What a interesting day
Dear Friends and Family,
As i write this evening Jason and Jo are sitting next to me and Timothy is kicking up a storm, he seems ready to emerge into the real world. Jo says he is a mover and shaker!! They arrived this evening while Nikki, Steve and Keanna were here to welcome Dana from Houston. Of course Melaboo was here to swim and chase ducks. Steve's brother David was here for a short visit and it was fun to just sit around on the dock and feel the breeze.
This morning we got up and got ready to drive to Antioch to see Keanna's recital. It turned out to be a huge deal with hundreds of parents and well wishers. Keanna did a very good job and was impressive with a huge smile on her face and good moves. We all really loved the moment. Pam came from Lodi and then went to lunch with the kids. We had to leave immediatelly to drive to Sacramento to pick up Dana at the airport. She had an interesting day. Up at 4 am, then to the airport in hopes of catching a flight, made it to Phoenix where they told her she would not be able to find a flight out at all, but she did find a flight to Orange and then made the final link to Sac on a plane that had no empty seats. Dana flys on pink passes since her son works for the airline. So she has to ride standby. Price is right but sometimes it gets iffy. Today God saw fit to bring her straight through and arrive on time. She had to wait for a bit until we got there. She was so tired and had a lot of pain since she recently had surgery on her hand. After we got home she went shipping and for a look around and then came home to see the kids and then headed to a much deserved early rest.
Tonight we have the privilege of having Jason and Jo here, of Dana hear and Nan is tired by very pleased with her good day. We left here at 10:30 this morning and she did not get back to bed until about 5 pm. She rode in the bed in the back of the van and with a couple hits of Adavan she did pretty well.
Now its time to go to bed. We are tired, blessed and deeply grateful to our Heavenly Father this evening.
We send our love and our desire that your Fathers day will be special and yes Bob and Carrol we will get together soon. Seems we have not been able to hook up lately but soon we will.
Please pray that God will guide us to a solution to growing tumors and the knowledge to do the right thing.
love to all,
Nan and Tim and Jason and Jo and Timothy
As i write this evening Jason and Jo are sitting next to me and Timothy is kicking up a storm, he seems ready to emerge into the real world. Jo says he is a mover and shaker!! They arrived this evening while Nikki, Steve and Keanna were here to welcome Dana from Houston. Of course Melaboo was here to swim and chase ducks. Steve's brother David was here for a short visit and it was fun to just sit around on the dock and feel the breeze.
This morning we got up and got ready to drive to Antioch to see Keanna's recital. It turned out to be a huge deal with hundreds of parents and well wishers. Keanna did a very good job and was impressive with a huge smile on her face and good moves. We all really loved the moment. Pam came from Lodi and then went to lunch with the kids. We had to leave immediatelly to drive to Sacramento to pick up Dana at the airport. She had an interesting day. Up at 4 am, then to the airport in hopes of catching a flight, made it to Phoenix where they told her she would not be able to find a flight out at all, but she did find a flight to Orange and then made the final link to Sac on a plane that had no empty seats. Dana flys on pink passes since her son works for the airline. So she has to ride standby. Price is right but sometimes it gets iffy. Today God saw fit to bring her straight through and arrive on time. She had to wait for a bit until we got there. She was so tired and had a lot of pain since she recently had surgery on her hand. After we got home she went shipping and for a look around and then came home to see the kids and then headed to a much deserved early rest.
Tonight we have the privilege of having Jason and Jo here, of Dana hear and Nan is tired by very pleased with her good day. We left here at 10:30 this morning and she did not get back to bed until about 5 pm. She rode in the bed in the back of the van and with a couple hits of Adavan she did pretty well.
Now its time to go to bed. We are tired, blessed and deeply grateful to our Heavenly Father this evening.
We send our love and our desire that your Fathers day will be special and yes Bob and Carrol we will get together soon. Seems we have not been able to hook up lately but soon we will.
Please pray that God will guide us to a solution to growing tumors and the knowledge to do the right thing.
love to all,
Nan and Tim and Jason and Jo and Timothy
At 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on another great day. A double header. Wow. Great picture of Keanna from yesterday. She is a regular whirling durbish. What a delightful age. No wonder Jesus wanted us to be like little children. It is the definition of happy. It is the only age I would wish to be besides the age I am already, 600. There is a time and a season for everything and I take my turn each day with a greatful heart, happy in the thought that I share it with you, my wonderful friends. It is a journey well enjoyed.
At 4:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Father's day!
It's your day, Tim, relax, enjoy and praise God for another good day.
Yesterday was another good news day. It's always a special time when you can spend it with family and little Timothy is on his way to join you soon. Thinking back a couple of weeks ~ there would be no way Nan could have managed a day like that. Well, remembering her determination ~ maybe she would have done it, but not been able to enjoy it as much.
Our second set of 2X lookers are here this week end and it does look quite promising. We know better than to get excited until the money is in our hands. Then what? I have NO idea. We wait for God to show us the way.
Our prayers continue for you both. God has been merciful to you in so many ways. It is difficult to fathom God's love to us. We wait, we wonder, we get impatient, yet His timing is always perfect and His ultimate plan flawless.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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