Finally friday
Dear Friends and fellow earth travelers,
We are nearing the end of a very eventful week. A week ago Nikki and Keanna were still here, Jason had just left and Nan was not very awake, was on a respirator, had a poorly functioning liver and many other health issues. As I observe her now she had a liver that is nearly normal in its ability to function, her skin has lost its yellow tan, the extra fluid she was holding has gone, her mental alertness is great, her kidneys continue to put out at about a rate of 60 or more CCs per hour, her heart has settled down and her lungs are great. She is coughing up the bad stuff very well and does her own suctioning now with a wand.
She has been visited by many doctors today. Some have been here to consider her incision which remains partly open and not healing as well as they would like. A couple actually did some work on it cutting away bad tissue and skin, that required some pain meds so for the rest of the day Nan has been sleepy. And of course the Dr. who evaluates her ability to swallow came after the pain meds had been given, as a result she was taken off the ice chips until monday when they can evaluate again and she cannot have anything by mouth until then. She was so crushed as she knows ice chips are a bit step forward to recovery and she had had them for the last 12 hours along with a bite of jello and was considering warm water or hot tea. So now for the next 2 days nothing again goes in. She was so upset that at first she told me she was not going to move, I think this means when they ask her to move. However she seems to have calmed down now and is resting again. She watched a bit of TV but of course two more doctors came by to check in on her and tell her they would be back after being away over the weekend. They are all sweet and very helpful, just today there has been a constant stream of them poking and prodding, cutting and scraping.
The weather outside matches the mood in the room, heavy rain, thunder and lightening, dark gloomy views everywhere. Yes we are thankful for this weeks progress, she loves having the respirator gone, she loves being able to stand up for a few seconds and even likes the chair but it is so hard on her to do it. They have a wonderful sling attached to a lifting device that mounted in the ceiling and can move a person anywhere in the room. It helps a lot with the lifting.
Our nurses this week have been outstanding, caring, attentive, advocates for Nan's health and treatment. They are a special breed, work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week and are amazing in their knowledge and compassion. We will miss ICU when we leave here to go to the main floor sometime next week. We are going to try for a private room even though we have to pay $70 per day from our own pocket. Nan has a very hard time with perfumes, food odors and sickness sounds from roomates. With the private room comes a cot where someone can stay the night with her. That is such a good idea especially at first when Nan leaves here but still is so sick.
As I understand what I overhear from the doctors and nurses Nan's big challenges right now are getting her heart to be more stable and progress is being made on that front, having her throat heal to the point where she can swallow and begin to take liquid and food, getting her kidneys to remove all the toxins, not just some of them, having the incision wound begin to heal more rapidly and general strengthening of her whole body. Please join me in praying that God will finish the wonderful miraclous work He has begun in Nan and restore her to complete health according to His grand plan. We have seen Him open and close doors for years in her behalf, we didn't always like His plan or understand it at all but looking back I can sure see His leading.
I often wonder how it happened that Nan would be hit by GIST. She have lived an honest life of hard work, honest dealings with everyone, been an incredible mother and a faithful loyal wife to me. She has traveled thousands of miles to visit with GIST patients, has helped hundreds of people with travel arrangements, has been a spark plug for so many birthdays, Christmas events, sang in many choirs, traveled all over the world and played her life straight. Yet she has this terrible disease for which there is no cure yet. She has fought bravely for 10 years and is now fighting her way back once again.
My prayer is that God will hold her especially close this weekend and move the process of her recovery forward in a miraclous manner. Can you please pray that Nan will feel God's healing power in her body and in her heart. Pray that God will calm her soul and give her peace.
Of special concern this evening is Carroll, our fellow cancer warrior, who is lives in Lodi. She had a tough night last night and needs our prayers. Please keep remembering Rick, Sharons brother who has an appointment with MD Anderson next wednesday.
Thank you for your faithfullness in prayer for Nan. Many here often say Nan has an angel watching over her. We agree and just ask that they draw even closer and touch her various needs in a special way as the weekend comes on.
With love and effection,
Tim and Nan
ps Thanks Roger and Carol for driving all the way from N. carolina to visit Nan. We really appreciate your coming so far. Thanks for also letting us know you arrived home safely this evening. Also special thanks to Roxanna for driving up today and spending time with Nan and me.
if you get a chance please drop Nan and cheer up note this weekend using this blog and I'll read them all to her one at a time. Helps pass the hours.
We are nearing the end of a very eventful week. A week ago Nikki and Keanna were still here, Jason had just left and Nan was not very awake, was on a respirator, had a poorly functioning liver and many other health issues. As I observe her now she had a liver that is nearly normal in its ability to function, her skin has lost its yellow tan, the extra fluid she was holding has gone, her mental alertness is great, her kidneys continue to put out at about a rate of 60 or more CCs per hour, her heart has settled down and her lungs are great. She is coughing up the bad stuff very well and does her own suctioning now with a wand.
She has been visited by many doctors today. Some have been here to consider her incision which remains partly open and not healing as well as they would like. A couple actually did some work on it cutting away bad tissue and skin, that required some pain meds so for the rest of the day Nan has been sleepy. And of course the Dr. who evaluates her ability to swallow came after the pain meds had been given, as a result she was taken off the ice chips until monday when they can evaluate again and she cannot have anything by mouth until then. She was so crushed as she knows ice chips are a bit step forward to recovery and she had had them for the last 12 hours along with a bite of jello and was considering warm water or hot tea. So now for the next 2 days nothing again goes in. She was so upset that at first she told me she was not going to move, I think this means when they ask her to move. However she seems to have calmed down now and is resting again. She watched a bit of TV but of course two more doctors came by to check in on her and tell her they would be back after being away over the weekend. They are all sweet and very helpful, just today there has been a constant stream of them poking and prodding, cutting and scraping.
