients keeps those hours hopping.
So glad all the kids were able to be there with you. That is the main thing I missed, the noise of family in the house and the smells of food in the oven! Troy, Sandra and kids are on a road trip to Dallas and then down to Corpus Christi. They are following their Ice Hockey Team who play this weekend in both cities. Rod and Shay and kids had her folks over for dinner with them. Shay had a big plate of food for me when I got home!!!
Today I wait for Aunt Ann and Uncle Jim to arrive. They will spend Sabbath with me and head up to her sister's I think in Alabama Sunday sometime. Another brave soul as Aunt Ann does all the driving!
I wish Nan were strong enough to talk to me, I miss talking to her before I go to bed. I love each of you and pray for a great day for you.
Love, Sharon
At 7:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving!! (a little late) We are having turkey today with my family since we were traveling yesterday. I figured out how to connect with the internet on my phone thru my sister's wifi. Isn't technology great?! I am so glad I can still keep up with your family. We have so much to be thankful for and we are certainly thankful for having you in our family! Love and prayers, Sandy, Troy & the kids
At 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim, I'm at Sharon's the day after Thanksgiving, and she brought me up to date on the blogs and is showing me how to send a message. I love you both and am always asking for the Lord's blessing for you. Glad you had Dana there to cook for you, but we missed seeing her at Aunt Laura John's. Uncle Jim and I will call you when we get back home in another week. Loads of love.
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