Baby blues are looking good!
Good morning from historic Boston,
Lady makes remarkable recovery!
Nan Mustard greeted the world this morning with her beautiful blue eyes open wide (at least for short periods). She is mostly awake now and responding pretty well to persons in the room, tracks them with her eyes sometimes, looks up at the clock but says she can't tell the time yet at least that is what I got from her blinking eyes. I know that a couple blinks in a row mean she understands what was just spoken. She hates it when they have to suction her mouth out, makes faces and sometimes bites the tool. She moved her feet some this morning but mostly I have just been holding her hand trying to keep it warm.
Officially she had a quiet night. She received a unit of blood during the night to top off her numbers a bit and has good blood pressure this morning, good pulse of about 110 which is the best yet, was 145 for awhile. Her creatins continue to be a problem with numbers reaching 3.8 or 3.9. Please pray that God will touch her kidneys and liver so they will function better. They have never quit working but are not up to par at this point. Her kidney output is much better and is up from around 30 to as high as 100 per hour but still the creatins are hanging way too high. Renal experts have decided to let things ride a bit more before going back to dialysis again but it is always an option. Her white count is slightly lower and they are removing all anti biotics so good bugs will have a chance to thrive. Her platlettes are up to about 90 and rising which they consider to be a good thing. She is much less swollen around her face but her skin has a yellow tinge due to the liver issues.
There is hope that if her awareness keeps getting better they will be able to remove the respirator in the next couple days. They consider that a huge step forward and having a respirator in too long can cause its own set of problems per the nurse.
Jason, our son, left on Jet Blue yesterday afternoon at 4:40 and Nikki with Keanna left at 8:10 this morning so she is still in the air as I write. Her flight was to be 6 hours and 25 minutes. Both of these children of ours have touched us tremendously by the generosity in giving of their time to be here, by their solid conviction that Mom will get better and by their moral support for their old dad and loving attentive support to their mom. Seeing them in action with mom was about more than one could take, they were totally great, talking to her, holding her hand, reminding her of Hawaii, of Christmas, of things to do in the future, of their love for her. They were just great and the little star, Keanna was nothing short of spectacular with her little songs which she created on the spot about Grammie and Pappa, about Keanna and Grammie, about snow white and Grammie, the nurses would slow up just to watch her do her loving thing. Grammie did her part too opening her eyes and making facial expressions of love.
God has granted Nan and me wonderful children with hearts that are as big as the world. They care and they know how to care effectively. This week they put their love into action and dumped everything else and came to their mom's side. Amazing, precious, unforgettable.
I also want to thank each of you for your many expressions of kindness, ballons in Nan's room, emailed mesages, prayers by the thousands. We have been lifted up by the prayers of GISTers, family, friends, Jason's friends, Nikki's friends and co workers, Discovery Appraisal Service workers, truely we have not felt like we were facing this challenging recovery alone.
Well I am going to sign off now and try to make this work in the ICU room where I can be with Nan and check emails at the same time. I have their permission so we will see if it works or not.
We send our love, our gratitude, and our continued request that you pray for Nan waking up more, her kidneys to work better, her liver to work better and to hold away infection. Thank you so much.
with love
Lady makes remarkable recovery!
Nan Mustard greeted the world this morning with her beautiful blue eyes open wide (at least for short periods). She is mostly awake now and responding pretty well to persons in the room, tracks them with her eyes sometimes, looks up at the clock but says she can't tell the time yet at least that is what I got from her blinking eyes. I know that a couple blinks in a row mean she understands what was just spoken. She hates it when they have to suction her mouth out, makes faces and sometimes bites the tool. She moved her feet some this morning but mostly I have just been holding her hand trying to keep it warm.
Officially she had a quiet night. She received a unit of blood during the night to top off her numbers a bit and has good blood pressure this morning, good pulse of about 110 which is the best yet, was 145 for awhile. Her creatins continue to be a problem with numbers reaching 3.8 or 3.9. Please pray that God will touch her kidneys and liver so they will function better. They have never quit working but are not up to par at this point. Her kidney output is much better and is up from around 30 to as high as 100 per hour but still the creatins are hanging way too high. Renal experts have decided to let things ride a bit more before going back to dialysis again but it is always an option. Her white count is slightly lower and they are removing all anti biotics so good bugs will have a chance to thrive. Her platlettes are up to about 90 and rising which they consider to be a good thing. She is much less swollen around her face but her skin has a yellow tinge due to the liver issues.
