She is working hard
Good evening,
Its 10:08 here in Boston, the hospital has started to quiet down a bit, nurses are having their dinner and Nan and I have a quiet moment here in her room. She is settling in for the night. They just changed her bedding, made sure she was clean and her skin was looking good, put lotion on her back and got her ready for sleeping. She is drifting in and out of sleep now and I'll leave in a few minutes.
This morning I took Nikki and Keanna to the airport without getting lost even. They arrived home safely around 11:20 and were reunited with Steve, I'll bet Keanna was so happy to see her daddy, she woke up this morning missing him. They spend a lot of time together and are buddies, she even has her own motorcycle with training wheels and a full riding outfit. Yes they are buddies all right. Nikki was glad to finally be home. Keanna emailed me a Fathers day card for tomorrow which of course touched my heart big time.
Nan has had a good day with mostly eyes open dawning awareness of surroundings. She seems to slip in and out of knowing what has happened and what is happening. This afternoon they had the blanket off to change it and while her legs were uncovered she began to move them and for the next hour she must have moved them back and forth, turned them and lifted them 50 or more times. then she was tired and rested awhile. It was a pretty amazing demonstration of her determination to get better. STill we have a long ways to go before she is fully awake and when that happens perhaps the respirator can come out. I'm told that is a huge step to recovery.
We have spent time looking at each other and mostly I have been writing emails and reading the wonderful emails that keep coming in. Please know that your help at this tough time is, is, is appreciated very much. This evening I have heard from several family members from both our families. While cells phones are strictly prohibited here turns out they don't like the ringing so my ringers are off and they let me talk on them as long as we keep it quiet. My computer works with a data card and for most of the day it worked well so I have been able to keep in touch with the email world.
Prayer concerns remain, waking up fully, kidney creatins, liver numbers and pancreas numbers. Tomorrow is a great new day and I treasure every day I get to spend with this delightful woman with the blue eyes and pretty hair. This quiet powerhouse of a christian lady who lives by standards that are so good and helpful that all the world should live that way.
Thanks for the generosity of your time in writing and for the many prayers that are ascending to heaven. We are fully aware that we are not the only people hurting, you cannot be in the waiting room for two IC wings without meeting many hurting and frightened people. We have come to know some of these people and are praying for their loved ones who are also in the wards here. They are precious people and our hearts go to them as their go to us.
Good night good friend, please keep the prayers going and so will I. If you have a special prayer concern you can share it and we will remember it as well.
with love
Its 10:08 here in Boston, the hospital has started to quiet down a bit, nurses are having their dinner and Nan and I have a quiet moment here in her room. She is settling in for the night. They just changed her bedding, made sure she was clean and her skin was looking good, put lotion on her back and got her ready for sleeping. She is drifting in and out of sleep now and I'll leave in a few minutes.
This morning I took Nikki and Keanna to the airport without getting lost even. They arrived home safely around 11:20 and were reunited with Steve, I'll bet Keanna was so happy to see her daddy, she woke up this morning missing him. They spend a lot of time together and are buddies, she even has her own motorcycle with training wheels and a full riding outfit. Yes they are buddies all right. Nikki was glad to finally be home. Keanna emailed me a Fathers day card for tomorrow which of course touched my heart big time.
Nan has had a good day with mostly eyes open dawning awareness of surroundings. She seems to slip in and out of knowing what has happened and what is happening. This afternoon they had the blanket off to change it and while her legs were uncovered she began to move them and for the next hour she must have moved them back and forth, turned them and lifted them 50 or more times. then she was tired and rested awhile. It was a pretty amazing demonstration of her determination to get better. STill we have a long ways to go before she is fully awake and when that happens perhaps the respirator can come out. I'm told that is a huge step to recovery.
We have spent time looking at each other and mostly I have been writing emails and reading the wonderful emails that keep coming in. Please know that your help at this tough time is, is, is appreciated very much. This evening I have heard from several family members from both our families. While cells phones are strictly prohibited here turns out they don't like the ringing so my ringers are off and they let me talk on them as long as we keep it quiet. My computer works with a data card and for most of the day it worked well so I have been able to keep in touch with the email world.
Prayer concerns remain, waking up fully, kidney creatins, liver numbers and pancreas numbers. Tomorrow is a great new day and I treasure every day I get to spend with this delightful woman with the blue eyes and pretty hair. This quiet powerhouse of a christian lady who lives by standards that are so good and helpful that all the world should live that way.
Thanks for the generosity of your time in writing and for the many prayers that are ascending to heaven. We are fully aware that we are not the only people hurting, you cannot be in the waiting room for two IC wings without meeting many hurting and frightened people. We have come to know some of these people and are praying for their loved ones who are also in the wards here. They are precious people and our hearts go to them as their go to us.
Good night good friend, please keep the prayers going and so will I. If you have a special prayer concern you can share it and we will remember it as well.
with love
At 7:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim - good deal - she's moving her legs and she knows that she needs to exercise - I tell you she's amazing!!! You just stay with her as much as you can and enjoy those baby blues! It was good to have another update tonight. Glad Nikki and Keanna got home OK - tomorrow Jason and Jo leave? Hugs and prayers, Marilyn in Lincoln
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the new report. We wait for an even better one tomorrow.I'll always remember Nan driving the two of You to Coalingia instead of Chowchilla For a Choir Appointment, turning around and still making it to Chowchilla before We had to take the Platform to Sing, Only Nan could have done that! What a determined Gal She truly is.
Sleep Well & God Bless,
Bob & Carrol
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim
so glad to hear the good news that she is responding . She is an amazing person. I was hopping to hear from you tonight because tomorrow I leave at 5:30am to Las Vegas. We are going to a travel convention. Please tell Erin we will be thinking of her and when she feels better we will have to teach her everthing new that we have learned in the travel business. We will be gone until Thursday morning but we will try to keep in touch from Vegas.
Take care of yourself Tim and Happy Fathers Day. Please tell Erin I'm praying for her .
Mary Puente
At 11:42 PM,
Irene Wing said…
As we follow your blogs, this has been a very anxious week waiting and anticipating Nan's improvements. How we are breathing a little easier knowing that she appeared awake on the final day of your children's visit. It's good to know they left with this wonderful memory. We know the recovery will involve many weeks and possibly months but we are so encouraged by each little step. We will continue prayers for her heart, liver and kidneys to strengthen.
There is a scripture in my daily devotional that seem so appropriate for today:
"Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory." Rev. 19:6-7
"Our God is an awesome God!"
In God's Love,
Irene Wing
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim, you are a strong, wonderful husband and dad. Nan is very fortunate to have you and her supportive family at this important time. Give her hand an extra squeeze for me. I am sending love and positive energy your way.
Love, Deanne in Placerville
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