Nan is back in the hospital
Dear Family and Friends,
Nan is in the Mt Diablo / John Muir Hospital in Concord. Our family came over last night, Nikki made a great meal and we enjoyed getting together. Nan was not able to eat or drink anything or she would lose it immediatelly. After the kids left we went to bed but around 11 it became clear that we needed to go to ER. We spent the night in ER, both of us got about an hour of sleep. When I left her this morning they were wheeling her to her room which is 3107. Phone number 925 682 8200. What we heard is no cell phones on that floor so she will not be answering her phone. They started fluids immediatelly and did a blood work up. Magnessium was very low and after that was given by IV her heart settled down. Xrays showed no obstruction and a clear functioning bowel and intestine tract.
At this moment they are installed a PICC line in her arm, she is not happy about that let me tell you. They think she has pancreatitus (sp) which they will treat with antibiotics. We know nothing other than the pancreas deals with the fats in food and has something to do with the sugar levels in the blood stream. By tonight we will probably know a lot more about this new wrinkle in Nan's recovery.
I am back home briefly to do some limited appraisal work and then back to the hospital as fast as I can. I guess you know the routine and could guess what I am about to ask, will you pray for this sweet gutsy lady today? Nan is handling it all in stride like always but is very disappointed that she is not at home but in a hospital.
I really wrestled with this new challenge last evening, what does God have in mind for us? Nan and I were bone tired from our trip home and when we were in the hospital we noted that we had been up for 23 hours since the hotel in Providence.
I'll write more when I know more, Please pray that God will be in control today and guide what is done for His glory and our happiness and peace.
tim and nan
Nan is in the Mt Diablo / John Muir Hospital in Concord. Our family came over last night, Nikki made a great meal and we enjoyed getting together. Nan was not able to eat or drink anything or she would lose it immediatelly. After the kids left we went to bed but around 11 it became clear that we needed to go to ER. We spent the night in ER, both of us got about an hour of sleep. When I left her this morning they were wheeling her to her room which is 3107. Phone number 925 682 8200. What we heard is no cell phones on that floor so she will not be answering her phone. They started fluids immediatelly and did a blood work up. Magnessium was very low and after that was given by IV her heart settled down. Xrays showed no obstruction and a clear functioning bowel and intestine tract.
At this moment they are installed a PICC line in her arm, she is not happy about that let me tell you. They think she has pancreatitus (sp) which they will treat with antibiotics. We know nothing other than the pancreas deals with the fats in food and has something to do with the sugar levels in the blood stream. By tonight we will probably know a lot more about this new wrinkle in Nan's recovery.
I am back home briefly to do some limited appraisal work and then back to the hospital as fast as I can. I guess you know the routine and could guess what I am about to ask, will you pray for this sweet gutsy lady today? Nan is handling it all in stride like always but is very disappointed that she is not at home but in a hospital.
I really wrestled with this new challenge last evening, what does God have in mind for us? Nan and I were bone tired from our trip home and when we were in the hospital we noted that we had been up for 23 hours since the hotel in Providence.
I'll write more when I know more, Please pray that God will be in control today and guide what is done for His glory and our happiness and peace.
tim and nan
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
With what the doctors are able to do. They will find out what is wrong. Don't get down, your tiered and lacking information. Nan is a very strong woman and she will pull through this again. Long travel with elevation changes, atmosphere changes. It could effect her more than planned. Nan please do not get discouraged. Your hard work has brought you to the right side of the US. At least plenty of family an friends around. Please show us your miracles again. Must be a bummer to finally get back here and then in a room away from home again. Good thoughts to you and always my prayers.
Pam :)
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
God has brought you this far, He will restore. My prayers have not ceased on Nan's behalf. You both have been through so much, I know that God is working in you and through you. Hang in there and know that you are loved by many. God's blessings.
Jani DeHart
Oklahoma City
At 11:17 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Hello Tim and Nan,
I was holding my breath last night reading your blog and just so disappointed that your homecoming has hit another snag. What a bummer! I know Nan is a very determined woman and God is using her again for His purposes. Hold on to that greater trust you have already developed in Him. We will do our part as prayer warriors to help fight her win back home.
Love and an extra warm hug,
Irene Wing
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
You have come so far for so long ~ don't be discouraged now. Our prayers remain with you both for strength and courage for the next chapter in your lives. Yes, you are both "bone tired". The world always looks bleak when we are that tired. Know you have a myriad of angels around you as well as praying friends and even people you have never met. You are both in the best care you can get ~ God's care.
Hang in there! Yesterday was quite an ordeal for both of you. No wonder she is back in the hospital. It's only a bump in the road. She is fragile in many ways, but she has a strong will that keeps her going.
We love you ~ Carol
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
As Carol just said, a bump in the road! Nothing will keep you down, I promise, I know you both too well. As Sabbath draws near, lean back, try to relax and LET GOD. He is still in the driver's seat and we thank Him for it. Will be praying for you both, as always.
What a miracle to know that you are in California where you belong! God is soooo good!!
You sounded so much better today than yesterday so I know all will be ok.
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