Tuesday evening-Nan is resting
Dear Friends and Family,
We are home resting now. Nan is actually asleep on the couch after resting during the day. She slips in and out of sleep, took some business calls for me, gave me advice about some appraisal work I was doing.
We all got up early this morning but Sharon really got up early, try 1:45 this morning. Could not sleep so she got up and did projects around the house until we got up at 5:45. I tried to complete an appraisal but ran out of time before having to leave for the airport. Nan came down since she did not want to be trapped upstairs all day while I was out working. With the wound vac and TPN machines attached she was really sort of tied down and could not do a lot of moving. So she is surrounded by pillows, the little table Sharon got her which holds her stuff, the phones and blankets, remote for the TV, tissues, water bottle, throw up bucket and trash can.
Sharon and I left about 7:20 for the airport and fought traffic all the way. We used back roads and made it in plenty of time. Then Sharon got to wait for an hour before her plane left. She was so sleepy and her eyes were sore. She will be so glad to settle into her own bed tonight and rest, she will sleep for many hours and deserves every one of them. Sharon helped us so much by her visit. She is energy plus, a great taxi driver, a great social director, a therapist, a cook, a cleaner, an organizer and a great friend. We will continue to enjoy her visit even though she has gone home. She was great for Nan and helped make the trip to Jason and Jo's house work out well. Thanks Sharon for everything!! And thanks Rick for sharing her with us. Hit her up for some time to go fishing, I think she might weaken and let you go.
Nan is looking forward to the end of the Lovequin, she thinks it is causing all the extra nausea and green bile. She is probably right. We have 4 more days of the Lovequin after tonight. So far no word from the Dr. office about blood infection based on the blood draws taken last week. So we wait for results. Nan's weight is gradually inching upward which we like. Now if she could just feel better and begin to enjoy life even a little bit. She has so much will power and is such a sterling example of one who tries her best. She is awesome in every way and all of us are proud of her, especially Keanna, how she loves her Grammie!!
Well its back to just the two of us now and so we'll adjust and do our best for each other. We are just trying to help Nan get on her feet and get stronger and healthier. Sylvia is planning to come on thursday and that will be nice for Nan since I will probably be gone for the day seeing properties. Thank you in advance Sylvia.
Please keep praying for Nan. She is worth it and your time. When we were in Boston we longed to be home, now we are home and we long for recovery to be completed. Yet we are together and working together to make things better.
We send our love and appreciation for the many many kindnesses and expressions of support and love you have shared with us.
Tim and Nan
We are home resting now. Nan is actually asleep on the couch after resting during the day. She slips in and out of sleep, took some business calls for me, gave me advice about some appraisal work I was doing.
We all got up early this morning but Sharon really got up early, try 1:45 this morning. Could not sleep so she got up and did projects around the house until we got up at 5:45. I tried to complete an appraisal but ran out of time before having to leave for the airport. Nan came down since she did not want to be trapped upstairs all day while I was out working. With the wound vac and TPN machines attached she was really sort of tied down and could not do a lot of moving. So she is surrounded by pillows, the little table Sharon got her which holds her stuff, the phones and blankets, remote for the TV, tissues, water bottle, throw up bucket and trash can.
Sharon and I left about 7:20 for the airport and fought traffic all the way. We used back roads and made it in plenty of time. Then Sharon got to wait for an hour before her plane left. She was so sleepy and her eyes were sore. She will be so glad to settle into her own bed tonight and rest, she will sleep for many hours and deserves every one of them. Sharon helped us so much by her visit. She is energy plus, a great taxi driver, a great social director, a therapist, a cook, a cleaner, an organizer and a great friend. We will continue to enjoy her visit even though she has gone home. She was great for Nan and helped make the trip to Jason and Jo's house work out well. Thanks Sharon for everything!! And thanks Rick for sharing her with us. Hit her up for some time to go fishing, I think she might weaken and let you go.
Nan is looking forward to the end of the Lovequin, she thinks it is causing all the extra nausea and green bile. She is probably right. We have 4 more days of the Lovequin after tonight. So far no word from the Dr. office about blood infection based on the blood draws taken last week. So we wait for results. Nan's weight is gradually inching upward which we like. Now if she could just feel better and begin to enjoy life even a little bit. She has so much will power and is such a sterling example of one who tries her best. She is awesome in every way and all of us are proud of her, especially Keanna, how she loves her Grammie!!
Well its back to just the two of us now and so we'll adjust and do our best for each other. We are just trying to help Nan get on her feet and get stronger and healthier. Sylvia is planning to come on thursday and that will be nice for Nan since I will probably be gone for the day seeing properties. Thank you in advance Sylvia.
Please keep praying for Nan. She is worth it and your time. When we were in Boston we longed to be home, now we are home and we long for recovery to be completed. Yet we are together and working together to make things better.
We send our love and appreciation for the many many kindnesses and expressions of support and love you have shared with us.
Tim and Nan
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Good to read that things are a bit better for Nan, We continue to pray that She will have less Pain & Nausea to deal with.
My sister & Husband Chuck will be leaving Thursday for their Home in Palm Springs. It has been good to be with Them for nearly 2 weeks counting the time at Lake Tahoe.
We are planing to Visit You Sabbath P.M. if that will work for You.
Back to the Chemo Center for Carrol on Monday 2nd. Always a trying time but Carrol is so very brave and We do the best that We can with a difficult 4/8 days.
Much Love to You Both,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aha! an early blog this evening. It isn't even morning here yet. It will be a quiet day with Sharon gone and Nan home alone. At least the office is nearby in case of emergencies. I remember when Nan was in Boston she figured out how to get help when she couldn't reach her call button... She just called Tim on the phone and he called the desk. She will figure out something if she needs help.
Take care of yourselves.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
I read the blog every couple days to catch up on Nan's progress. It sounds as though there is a glimmer of light shining through. Hang on to that Nan. You are an amazing gal and I am so blessed that I have been able to experience you through Tim's wonderful blogs. I surely do hope that when you are back to good health that you will consider writing something for the other GIST patients that need your encouragement and a dose of your courage.
How is your stone progress Tim? Praying that God will rid you of that very painful aggravation soon.
God's continued blessings and healing. You are in my prayers, as always, most days and often several times a day.
Phyllis Lytle - North Carolina, former Sounds of Praise
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