The weather outside matches the mood in the room, heavy rain, thunder and lightening, dark gloomy views everywhere. Yes we are thankful for this weeks progress, she loves having the respirator gone, she loves being able to stand up for a few seconds and even likes the chair but it is so hard on her to do it. They have a wonderful sling attached to a lifting device that mounted in the ceiling and can move a person anywhere in the room. It helps a lot with the lifting.
Our nurses this week have been outstanding, caring, attentive, advocates for Nan's health and treatment. They are a special breed, work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week and are amazing in their knowledge and compassion. We will miss ICU when we leave here to go to the main floor sometime next week. We are going to try for a private room even though we have to pay $70 per day from our own pocket. Nan has a very hard time with perfumes, food odors and sickness sounds from roomates. With the private room comes a cot where someone can stay the night with her. That is such a good idea especially at first when Nan leaves here but still is so sick.
As I understand what I overhear from the doctors and nurses Nan's big challenges right now are getting her heart to be more stable and progress is being made on that front, having her throat heal to the point where she can swallow and begin to take liquid and food, getting her kidneys to remove all the toxins, not just some of them, having the incision wound begin to heal more rapidly and general strengthening of her whole body. Please join me in praying that God will finish the wonderful miraclous work He has begun in Nan and restore her to complete health according to His grand plan. We have seen Him open and close doors for years in her behalf, we didn't always like His plan or understand it at all but looking back I can sure see His leading.
I often wonder how it happened that Nan would be hit by GIST. She have lived an honest life of hard work, honest dealings with everyone, been an incredible mother and a faithful loyal wife to me. She has traveled thousands of miles to visit with GIST patients, has helped hundreds of people with travel arrangements, has been a spark plug for so many birthdays, Christmas events, sang in many choirs, traveled all over the world and played her life straight. Yet she has this terrible disease for which there is no cure yet. She has fought bravely for 10 years and is now fighting her way back once again.
My prayer is that God will hold her especially close this weekend and move the process of her recovery forward in a miraclous manner. Can you please pray that Nan will feel God's healing power in her body and in her heart. Pray that God will calm her soul and give her peace.
Of special concern this evening is Carroll, our fellow cancer warrior, who is lives in Lodi. She had a tough night last night and needs our prayers. Please keep remembering Rick, Sharons brother who has an appointment with MD Anderson next wednesday.
Thank you for your faithfullness in prayer for Nan. Many here often say Nan has an angel watching over her. We agree and just ask that they draw even closer and touch her various needs in a special way as the weekend comes on.
With love and effection,
Tim and Nan
ps Thanks Roger and Carol for driving all the way from N. carolina to visit Nan. We really appreciate your coming so far. Thanks for also letting us know you arrived home safely this evening. Also special thanks to Roxanna for driving up today and spending time with Nan and me.
if you get a chance please drop Nan and cheer up note this weekend using this blog and I'll read them all to her one at a time. Helps pass the hours.
At 4:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
quoted as saying on Thursday during a The Hot Coffee incident was very said. It will sharpen what we are a maturity and experience, which can be for ten years and ideally would have Newspapers In Education have the ability to issue 50 fixed dentist: If these people 9,000 years to care for the people theyre positive image of Iraqi women. The last
At 6:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
HI Nan and Tim! It's so good to hear how well your body is doing now, Nan. Looks like you'll be up for Apple Hill in the fall at the rate your going! Good thing you weren't here today, though. The traffic was snarled for miles on the freeway from people going to Lake Tahoe, and it was 104* in Placerville! Eric and I are leaving for Maui next week (our 25th wedding anniversary present to ourselves)but I'll keep checking the blogs online.
Much Love, Deanne in Placerville CA
At 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi NAN and Tim. I am so awed by Tim's journaling of your time there at Brigham. He definitely should consider writing a book after you are well and mobile, that would be such an inspiration to others. God has done a marvelous job of restoring your body, but then that is exactly what I have been praying for. He definitely has your number. You go girl!! Won't a private room be nice and cozy. Something to look forward to along with the ice chips and jello and whatever else they will allow you to fondle in your mouth. I will continue praying for your blood clot to absorb and for your kidneys to get working better and all the other stuff you need. You are such an inspiration and it makes my problems seem like nothing. Love and hugs to you both. Patty and Jack
P.S. Today was a hot one, 105.
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
We got home safely about 5:00 this evening. It was a long trip, but definitely worth it! What a joy to see the daily imporvements in Nan. I know when you see her every day you think it is taking forever. Yet, she is healing at the rate her body will allow. We rejoice with you as God continues to restore her health. You are 2 very special people and we have many special memories associated with the 2 of you. May you have a blessed day with the Lord tomorrow. Remember it is His day of rest also.
Love you guys ~ Roger and Carol
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Thank You for the complete up date on Nan and the kind mention of My Dear Carrol, Right now She is feeling much better and We are praying for a peacefull night. Also Prayers continue for Nan's comfort and healing, Your good friend also is in our prayers. So many that We must trust the Lord to know what our needs are with out Us asking and He will do the rest.
The Cooling breeze from the Delta is coming in very rapidly tonight so the temp is already down to 78 . We are expecting a real cool evening to follow up our 105 degree day.
Nan's Heart will surley be stronger tomorrow along with her kidneys.What a merry-go-round that Lady has been and still is on. Won't it be great when the ride stops long enough for Her to get off and have some Lunch !! I'll bet that She can hardly wait for that to happen.
At 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
I Forgot to Sign the Blog,
What a dummy I am,
Sleep well and we will talk in the morning.
Love to You Both,
Bob & Carrol
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