Power walker hits the halls
Good morning
Nan Mustard, noted power walked, hit the halls of floor 7 this morning. She walked all the way out to the ICU waiting room before turning back. She walked strong and fast and impressed everyone along the way. When she got back to good old 59 she sat in a chair for another 30 minutes before taking a break in the moon bed.
Right now she is getting a small tube down her nose into her tummy to be able to introduce food to get her GI to start working before she can eat. After todays throat test they said probably by next week she will be able to eat and drink. To see her have to endure yet another insult, ramming the tube through the nose down her throat and into her tummy, not fun at all but she endured it with a firm determination like everything else. This is an amazing woman for sure.
Amy is going to be the one to take us over to the new room and it with mixed feelings we go. Nan has been treated with incredible compassion and professionalism here and has some wonderful memories of these very special nurses and doctors. They have taken her from the night she arrived with her life hanging by a thread to placing her on her feet out of critical condition to stable. This has been a lesson to the family is great caring, great care.
Well we are moving now so I will sign in later. If I have one prayer request it is that she continue to heal and that she can sleep tonight.
with love
tim and nan
They have found a bed for her on 7C, same floor but regular floor not ICU
Nan Mustard, noted power walked, hit the halls of floor 7 this morning. She walked all the way out to the ICU waiting room before turning back. She walked strong and fast and impressed everyone along the way. When she got back to good old 59 she sat in a chair for another 30 minutes before taking a break in the moon bed.
Right now she is getting a small tube down her nose into her tummy to be able to introduce food to get her GI to start working before she can eat. After todays throat test they said probably by next week she will be able to eat and drink. To see her have to endure yet another insult, ramming the tube through the nose down her throat and into her tummy, not fun at all but she endured it with a firm determination like everything else. This is an amazing woman for sure.
Amy is going to be the one to take us over to the new room and it with mixed feelings we go. Nan has been treated with incredible compassion and professionalism here and has some wonderful memories of these very special nurses and doctors. They have taken her from the night she arrived with her life hanging by a thread to placing her on her feet out of critical condition to stable. This has been a lesson to the family is great caring, great care.
Well we are moving now so I will sign in later. If I have one prayer request it is that she continue to heal and that she can sleep tonight.
with love
tim and nan
They have found a bed for her on 7C, same floor but regular floor not ICU
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
You go girl!!! I think I saw you speeding by my deck at the beach this morning!! Congrats on your move to the regular unit, and keep on with your amazing recovery.
Thinking of you both with love from Redondo Beach...
Judy Anderson
At 10:44 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Did you say that "Roadrunner" was in the halls of ICU and into the waiting room? Wow, Nan, that is so remarkable! You are one determined lady. Keep your spirits up and keep on walking. Just a few more days and you'll be having your cup of tea.
Moving out of ICU must have some very mixed feelings but you are definitely moving foward in your recovery. With your positive attitude and seeing Tim as your advocate/private nurse, I'm sure than many of the staff in your new ward will be so impressed with you. Praying for many more great improvements to come.
Irene Wing
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't it great to feel stronger every day? You are doing a wonderful job right now and I know you have the determination of going back home to motivate you.
Just think of next week when you can have food and drink and how fast you will recover.
I know that soon you will know all of the people on the floor and perhaps that will help to pass the time in the hospital.
Talk to you later,
Take care and keep up the walking
Sue Muse
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! Am I impressed or what? That is quite a treck down to the ICU waiting room. Good for you!!! Yes, I think we can all vote you in as the most determined lady of the year!
We love you Nan (You too Tim)
Carol and Roger
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well Nan, you've got the hardest part behind you and the only way to go is forward. I know it's hard to wait to eat and drink, but pneumonia would be worse so be patient and the time will pass. We are very impressed with your recovery so far and each day you are closer to going home!!! Hang in there girl, remember we love you both. Bob and Carrol
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