Nan still needs your prayers
Dear fellow travelers,
It is 5:50 and for the last hour specialists have been working over Nan with a scope to try to locate the source of blood in her colostomy. It has become more of an issue over the last few days and today is being addressed with a special team. As I write I have no idea what they are finding as they search through her GI tract and stomach. She has had a great day, awake, tube gone and talking up a storm, feeling better ready to take it to the next level and then this new issue arises.
It is now 6:20 and I'm beside Nan. The team found a large blood clot just inside her body where the colostomy attaches to the intestine. I may not have the terms right but when they made the discovery they decided not to remove the clot until they could consult with the surgery team to decide how to proceed. Nan is tired out from having a new tube with the scope down her throat but she tolerated it fine and now has a mask with humidifer helping with the sore throat from all the tube activity. She is such a brave lady and is very busy coughing up stuff from her lungs. So we hope for some more wake up time later this evening and probably a decision to fix the large blood clot tomorrow. She is set to receive dialysis again tomorrow for 4 hours so we will see how it all plays out.
We have had a very good day with many conversations, smiles and understanding how far she has come and how God has watched over her. Nan is an amazing woman and has no intention of giving an inch in her recovery process. When Amy asked her if she wanted to get in the chair she jumped at it in spite of being tired already from dialysis, but then the scope team arrived and the chair sitting was put aside while they had me sign forms of consent and jumped in. Thank goodness Amy was here to be an advocate for Nan. These nurses are just great.
Now it is 6:40 and a Dr. who is on Dr. Bertognolli's surgery team was just here. She is on top the bleeding colostomy issues and a decision will be made if the bleeding continues but for now it appears that they are hoping the body will heal itself and the blot clot dissolve. They are trying to avoid a new surgery if possible.
So once again we have been on a rollor coaster, up, suspended and then down to now level off again. Thanks to the prayer warriors who were praying while the procedure was going on.
Roger and Carol are on their way home and had passed New York when I last spoke to them. My how we appreciate them coming to see us. What an absolute blessing to both of us and a lift.
In times like these one begins to slow down, let the junk pass by and focus on the very important issues, family, friends, relationships and faith. We are so thankful to be able to relax and reflect on even more troubling times a few days ago and praise God that Nan is much stronger than she was. This after noons events remind us that while we are moving down the path we are not yet out of the trees, that there are challenges right in front of us to be dealt with. At some point Nan will need to begin to eat and process food through her body, some day her kidneys will need to kick in and do all the work of removing toxins, she will have to gain strength enough to stand up and begin walking, yet in comparison with where we have come from we are well on our way.
It is now 7:12, Dr. Bertognolli just whisked in and was like a breath of fresh air, she is so positive and encouraging and was not at all side tracked by the clot found earlier. She thinks it will dissolve on its own so for now no immediate action is to be taken. She told us that she is leaving for 2 weeks tomorrow so we will not see her again for awhile but she promised to call in every day to check on Nan. Her team is in place and visits every day faithfully and consults with the ICU team on everything.
Now Kristen, her new nurse, is checking her out completely, ask her the month and what hospital she is at. Nan knew the answers. We received two cards today, both cute as can be and Nan loves them. We are starting to take over this place. I have my laptop, printer, ballons from Drew and Heather, photos from Nikki and a spare apple just in case.
Well its 7:30 and I'm signing off now. Nan is resting and watching TV with one eye. Finally this day is winding down.
Thank you for your continual prayers for Nan and lets remember Rick and others who are facing immediate health issues as well.
love from tim and nan and this time she really knows
It is 5:50 and for the last hour specialists have been working over Nan with a scope to try to locate the source of blood in her colostomy. It has become more of an issue over the last few days and today is being addressed with a special team. As I write I have no idea what they are finding as they search through her GI tract and stomach. She has had a great day, awake, tube gone and talking up a storm, feeling better ready to take it to the next level and then this new issue arises.
It is now 6:20 and I'm beside Nan. The team found a large blood clot just inside her body where the colostomy attaches to the intestine. I may not have the terms right but when they made the discovery they decided not to remove the clot until they could consult with the surgery team to decide how to proceed. Nan is tired out from having a new tube with the scope down her throat but she tolerated it fine and now has a mask with humidifer helping with the sore throat from all the tube activity. She is such a brave lady and is very busy coughing up stuff from her lungs. So we hope for some more wake up time later this evening and probably a decision to fix the large blood clot tomorrow. She is set to receive dialysis again tomorrow for 4 hours so we will see how it all plays out.
