We are home together this evening
Dear Friends and Family,
Nan is doing better today, not nearly as sleepy, still some nausea but overall a good day with several accomplishments. Nan reminded me this morning that it was time for me to get up. She was right. I worked preparing things in the office first, did some conditions, in appraising conditions are the name applied any time a lender or underwriter wants something more after an appraisal has been emailed in. Perhaps they want something explained better, or disagree with something said or want better photos or anything that might come to their brilliant minds. Conditions are something all appraisers hate yet like taxes they are a part of doing business and so we do them cheerfully or at least try to. I had a little stack of them to deal with and did what I could before running out of time, had to hit the road, first to Stockton to do a review of someone elses appraisal and then up 99 to Sac and then 5 to Redding. Nan's investment of the GPS system for our cars really paid off. It guided me to each and every address I had to locate and there were 10 addresses spread over 10 miles of narrow streets and private drives. It never missed and found everyone of the addresses. Pretty amazing. That device sure hates it when you don't listen and go your own way, sort of like the Lord, a gentle voice says at the next corner turn left and then left again, meaning turn around fool and go the right way. The GPS keeps track of travel time, how long to arrive at the destination, how many miles to go, how fast you are going and which direction. Now that is a gift that keeps on giving, sweater from Jason and Jo, shoes from nikki and steve, yes Christmas was good to me today.
I asked Nan if she would help make some appointments for the rest of the week and she did a great job on them. That helps so much to have the people know we have not forgotten them, they like to hear when the appraiser is coming. Thank you Nan for your help. We talked several times today and that also helps to know things are OK. Loree was on standby in case Nan needed help, Terri the nurse came this morning, drew blood, brought the IV bandage up to speed and helped with the Eranasp shot. Before I left I changed the dressing.
Pam came this evening, helped out by bringing about a bushel of lemons, unloaded the dishwasher, rubbed Nans feet and was just very good company. She was here when I got home around 9 pm. She even built a fire which was burning brightly when I came in, that shocked me really. Now we are ready to head to bed. While not feeling great Nan has felt better than yesterday. We need to run the idea of using a bit of pretisone by one of our doctors but not sure which one to try. I'll write to Dr. Morgan in Boston in the morning re: this and to see if he has received the CD yet of the CT scan.
In comparison to today when I was out most of the day tomorrow I am only out for one appointment, a relocation appraisal in Tracy and then back to work in the office. We are deeply thankful to our Lord for continual orders and business activity. When I got home tonight there are two in the fax machine, always helps.
Steve and his beautiful puppy came to visit this morning. Melaboo is a black lab and is full of wiggles and licks, has soft fur and is just wonderful. Steve and Nikki are already well on the path of teaching her how to behave. What a precious puppy and today Starr was very polite to her but Lady misbehaved.
The leaking seems about the same with much less in the illiostomy bag. Still things are better with the gauze dressing instead of that awful bag. We take our blessings where we find them and cherish them to our heart.
I am thankful for a smiling Nan greeting me when I got home after driving 500 miles, for good friends that write encouraging comments on the blog or call and help the miles pass quickly. How I love our friends.
Soon Nan is going to have a birthday and we are working on an open house style party for her. Of course she does not want any gifts, hard to find places to put things, but she sure enjoys seeing her friends. I'll pass on more details as I know them. Pam is heading up the birthday committee and can use any help she can find. It will be toward the end of the month.
We are grateful this evening for a better day and for our circle of family and friends, every one is precious to us.
tim and nan
Nan is doing better today, not nearly as sleepy, still some nausea but overall a good day with several accomplishments. Nan reminded me this morning that it was time for me to get up. She was right. I worked preparing things in the office first, did some conditions, in appraising conditions are the name applied any time a lender or underwriter wants something more after an appraisal has been emailed in. Perhaps they want something explained better, or disagree with something said or want better photos or anything that might come to their brilliant minds. Conditions are something all appraisers hate yet like taxes they are a part of doing business and so we do them cheerfully or at least try to. I had a little stack of them to deal with and did what I could before running out of time, had to hit the road, first to Stockton to do a review of someone elses appraisal and then up 99 to Sac and then 5 to Redding. Nan's investment of the GPS system for our cars really paid off. It guided me to each and every address I had to locate and there were 10 addresses spread over 10 miles of narrow streets and private drives. It never missed and found everyone of the addresses. Pretty amazing. That device sure hates it when you don't listen and go your own way, sort of like the Lord, a gentle voice says at the next corner turn left and then left again, meaning turn around fool and go the right way. The GPS keeps track of travel time, how long to arrive at the destination, how many miles to go, how fast you are going and which direction. Now that is a gift that keeps on giving, sweater from Jason and Jo, shoes from nikki and steve, yes Christmas was good to me today.
I asked Nan if she would help make some appointments for the rest of the week and she did a great job on them. That helps so much to have the people know we have not forgotten them, they like to hear when the appraiser is coming. Thank you Nan for your help. We talked several times today and that also helps to know things are OK. Loree was on standby in case Nan needed help, Terri the nurse came this morning, drew blood, brought the IV bandage up to speed and helped with the Eranasp shot. Before I left I changed the dressing.
Pam came this evening, helped out by bringing about a bushel of lemons, unloaded the dishwasher, rubbed Nans feet and was just very good company. She was here when I got home around 9 pm. She even built a fire which was burning brightly when I came in, that shocked me really. Now we are ready to head to bed. While not feeling great Nan has felt better than yesterday. We need to run the idea of using a bit of pretisone by one of our doctors but not sure which one to try. I'll write to Dr. Morgan in Boston in the morning re: this and to see if he has received the CD yet of the CT scan.
In comparison to today when I was out most of the day tomorrow I am only out for one appointment, a relocation appraisal in Tracy and then back to work in the office. We are deeply thankful to our Lord for continual orders and business activity. When I got home tonight there are two in the fax machine, always helps.
Steve and his beautiful puppy came to visit this morning. Melaboo is a black lab and is full of wiggles and licks, has soft fur and is just wonderful. Steve and Nikki are already well on the path of teaching her how to behave. What a precious puppy and today Starr was very polite to her but Lady misbehaved.
The leaking seems about the same with much less in the illiostomy bag. Still things are better with the gauze dressing instead of that awful bag. We take our blessings where we find them and cherish them to our heart.
I am thankful for a smiling Nan greeting me when I got home after driving 500 miles, for good friends that write encouraging comments on the blog or call and help the miles pass quickly. How I love our friends.
Soon Nan is going to have a birthday and we are working on an open house style party for her. Of course she does not want any gifts, hard to find places to put things, but she sure enjoys seeing her friends. I'll pass on more details as I know them. Pam is heading up the birthday committee and can use any help she can find. It will be toward the end of the month.
We are grateful this evening for a better day and for our circle of family and friends, every one is precious to us.
tim and nan
At 4:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
It sounds like you both had a productive day! No wonder Nan was smiling when you got home. It always feels good to have accomplished something. So glad Nan had a better day.
Tim I hope you are feeling a bit better. That cold with coughing isn't fun! Take care of yourself!
Winer is here! No, we don't have snow but the temperatures are more "normal" for January and there is a possibility for snow within the next couple of days. We have been enjoying unseasonably warm weather in the mid 60's. The daffodils think it's spring and are popping their little heads up way too early. I've seen some forsythia blooming and a few crocus. We have been having much warmer weather than you have up to this point. Sorry ~ we got your weather.
Have another good day! You deserve it.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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