Track or Treat, Nan at the door

Dear Friend and Family,
Nan positioned herself by the front door this evening and gave out candy to the cute trick or treaters, finally she tired and passed the torch to Starr and me to do. Just now I ran out of candy so lights out for the evening. We were very surprised to have a little monkey at the door, it was Keanna. I have included a photo of Keanna and mom as she took a break from trick or treating. Nikki hung a little flashlight around her neck so she could see the ground as she walked. It was so fun to see her having a blast on this cool fall evening. Actually it was hard to tell who was having the most fun, Keanna or her mother.
This has been a day of production. I have been in this chair for about 12 hours so far and Nan has encouraged me to stick with it. Thanks sweetie. Today we finalized several doctor appointments, Nov. 9 we see the urologist at UCSF, soon Nan will be getting a blood transfusion, her number was 8.5 yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to try to see a couple properties and get some more work completed and out the door. Nan will continue to gradually recover and it is possible Sylvia might come for a visit in the afternoon. Helps the day pass to have a friend to do things with.
Nan had a brilliant idea this evening, get a take out order from Gratzies of some yummy soup we both love. So while she manned the door handing out candy I ran into brentwood and grabbed the soup. It was very very good. She had a big bowl of it.
In the last 24 hours the drainage from the incision wound was about 100 cc which we believe is less than in prior times. Oh how we long to see it come up dry but not yet.
So I close for this evening. We continue to hope and pray for God's healing, we appreciate the many times God has helped Nan during her recovery. It has been 5 months now and sometimes it seems like its been forever and other times it seems like Boston was yesterday.
Sending our love,
tim and nan
At 9:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess it is morning now here in NC. I'm having a bit of trouble sleeping tonight. I'm tired ~ but can't seem to turn off my mind and rest. So much going on around here.
It sounds like you both had a good day today ~ yet a very productive and a fairly mellow day. Nan you did well passing out the candy. How fun for you especially with your little "monkey". Did she help you pass out candy or was she more interested in going door to door. We don't get any "trick-or-treaters" here. We live in a mostly retirement neighborhood and it's quite dark in here at night.
I'm still trying to get this plane ticket hassle straightened out. It is difficult when you can't talk to a live person. Their Customer Relations issues are handled only via e-mail or FAX. They have replied via e-mail that they received my request and will respond in due time. They are having a flood of e-mails and it is delaying the process. I did talk to someone today who sounded hopeful, but she has no authority to help me ~ not customer relations. I've sent 2 e-mails and 2 Fax's. They gave me an address, so tomorrow I write a letter and mail it. At least they won't forget me!
Tim, you said the drainage is now about 100 cc. A month ago it was 300 cc! So, yes, it does appear to be slowing down. Praise the Lord!!! He is answering our prayers ~ just not as fast as we would like. It seems as we get more anxious He slows the process down. At least that's been my experience. As we learn to "rest in Him" things fall into place better. I'm still trying to learn that patience part. Not easy!
Keep up your courage! We're with you in thought even if we are too busy to do much else. November is here so life should slow down bit.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had a black cat, a cow, and a hockey player hanging off the golf cart last night. Wish we could have come and gotten candy from Nan.
Sandy & family
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