On a wintery day Dana helps Nan pass the time
Dear Friends and Family,
How good it feels to be home out of the wintery weather, cold, wind, rainy brrrr. Nan enjoyed an "in" day today with Terri, visiting nurse coming twice for important visits. One of Nan's dual lumen picc lines appears to be developing a problem. When saline is introduced Nan feels a slight stinging just at the point where the picc line enters her arm. Terri put the special flushing fluid in today to see if things would improve. One line works great but the other is sluggish. What this really means is that at some point we may have to have this picc line removed and a new one inserted into nan's artery. This one has worked faithfully since July and Terri takes wonderful care of it. Today Nan has managed her nausea with small amounts of adavan and its worked pretty well. Of course with chief Dana here there are good things being created all the time, pies, haystacks, oatmeal, toast, you name it and it appears. Nan has been able to enjoy several tasty things today and kept them down. She has been wrapped in her new special heating cover which is just perfect for her in her chair. Starr loves it too and so in spite what the fire was doing or the winds that were blowing through nan stayed warm.
Dana headed out this morning to go shopping. This whirlwind now knows where the good stores are and she came home loaded with so many things the frig is bulging again. Everything tastes so good and its so nice not to have to cook it, just great and what a treat. On the way home from the shopping she found the movie store and rented some movies so when she got home she and Nan figured out how to make the dvd player work and they enjoyed some movies together. That sure helped Nan pass the time.
Meanwhile I was seeing a cute little condo in Concord and then driving like the wind to Modesto to see a nice older home which has been nicely maintained. Then as darkness approached I shot my last photo, found a bathroom at a Shell Station and headed to my appraiser friends house, she was taken to the hospital last night after I left. I went there to try to figure out if our systems were compatible, emailed myself some data and then drove on home. Dana had the house smelling wonderful and I ate way too much. Then built up a fire and set up Nan's TPN. She drifted upstairs to rest and watch TV and I headed to this office to work. This evening I have managed to email out three appraisals that were almost done before and am nearly done with a 4th one. In the morning when I wake I'm going to a medical lab in town for a full battery of tests. Its been a year since the last tests and I need to stay on top of my diabetes, blood pressure, colosteral etc. I want to get them done before the end of the year so the cost will be on this years insurance, not next years when the deductible starts all over again.
I finally screwed up enough courage to call the IRS today about a bill they had sent for something I missed in the spring of 2005. I'm hoping they will consider our plight and reduce the penalties and interest. The lady was very nice on the phone and told me how to go about it. I have several IRS mountains to climb before I am caught up with them, it involves more money than I have seen for awhile. One issue at at a time I guess. When I hung up I found my heart just pounding in my chest, they really frighten me and so I put off making the call that I know I must eventually make. Procrastination is something I could offer classes in, I do it so well. How old does one have to be to wise up and do things right? Obviously older than I am.
We are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing 4 people we dearly love tomorrow afternoon. Roger and Carol are visiting from North Carolina. Their daughter and family live in Sacramento area. They are going to come down to see Bob and Carrol in Lodi and then all come over to see us around 1:30. That will be so nice to see all of them. Nan is really looking forward to the visit.
Once again I feel thankful this evening for something as basic as a safe trip today. My little car, a black VW beetle with diesel engine now has 130,000 miles and some very bald front tires. Sort of crept up on me, one day they were fine and the next the tread was gone. So when I get time I'll check out CostCo for a couple new tires. I am thankful that in spite of Nan's not feeling well she still has her wonderful sense of humor, can enjoy time in her chair with Starr and right now can enjoy Dana hour after hour. I am also thankful that Irene, our fellow GISTer friend has had a good CT scan with no change, always great news for which she is thankful.
I am looking forward to having Tom and John here next sunday to build some shelves in the garage. The garage will take on a whole new look with that kind of organization. Thanks guys, thanks in advance.
This evening as the rain falls I will be praying that God's blessing will continue to rain down on Nan, that she can recover and reclaim her life of activity and love for others. Thanks to each of you for your part.
