Monday morning blues
Dear Friends,
Nan is more subdued today, she had a restless night but was in the chair this morning from 6:30 to 7. After a host of doctors and soon to be doctors have dropped by every few minutes she requested a chance to walk. So our nurse located the special walking device and unplugged Nan from just about everything and Nan stepped up to the device and walked out of her room into the main room and would have gone further but the nurse reminded her that she had to walk back so she turned around and walked back to the bed. Then she sat down by herself and rolled onto her back, totally exhaused. Since that time more doctors have come to visit, they are all kind and some come by to check in just out of personal concern. They stop and encourage her and then she sleeps some more. She has talked on the phone, checked out a couple emails from family and friends especially enjoying reading the one from Jason and Jo who are in South Africa.
Right now she is trying to sleep but normal business in the main area is fairly noisy and its hard to sleep over that for long. The bleeding output is down again but it has not stopped yet. I think we are in another day of holding to see if the body can heal before the next decision is made. Her hematicrit is now 32 which is her highest in years and that should help her heal, help her heart to be happy and help her have more energy. I tell you she was pretty impressive in the walker device. This lady has come so far, so far indeed.
Her creatin is gradually climbing but at a slow enough rate that they are holding off on dialysis for another day which is nice for her. Hard to rest when you see your blood out in tubes going to and from your body to a huge machine with whirling wheels and motor sounds.
I lose my cheap room for one night tomorrow night and have to move to another room for a night and then back again into the cheap room. Sure helps to be able to cut costs like this.
There is one person that I don't think we have mentioned in the blog. He is Travis who is the patient and program coordinator for clinical trials at Dana Farber. He has been so helpful over the past few months and has often gone out of his way to help us as we have dealt with being so far from home. Just wanted to mention him and thank him. Dr. Ng has been so faithful about visiting Nan's room every day since surgery. It is a long walk to reach Nan's room from where Dr. Ng works and yet she comes faithfully and we love to see her. Dr. Morgan has been our hero through our entire time of coming to Dana Farber. His gentle touch and extensive medical knowledge has served us well and we appreciate him very much. Michelle, the physicians assistant to Dr. Bertagnolli, our surgeon, comes every day and we love her visits of hope and interest. The nurses that give personal help and attention to Nan are the best and time and time again have been advocates for Nan's health and recovery.
The reason I like to stay so close by is with Nan's improvement from critical to stable status the nurses do not have to hover over her like they did earlier and are often helping other patients. I can catch little things like her being covered enough to stay warm, or to get her suction device if it slips away from her or hear her when she wants to say something. In fact it is a very good sign that nurses no longer feel they have to hover over her like 3 weeks ago. She is a much improved patient now.
All Nan wants is HOT TEA. She tries it on everyone that comes in, hoping to catch someone who does not know she can't have fluids. When she does get to drink she will be a whole lot happier. At this moment I am seeing a warning flash on the screen that says room 59 has low heart beats so I checked with the nurse next door who also has her stats on that computer monitor and says she is fine. I really don't care if I ever see a monitor readout again warning of heart misdeeds, as I have seen thousands of such messages in the last 4 days about Nan's heart.
Cardiology was here, looked over the stats and basically have said, don't worry. Right!!
Nan is so sleepy today, perhaps it because during the night she was in some lower back pain so she was given a tiny amount of pain control, any pain control meds really send her back into sleepiness.
Well speaking of sleep, I'm going to try some myself. Short nights and long days are getting to me a bit. Today we look forward to a care package from Julie, Jason's wife Jo's mom. She has been so sweet to us with emails, calls and now a care package coming. Thanks!
For now we need to keep praying for the bleeding to slow and then heal to a stop. It has not done so yet.
I just asked Nan if she wanted to convey a message to you all, she took her right hand and did a wave, she wants to tell you Hi!
until later,
thanks for your love, your prayers, your emails and your support,
tim and nan
Nan is more subdued today, she had a restless night but was in the chair this morning from 6:30 to 7. After a host of doctors and soon to be doctors have dropped by every few minutes she requested a chance to walk. So our nurse located the special walking device and unplugged Nan from just about everything and Nan stepped up to the device and walked out of her room into the main room and would have gone further but the nurse reminded her that she had to walk back so she turned around and walked back to the bed. Then she sat down by herself and rolled onto her back, totally exhaused. Since that time more doctors have come to visit, they are all kind and some come by to check in just out of personal concern. They stop and encourage her and then she sleeps some more. She has talked on the phone, checked out a couple emails from family and friends especially enjoying reading the one from Jason and Jo who are in South Africa.
Right now she is trying to sleep but normal business in the main area is fairly noisy and its hard to sleep over that for long. The bleeding output is down again but it has not stopped yet. I think we are in another day of holding to see if the body can heal before the next decision is made. Her hematicrit is now 32 which is her highest in years and that should help her heal, help her heart to be happy and help her have more energy. I tell you she was pretty impressive in the walker device. This lady has come so far, so far indeed.
