Nan in Acapulco Mexican hospital
Hi I'm Art and doing the Blog for Nan & Tim tonight. They want to thank eveybody for thier prayes. They left ship this morining at 8:30 AM. Nan was put into hospital and doing well. She is getting a transfusion of two units blood. Travelguard insurance is flying them home tomorrow. Via Learjet Ambulance they are flying into Concord. Nan will go stright to Mount Diablo hospital. Had a small scare tonight and temp was going up tonight again. And once again they thank everybody for there prayers and support. Mary and friends visited Nan in hospital today, thank you that was very special. Looking forward to safe trip home, and being with and family again. And seeing Keanna on her fourth birthday. Thank you all for reading and being with us through the blog. Love Tim & Nan (art) I was on the phone with Tim......
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you Art for standing in for Tim in absentia. I'm glad Nan is safely in the Acapulco hospital and receiving that life blood again. Wow! Not many can say they got a ride on a Lear jet ambulance! I know you will be in good hands. I'm glad Nan is stabilizing and doing better. I don't think this is the way she planned the cruise, but at least she got to enjoy a couple of good days at sea.
We continue to remember you both in prayer and eagerly await more news. (Art or Tim)
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 10:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well Mom, the adventure continues. Hope your ocean view hospital room is giving you just a little bit of comfort. Glad you had the chance to go on vacation, even if it was only for a few nice days and even though it's ending this way. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Love you,
At 1:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just when you thought that things couldn't get worse you turned into Art! This will take your readers some time to get use to. He obviously has not been writing as much as you have. There is no panash no passion not the datails, similies and methaphors that we have come to expect!
Oh! Great blogging where ART thou?
We are overjoyed however that Art is providing us with needed informationn about your most recent adventure.
At 6:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can always tell by your voice as to what state of mind you are in and after talking to you, I feel much better. Enjoy your smooth ride home and your soft recliner. If you have the thought of going on a cruise in the near future, close your eyes and enjoy the thought!
Mary, we owe you big time. Art, thank you so much for being there for Tim, he depends on you and your listening ears.
Lord, thank You, for being in charge of our lives and carrying us through rough spots.
Love you all,
At 6:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah - you are heading home today. Nan will get into familiar surroundings and Tim can get back and forth from home and can keep the home fires burning until Nan can come back home. God is good.
You got to go on a couple of nice days out at sea. You got to experience a hospital in Mexico - actually, you got to see the inside of the hospital unit on board ship. Now you'll fly home in a Lear jet - something you probably haven't done before!! And you thought this trip was off. I'd say you've had a trip of a lifetime!!!
So glad Nan got the blood and can fly home. Now more prayers to see her through her stay at the Antioch Hilton. Then hopefully home to her blue recliner!!!
More prayers and love to you both, Marilyn
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning all,
Thank you Art for filling Us all in on what has transpired the last 24 hours. We were not able to get through to Tim on the Phone and were hoping that someone would take up the slack and You were that Someone.
What a Trip this has turned out to be for You Two, Much evidence of the Lord's leading and now a Quick Flight direct to the "Hilton" and then quickly Home again. "He" truly is watching over You.
Due to a Major Truck Accident 5,000 + gallons of Gasoiline on fire resulting in a major Freeway Colapse this Morning Your Adventure will continue When You attempt to retrive Your Car from the Dock Lot. They say No Problem going in to S.F. but getting out to the east is a nightmare.
I'm sure that the folks there will advise you as to how to procede Home, East Bound is the Problem, Probably need to take the Golden gate to get back. Cal trans is saying 3 months to get things open again at the "Mc Arthur Maze".
Our Prayers have been answered that You could get a flight direct to Antioch and not have to stop & Go in many places.
You will be coming Home to Beautiful Weather, Yesterday it was 92 here and they say mid 80's the rest of the week.
Hi to Carol & Roger glad that You are home Safe and again thanks to Mary and the Ship Board Friends for taking such good care of Our Dear Ones, To Art for keeping Us informed, a big "Way To Go Art".
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 3:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Blog Readers:
I'm not sure if Art can blog again as he doesn't have the passwords - he did it very fast last night and "didn't check the spelling..." Tim called this morning (4/29/07)and said that they were scheduled to leave Acapulco at 1:00pm (Acapulco time)but it had moved to 2:00pm. The arrival at Concord was for approximately 8:00pm.
Nan was doing much better and seating in her hospital bed. Tim also sounded better and thinking ahead as to how he was going to get the car. Art told him that he could help with that.
We will continue to pray for a safe trip and Nan's health as well as Tim's well being.
----Connie (from Gilroy)
At 6:22 PM,
Unknown said…
An adventure is "an undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature." I'd say you have had yourselves a true "adventure!" Our thoughts, prayers and love are covering, surrounding and holding you tonight!
And, by the way, since I rarely blog, I have to say to all bloggeres--Tim and Nan have absolutely the bestest friends EVER!! I read Tim's blog every day (at least when I'm not traveling and am out of internet connectivity) and am constantly in awe of such wonderful, compassionate, thoughtful, Christ-like people!! I have no doubt in my mind part of Tim and Nan's survival is because they have such fantastic friends!!
Our prayers are with you, Tim and Nan as you fly home--and though I'm a blogging "lerker", you are constanty being prayed for from Denver!!
John and Karen Cress
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi friends, Visit to Acapulco hospital? Lear Jet ride home? wow! what a vacation! We are so glad to hear that Nan is sitting up in bed and feeling better. Thanks a whole bunch to Art for the blog info. Nan, Jesus loves you, this I know! Love, Barbie and Ger
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