There is hope that if her awareness keeps getting better they will be able to remove the respirator in the next couple days. They consider that a huge step forward and having a respirator in too long can cause its own set of problems per the nurse.
Jason, our son, left on Jet Blue yesterday afternoon at 4:40 and Nikki with Keanna left at 8:10 this morning so she is still in the air as I write. Her flight was to be 6 hours and 25 minutes. Both of these children of ours have touched us tremendously by the generosity in giving of their time to be here, by their solid conviction that Mom will get better and by their moral support for their old dad and loving attentive support to their mom. Seeing them in action with mom was about more than one could take, they were totally great, talking to her, holding her hand, reminding her of Hawaii, of Christmas, of things to do in the future, of their love for her. They were just great and the little star, Keanna was nothing short of spectacular with her little songs which she created on the spot about Grammie and Pappa, about Keanna and Grammie, about snow white and Grammie, the nurses would slow up just to watch her do her loving thing. Grammie did her part too opening her eyes and making facial expressions of love.
God has granted Nan and me wonderful children with hearts that are as big as the world. They care and they know how to care effectively. This week they put their love into action and dumped everything else and came to their mom's side. Amazing, precious, unforgettable.
I also want to thank each of you for your many expressions of kindness, ballons in Nan's room, emailed mesages, prayers by the thousands. We have been lifted up by the prayers of GISTers, family, friends, Jason's friends, Nikki's friends and co workers, Discovery Appraisal Service workers, truely we have not felt like we were facing this challenging recovery alone.
Well I am going to sign off now and try to make this work in the ICU room where I can be with Nan and check emails at the same time. I have their permission so we will see if it works or not.
We send our love, our gratitude, and our continued request that you pray for Nan waking up more, her kidneys to work better, her liver to work better and to hold away infection. Thank you so much.
with love
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Tim,
It is so wonderful to hear that Nan is more alert and responding. Sue and I have been following Nam's progress via this Blog and have been praying for Nan's recovery. Our whole Church has been praying and last Sabbath we had a mini prayer meeting right in the middle of Sabbath services. I know God has heard our prayers and the thousands of other prayers on Nan's behalf. Keep the faith Tim, knowing that God is with you and your family. Looking forward to having the whole family back to together here in the Tracy Church.
Bob & Sue
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good mornign Tim,
great news hearing that Erin is doing so much better. Keep the faith and God is with you and your family.
Mary Puente
At 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Our God is alive and well and He definitely cares for the Mustard family. We will continue our prayers for Nan's liver, kidneys and heart. At least she knows what's going on around her. She will have a lot of catching up to do. May you feel the presence of the ministering angels today.
Love and prayers ~ Roger and Carol
At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Erin,
I was so glad to read your note this morning and hear that Erin is really waking up and moving when things are uncomfortable for her. Give her hand a squeeze for me. I know that God is watching over her and has heard our prayers and is answering them slowly.
My love and prayers to both of you.
Ann Russell
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim ~
We just got home from church and a little cart ride. Barb told a little about Nan and asked for prayers from our little Lincoln church family. Read your blog message and what good news - Nan has figured out a way to communicate with those baby blue eyes - what a gal!!! Prayers and love to you both, Marilyn in Lincoln
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was so happy to see that Nan is responding and continuing to improve. I am continuing to pray and think of Nan and you all often.
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good Day Tim,
This is a little late but We just got back from a great lunch & Visit with Lloyd & Bernice White at the Spaghetti Factory in Stockton.
Good news about the Eye contact and movement. I know that it brings you great joy to be first hand witness to answered prayers.
The Whites send their best wishes for You and Nan & family and They, as all of Us who love You, will continue in prayer for Nan's progress and healing.
Looking forward to good news in the next blog report.
Rest well Tim and squeeze Nan's hand gently for each of Us.
Bob & Carrol
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nan's eyes are talking to you now and soon you will hear her whisper and eventually she will speak to you -- Look out, you won't be able to keep her quiet then. Won't that be a blessed day for you. Hang in there!
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