New hair style
Dear Family and Friends,
Nan ventured out this afternoon to one of her local favorites to have her hair done. It is now the same color roots and all, has new style and looks great. It was a tired afternoon for her and when she got home she headed to bed for a much needed nap. Nan was up this morning about 6:15 and stayed up till about 10 when she went up to rest. While she was sleeping Dana and I both were painting the walls green. Dana is so tired tonight, she has painted a lot today and with a very long handle and roller to get all the way up to the ceiling. She says everything that can be sore is sore, took some advils and headed to bed after a soak in the tub. She has been driving Nan around today to hair appointment and then to Longs for meds.
She and I both enjoyed tomato sandwiches this evening, so good and full of taste. Nan and I decided it was time for us to try making smoothies. Our friend Sylvia long ago suggested making smoothies and even brought out lots of goodies to help make them, then more recently Mary brought over some smoothie material and we made one. Well ours turned out good tonight and nan had a lot of good smoothie which contained banana, stawberries, vanila ice cream, soy milk and lots of ice. It turned out really tasty and we did not even have to add any honey or sugar to the mix. So look out, we are on a smoothie kick, what a great way to get tons of calories and lots of good things into her in one drink. Thanks everyone for your suggestions about smoothies.
I worked in today and painted until about 12:30. It was my job to go to the top of the ladder and cut a line next to the white ceiling and the green walls, at first it just scared me but in a little while I got used to it and it felt fine. Now I am more optomistic regarding painting the exterior of the home before winter. We are 75% completed with the painting and while not perfect it looks pretty nice. nan is going to move painting we own around to bring out the color in each one. We have a couple Colmans we bought years ago in Hawaii which have lots of green in them and they will look great on the walls. Our one obstacle is the 92 gallon reef tank. It cannot be moved, way to heavy, hundreds of pounds so we are painting around it to the best of our ability and on that day when we move the tank out we will complete the walls then. I am amazed at how hard Dana works and how well she does the job. Nothing seems impossible to her, things I did not think could be moved she has sitting in the middle of the floor. Nan and I are both very appreciative of her help with the painting.
We were supposed to get a delivery of IV Zophram today but if they came we never heard them. We have learned in the hospital that IV zophram works in seconds and for us turns out to be less expensive. With a double picc line in place it should not be a problem to give it either.
Nate and I have been cranking out appraisal work this afternoon and some new orders arrived. Not nearly normal amounts but some are better than none. Today and tomorrow we are fighting to get our new E&O policy faxed to us so we can fax to lenders. Seems we battle them every year. I need to start a month earlier but of course we were not even here a month ago.
We are grateful for the decent weather with cool evening and not to hot days. Lots of ice tea and water during the day seems to help. nan has been drinking a lot more lately and doing a pretty good job of keeping it down. I so wish we could have less pain and less nausea. The pain patch seems to be doing pretty well and Nan is lucid and as she would say, not loopy.
As we head to bed tonight my prayer is for God to continue His work in Nan. We know He knows what is involved inside and we ask that He help her recover fully so she can eat normally again, drink enough and eventually be off the TPN yet we are very grateful for the TPN as it allows her to be at home and have a more normal life.
We send our love and best wishes for your week,
tim and nan and dana
Nan ventured out this afternoon to one of her local favorites to have her hair done. It is now the same color roots and all, has new style and looks great. It was a tired afternoon for her and when she got home she headed to bed for a much needed nap. Nan was up this morning about 6:15 and stayed up till about 10 when she went up to rest. While she was sleeping Dana and I both were painting the walls green. Dana is so tired tonight, she has painted a lot today and with a very long handle and roller to get all the way up to the ceiling. She says everything that can be sore is sore, took some advils and headed to bed after a soak in the tub. She has been driving Nan around today to hair appointment and then to Longs for meds.
She and I both enjoyed tomato sandwiches this evening, so good and full of taste. Nan and I decided it was time for us to try making smoothies. Our friend Sylvia long ago suggested making smoothies and even brought out lots of goodies to help make them, then more recently Mary brought over some smoothie material and we made one. Well ours turned out good tonight and nan had a lot of good smoothie which contained banana, stawberries, vanila ice cream, soy milk and lots of ice. It turned out really tasty and we did not even have to add any honey or sugar to the mix. So look out, we are on a smoothie kick, what a great way to get tons of calories and lots of good things into her in one drink. Thanks everyone for your suggestions about smoothies.