With love
tim and nan and dana
How good it feels to be home out of the wintery weather, cold, wind, rainy brrrr. Nan enjoyed an "in" day today with Terri, visiting nurse coming twice for important visits. One of Nan's dual lumen picc lines appears to be developing a problem. When saline is introduced Nan feels a slight stinging just at the point where the picc line enters her arm. Terri put the special flushing fluid in today to see if things would improve. One line works great but the other is sluggish. What this really means is that at some point we may have to have this picc line removed and a new one inserted into nan's artery. This one has worked faithfully since July and Terri takes wonderful care of it. Today Nan has managed her nausea with small amounts of adavan and its worked pretty well. Of course with chief Dana here there are good things being created all the time, pies, haystacks, oatmeal, toast, you name it and it appears. Nan has been able to enjoy several tasty things today and kept them down. She has been wrapped in her new special heating cover which is just perfect for her in her chair. Starr loves it too and so in spite what the fire was doing or the winds that were blowing through nan stayed warm.
Dana headed out this morning to go shopping. This whirlwind now knows where the good stores are and she came home loaded with so many things the frig is bulging again. Everything tastes so good and its so nice not to have to cook it, just great and what a treat. On the way home from the shopping she found the movie store and rented some movies so when she got home she and Nan figured out how to make the dvd player work and they enjoyed some movies together. That sure helped Nan pass the time.
Meanwhile I was seeing a cute little condo in Concord and then driving like the wind to Modesto to see a nice older home which has been nicely maintained. Then as darkness approached I shot my last photo, found a bathroom at a Shell Station and headed to my appraiser friends house, she was taken to the hospital last night after I left. I went there to try to figure out if our systems were compatible, emailed myself some data and then drove on home. Dana had the house smelling wonderful and I ate way too much. Then built up a fire and set up Nan's TPN. She drifted upstairs to rest and watch TV and I headed to this office to work. This evening I have managed to email out three appraisals that were almost done before and am nearly done with a 4th one. In the morning when I wake I'm going to a medical lab in town for a full battery of tests. Its been a year since the last tests and I need to stay on top of my diabetes, blood pressure, colosteral etc. I want to get them done before the end of the year so the cost will be on this years insurance, not next years when the deductible starts all over again.
I finally screwed up enough courage to call the IRS today about a bill they had sent for something I missed in the spring of 2005. I'm hoping they will consider our plight and reduce the penalties and interest. The lady was very nice on the phone and told me how to go about it. I have several IRS mountains to climb before I am caught up with them, it involves more money than I have seen for awhile. One issue at at a time I guess. When I hung up I found my heart just pounding in my chest, they really frighten me and so I put off making the call that I know I must eventually make. Procrastination is something I could offer classes in, I do it so well. How old does one have to be to wise up and do things right? Obviously older than I am.
We are looking forward with great anticipation to seeing 4 people we dearly love tomorrow afternoon. Roger and Carol are visiting from North Carolina. Their daughter and family live in Sacramento area. They are going to come down to see Bob and Carrol in Lodi and then all come over to see us around 1:30. That will be so nice to see all of them. Nan is really looking forward to the visit.
Once again I feel thankful this evening for something as basic as a safe trip today. My little car, a black VW beetle with diesel engine now has 130,000 miles and some very bald front tires. Sort of crept up on me, one day they were fine and the next the tread was gone. So when I get time I'll check out CostCo for a couple new tires. I am thankful that in spite of Nan's not feeling well she still has her wonderful sense of humor, can enjoy time in her chair with Starr and right now can enjoy Dana hour after hour. I am also thankful that Irene, our fellow GISTer friend has had a good CT scan with no change, always great news for which she is thankful.
I am looking forward to having Tom and John here next sunday to build some shelves in the garage. The garage will take on a whole new look with that kind of organization. Thanks guys, thanks in advance.
This evening as the rain falls I will be praying that God's blessing will continue to rain down on Nan, that she can recover and reclaim her life of activity and love for others. Thanks to each of you for your part.
With love
tim and nan and dana
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim,
I can offer hope in every area of your life except for the procratination problems. I have waited way too long to tell you that that you must get to at least 59 before you can get any relief. I can share this with you because I am there and there has been no relief as yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst thing ever I have found is procratinating with the IRS. Call often and always send money even if it is only $10. It makes things better. PS don't worry it won't keep your hair from turning grey. Dang it, another great piece of advice I procrastinated sharing until it was too late.
I am delighted that Nan and Dana are having a great time and I know what you mean about the definition of great food ( food someone else cooked). Upgraded to delicious with chef Dana on the job.
Good to hear that you got so much work done. I know how much better it feels to get closer to being caught up. It puts you in a position where you can help your friend during her illness. Hope the systems are compatable enough to make your time as productive as possible.
Praying always that the showers of blessings continue to fall on you and Nan,
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