We have had a very good day with many conversations, smiles and understanding how far she has come and how God has watched over her. Nan is an amazing woman and has no intention of giving an inch in her recovery process. When Amy asked her if she wanted to get in the chair she jumped at it in spite of being tired already from dialysis, but then the scope team arrived and the chair sitting was put aside while they had me sign forms of consent and jumped in. Thank goodness Amy was here to be an advocate for Nan. These nurses are just great.
Now it is 6:40 and a Dr. who is on Dr. Bertognolli's surgery team was just here. She is on top the bleeding colostomy issues and a decision will be made if the bleeding continues but for now it appears that they are hoping the body will heal itself and the blot clot dissolve. They are trying to avoid a new surgery if possible.
So once again we have been on a rollor coaster, up, suspended and then down to now level off again. Thanks to the prayer warriors who were praying while the procedure was going on.
Roger and Carol are on their way home and had passed New York when I last spoke to them. My how we appreciate them coming to see us. What an absolute blessing to both of us and a lift.
In times like these one begins to slow down, let the junk pass by and focus on the very important issues, family, friends, relationships and faith. We are so thankful to be able to relax and reflect on even more troubling times a few days ago and praise God that Nan is much stronger than she was. This after noons events remind us that while we are moving down the path we are not yet out of the trees, that there are challenges right in front of us to be dealt with. At some point Nan will need to begin to eat and process food through her body, some day her kidneys will need to kick in and do all the work of removing toxins, she will have to gain strength enough to stand up and begin walking, yet in comparison with where we have come from we are well on our way.
It is now 7:12, Dr. Bertognolli just whisked in and was like a breath of fresh air, she is so positive and encouraging and was not at all side tracked by the clot found earlier. She thinks it will dissolve on its own so for now no immediate action is to be taken. She told us that she is leaving for 2 weeks tomorrow so we will not see her again for awhile but she promised to call in every day to check on Nan. Her team is in place and visits every day faithfully and consults with the ICU team on everything.
Now Kristen, her new nurse, is checking her out completely, ask her the month and what hospital she is at. Nan knew the answers. We received two cards today, both cute as can be and Nan loves them. We are starting to take over this place. I have my laptop, printer, ballons from Drew and Heather, photos from Nikki and a spare apple just in case.
Well its 7:30 and I'm signing off now. Nan is resting and watching TV with one eye. Finally this day is winding down.
Thank you for your continual prayers for Nan and lets remember Rick and others who are facing immediate health issues as well.
love from tim and nan and this time she really knows
At 5:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amazing...the both of you! You hang in there, and give each other lots of hugs. I'll be sending good thoughts your way and checking in tomorrow to see how things have progressed. I'm glad to hear that your room is beginning to be decorated with homey things, like pictures of your beautiful little grand-daughter and your family.
With love,
Judy Anderson
At 5:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Erin
I'm so happy to hear that our Erin is back God did listen to our prayers. I got back today from Las Vegas and it was hot in Vegas but it's hotter here in Brentwood it is 110 at my house just awful. Tell Erin that we went to the Vacation.Com conference and sure learned allot. When she comes home we will have to teach her everything new that we learned. Erin I wish you could have been there with us. Next year the conference is going to be in New Orleans and she will have to go with us. I'm so glad Erin that you are feeling better but I knew you could do it. We need you to come home soon remember you and I have to make up the lunch that we missed. Take care of yourself Tim and definatly take care of our special lady. I will keep my prayers going.
Love you both
Mary Puente
At 5:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Nan and Tim ~
Oh what good news tonight. You had a good day and how fun to have your friends there. I'm glad they are waiting for that blood clot to absorb or whatever it does and there won't be another surgery!! We'll pray it goes away on its own. I bet you DO have a sore throat - you've had something down your throat for a long time. Keep whispering for a few days longer and it will come back strong as ever. Have a good evening and good night's sleep. Love you both, Marilyn
At 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
So happy Nan has the tube removed. I hope her throught heals up quickly. She needs to get better fast. Star misses her tremendously. Miss you both, prayers to Boston.
Pam :)
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
This was posted at Curves this week and I think it says what Nan has been about up to Boston and it sounds like she is the personification of this saying again
" I cannot do everything but
I can do something and
I will not let what I cannot do interfere
with what I can do."
Edward Everett Hale- an American writer
Nan you are amazing as always
Love to you both
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