I worked in today and painted until about 12:30. It was my job to go to the top of the ladder and cut a line next to the white ceiling and the green walls, at first it just scared me but in a little while I got used to it and it felt fine. Now I am more optomistic regarding painting the exterior of the home before winter. We are 75% completed with the painting and while not perfect it looks pretty nice. nan is going to move painting we own around to bring out the color in each one. We have a couple Colmans we bought years ago in Hawaii which have lots of green in them and they will look great on the walls. Our one obstacle is the 92 gallon reef tank. It cannot be moved, way to heavy, hundreds of pounds so we are painting around it to the best of our ability and on that day when we move the tank out we will complete the walls then. I am amazed at how hard Dana works and how well she does the job. Nothing seems impossible to her, things I did not think could be moved she has sitting in the middle of the floor. Nan and I are both very appreciative of her help with the painting.
We were supposed to get a delivery of IV Zophram today but if they came we never heard them. We have learned in the hospital that IV zophram works in seconds and for us turns out to be less expensive. With a double picc line in place it should not be a problem to give it either.
Nate and I have been cranking out appraisal work this afternoon and some new orders arrived. Not nearly normal amounts but some are better than none. Today and tomorrow we are fighting to get our new E&O policy faxed to us so we can fax to lenders. Seems we battle them every year. I need to start a month earlier but of course we were not even here a month ago.
We are grateful for the decent weather with cool evening and not to hot days. Lots of ice tea and water during the day seems to help. nan has been drinking a lot more lately and doing a pretty good job of keeping it down. I so wish we could have less pain and less nausea. The pain patch seems to be doing pretty well and Nan is lucid and as she would say, not loopy.
As we head to bed tonight my prayer is for God to continue His work in Nan. We know He knows what is involved inside and we ask that He help her recover fully so she can eat normally again, drink enough and eventually be off the TPN yet we are very grateful for the TPN as it allows her to be at home and have a more normal life.
We send our love and best wishes for your week,
tim and nan and dana
At 6:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi guys,
Sounds like things are going in the right direction. Sounds good to my ears! Will have to come soon and see all the changes. Dana and Ronnie are a good team; Dana the house and Ronnie the deck!
Maybe you can plan a trip to my house. I think Dana and I can work out a trade,Jessica is looking more valueable all the time!
My sister and her husband are here for the week and we have not had a quiet moment yet. We have been on the go. My faithful brother, Rick, is doing my job and his, too, at the Adult Day Care Center that we own and run and he is letting me stay home to play. I challenge anyone to prove that they have a better brother than mine. He is my rock and earthly salvation and I love him.
Nan, I know what it feels like to get the hair done and know how much better you feel. Remember that we love you and that you are our first priority in all our prayers. Will call later today.
Love Sharon
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Ya'll,
We're back home in NC. Though we had a great time it's always good to be home in our own bed in our own home!
Nan, you are making incredible progress! Good for you. Now to get the nausea and pain under control and you should be good to go ~ where you want to go. A haircut and new color should perk you up a lot ~ at least it does most of us women. Then there's the new paint job in the living room. You will soon be a new you in new surroundings! It's amazing what color will do for us.
Tim, you be careful on those high ladders. Your bones aren't as young as they once were, remember? I hope you are finished with the high stuff now. Glad you are getting the appraisals in and life is flowing more normally for you.
We've unscrambled some problems here from when we were away and I think all is back to "normal". No great leads on selling Lakemont. For now we will keep on keepin' on and wait for the Lord to work in His timing.
Nan, I'm so glad you are finally home and it looks like you will be able to stay for awhile now. Dana seems to keep you mentally stimulated and on the go. Your nutritional needs seem to be met and you are gaining strength daily. Keep up with those smoothies! Good nutrition there. Tim, be careful with yours. It's too easy to increase the calorie intake for you also.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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