Her creatin is gradually climbing but at a slow enough rate that they are holding off on dialysis for another day which is nice for her. Hard to rest when you see your blood out in tubes going to and from your body to a huge machine with whirling wheels and motor sounds.
I lose my cheap room for one night tomorrow night and have to move to another room for a night and then back again into the cheap room. Sure helps to be able to cut costs like this.
There is one person that I don't think we have mentioned in the blog. He is Travis who is the patient and program coordinator for clinical trials at Dana Farber. He has been so helpful over the past few months and has often gone out of his way to help us as we have dealt with being so far from home. Just wanted to mention him and thank him. Dr. Ng has been so faithful about visiting Nan's room every day since surgery. It is a long walk to reach Nan's room from where Dr. Ng works and yet she comes faithfully and we love to see her. Dr. Morgan has been our hero through our entire time of coming to Dana Farber. His gentle touch and extensive medical knowledge has served us well and we appreciate him very much. Michelle, the physicians assistant to Dr. Bertagnolli, our surgeon, comes every day and we love her visits of hope and interest. The nurses that give personal help and attention to Nan are the best and time and time again have been advocates for Nan's health and recovery.
The reason I like to stay so close by is with Nan's improvement from critical to stable status the nurses do not have to hover over her like they did earlier and are often helping other patients. I can catch little things like her being covered enough to stay warm, or to get her suction device if it slips away from her or hear her when she wants to say something. In fact it is a very good sign that nurses no longer feel they have to hover over her like 3 weeks ago. She is a much improved patient now.
All Nan wants is HOT TEA. She tries it on everyone that comes in, hoping to catch someone who does not know she can't have fluids. When she does get to drink she will be a whole lot happier. At this moment I am seeing a warning flash on the screen that says room 59 has low heart beats so I checked with the nurse next door who also has her stats on that computer monitor and says she is fine. I really don't care if I ever see a monitor readout again warning of heart misdeeds, as I have seen thousands of such messages in the last 4 days about Nan's heart.
Cardiology was here, looked over the stats and basically have said, don't worry. Right!!
Nan is so sleepy today, perhaps it because during the night she was in some lower back pain so she was given a tiny amount of pain control, any pain control meds really send her back into sleepiness.
Well speaking of sleep, I'm going to try some myself. Short nights and long days are getting to me a bit. Today we look forward to a care package from Julie, Jason's wife Jo's mom. She has been so sweet to us with emails, calls and now a care package coming. Thanks!
For now we need to keep praying for the bleeding to slow and then heal to a stop. It has not done so yet.
I just asked Nan if she wanted to convey a message to you all, she took her right hand and did a wave, she wants to tell you Hi!
until later,
thanks for your love, your prayers, your emails and your support,
tim and nan
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Always relieved when I read the blogs. My thoughts and prayers remain with you both. I am happy that the baby steps are now toddler steps. Nan is amazing with what she is accomplishing. I have to admitt that I also pray for some of the strength that she has. What an amazement she is.
Love to you both,
Pam :)
At 12:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Always relieved when I read the blogs. My thoughts and prayers remain with you both. I am happy that the baby steps are now toddler steps. Nan is amazing with what she is accomplishing. I have to admitt that I also pray for some of the strength that she has. What an amazement she is.
Love to you both,
Pam :)
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan, I am sorry you are not able to have hot tea. But so happy to know that you have the best of care. I thank all the medical staff and will pray for them as well. At least I can send you a get well prayer your way. ''Lord bless Nan, her family the medical staff. Let them all know that our hearts are with them, Lord bring healing to Nan. Send them all our love. From, Connie Vargas
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Great to read good news from room # 59, hope that You soon can change Your address to Discovery Bay !!
Nan.if You get to a Red Sox game I will be very envious of You. I think I mentioned that I do have a Baseball from a Red Sox game and We did see "Fenway Park" Stadium about 10 Years ago on one of Our trips to the New England States.
Tim, It was good to I.M. with You this morning, what a marvel this E.Mail stuff is. I think in a small way it shows us how quickly the Lord hears Our Prayers to Him.
Keep the good news coming and We will keep sending up the Prayers on the "Main Heavenly Line"
Much Love,
Bob & Carrol
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hang in there Nan. Hot tea and ice chips are coming soon.
Our prayers remain with you. May you feel His presence today.
Love you ~ Roger and Carol
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Monday Morning Blues MY FOOT!
It should read " Nan sits and WALKS before noon! " I am amazed that she could walk even a few steps and after being up in the chair already this morning! She deserves a good rest after all that exercise. To think that just over 2 weeks ago we were pleading with the Lord for her life and today she is walking! What a meracle! Even though you, Tim, and Nan are anxious to be up and out of there remember that her body needs rest and sleep after any procedure or exertion to gather strength to heal. Pain meds and sleeping are not a bad thing now that it is clear that her mind is good. She needs to be kept comfortable enough to heal.
Great hematocrit! That alone will help with healing and energy. Dear friend Tim, make sure you are getting enough rest too. Even though you feel that mostly you sit and wait and watch it does take a lot of energy and your body and spirit need the rest too.
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