Another day of recovery
Dear Family and Friends,
11 pm. nan has just turned off her TV after heading up to bed. She has fresh TPN, Zophram, Adavan, Oxycontin, Zyprexa, Acifex. She was a bit nauseous tonight after eating a couple little rolls and more squash with onion. Her colostomy has continued to work well today and her weight is holding at 135 lbs, same now for a couple weeks. Terry came for blood work this morning but had to come back tonight since one of the vials coagulated. Blood pressure was on the low side, heart rate was normal and Terry is impressed with the progress she has made.
Nan and Marilyn decided to see if they could get in to see the family doctor in Tracy, Dr. Makkur and get her V12 shot which she has not had for several months. She usually gets a little boost energy wise from the shot. He is an incredible doctor and listens and then responds. He sent her home with samples. Marilyn was able to find a few things representing the Kings Basketball Team at the Mall in Tracy and we'll try more tomorrow. They are for her son in law Jerry who follows the Kings even though he lives in Rhode Island. He is a real fan.
It seems hard to believe that Marilyn's time with us is nearly over. She flys home on Wednesday evening and will get there in the morning. What she has been able to do for Nan at the crucial time is amazing, they have talked, napped, watched movies, laughed, remembered and day by day Nan has grown stronger and has more and more courage. It has been an amazing transformation to behold and I am delighted, deeply grateful to God for His hand in her life once again.
When Nan calls me on the phone with a shopping list for Safeway three days in a row you know she is feeling much better. This evening it was to plan for dinner tomorrow when Lammerdings are going to be with us. What fun we are going to have. They are coming fairly early so Gerry can go with me to see properties and Barbie can catch up with Marilyn and Nan. I have to go to Oakland, Brentwood and probably other places tomorrow, then back for a good dinner of special K loaf we all love. We have the corn, the tomatoes, the squash, the salad, now all we need are appetites!
I drove over to Los Altos this morning to do a a review of an appraisal for a condo purchase, over a million dollars and about 1,550 sq. ft. Nice place though, better be for that kind of money. The GPS took me directly to the door and then to the doors of the comparable sales in the area and then home to review some things Steve had completed and then to Bethel Island to see a newly completed home, then to Brentwood to see a relocation appraisal of a home, then to Longs for drugs and then to Safeway. The Fiero is still my mode of transportion since the bug is having some problems with the clutch on the new compressor. Tomorrow they will change it and put my old one on to see if that solves it. So hopefully by tomorrow night the bug will be done and ready, I'm tired of sweating my way to fame and glory but I have a new appreciation for the way most of the world lives, that is with the heat, not able to escape from it. I notice I have to drink more to keep up and the hot car tends to wear one out sooner.
Today some significant checks came in the mail. That will help with upcoming house payments, Visa payments, last fridays payroll etc. I paid some small bills today and two of our vehicles needed DMV tags to be paid for. A call to the travel insurance informed me that they were nearly through processing our claim and soon funds would be coming, about $12,000 or so. Would help if it came about now.
We are very thankful that Nan is feeling better. I do not want to give a wrong impression. nan is not up running about, she moves very slowly and with some pain when she walks, her stomach often hurts a lot, yesterday her feet burned and hurt, she needs to rest a lot after going in the car but quickly recovered today with a short nap. Nan has improved in every way over the past couple weeks and is looking forward to Dana's arrival. Having marilyn here has meant so much to her and we appreciate her kids allowing us to have her for a few days. They text message each other many times a day and Jerry's text message woke her up this morning, thanks a lot Jerry!!
Now its time to rest and lets hope Nan can repeat last night when she slept all night not waking till 8:30 this morning.
Please continue to pray that God's healing and powerful hand will be on her, on her heart, on her tumors, on her strength. I thank Him for yet another chance to enjoy this delightful woman with the backbone of steel and the guts of wonder woman. She is amazing.
tim and nan and marilyn
11 pm. nan has just turned off her TV after heading up to bed. She has fresh TPN, Zophram, Adavan, Oxycontin, Zyprexa, Acifex. She was a bit nauseous tonight after eating a couple little rolls and more squash with onion. Her colostomy has continued to work well today and her weight is holding at 135 lbs, same now for a couple weeks. Terry came for blood work this morning but had to come back tonight since one of the vials coagulated. Blood pressure was on the low side, heart rate was normal and Terry is impressed with the progress she has made.
Nan and Marilyn decided to see if they could get in to see the family doctor in Tracy, Dr. Makkur and get her V12 shot which she has not had for several months. She usually gets a little boost energy wise from the shot. He is an incredible doctor and listens and then responds. He sent her home with samples. Marilyn was able to find a few things representing the Kings Basketball Team at the Mall in Tracy and we'll try more tomorrow. They are for her son in law Jerry who follows the Kings even though he lives in Rhode Island. He is a real fan.
It seems hard to believe that Marilyn's time with us is nearly over. She flys home on Wednesday evening and will get there in the morning. What she has been able to do for Nan at the crucial time is amazing, they have talked, napped, watched movies, laughed, remembered and day by day Nan has grown stronger and has more and more courage. It has been an amazing transformation to behold and I am delighted, deeply grateful to God for His hand in her life once again.
When Nan calls me on the phone with a shopping list for Safeway three days in a row you know she is feeling much better. This evening it was to plan for dinner tomorrow when Lammerdings are going to be with us. What fun we are going to have. They are coming fairly early so Gerry can go with me to see properties and Barbie can catch up with Marilyn and Nan. I have to go to Oakland, Brentwood and probably other places tomorrow, then back for a good dinner of special K loaf we all love. We have the corn, the tomatoes, the squash, the salad, now all we need are appetites!
I drove over to Los Altos this morning to do a a review of an appraisal for a condo purchase, over a million dollars and about 1,550 sq. ft. Nice place though, better be for that kind of money. The GPS took me directly to the door and then to the doors of the comparable sales in the area and then home to review some things Steve had completed and then to Bethel Island to see a newly completed home, then to Brentwood to see a relocation appraisal of a home, then to Longs for drugs and then to Safeway. The Fiero is still my mode of transportion since the bug is having some problems with the clutch on the new compressor. Tomorrow they will change it and put my old one on to see if that solves it. So hopefully by tomorrow night the bug will be done and ready, I'm tired of sweating my way to fame and glory but I have a new appreciation for the way most of the world lives, that is with the heat, not able to escape from it. I notice I have to drink more to keep up and the hot car tends to wear one out sooner.
Today some significant checks came in the mail. That will help with upcoming house payments, Visa payments, last fridays payroll etc. I paid some small bills today and two of our vehicles needed DMV tags to be paid for. A call to the travel insurance informed me that they were nearly through processing our claim and soon funds would be coming, about $12,000 or so. Would help if it came about now.
We are very thankful that Nan is feeling better. I do not want to give a wrong impression. nan is not up running about, she moves very slowly and with some pain when she walks, her stomach often hurts a lot, yesterday her feet burned and hurt, she needs to rest a lot after going in the car but quickly recovered today with a short nap. Nan has improved in every way over the past couple weeks and is looking forward to Dana's arrival. Having marilyn here has meant so much to her and we appreciate her kids allowing us to have her for a few days. They text message each other many times a day and Jerry's text message woke her up this morning, thanks a lot Jerry!!
Now its time to rest and lets hope Nan can repeat last night when she slept all night not waking till 8:30 this morning.
Please continue to pray that God's healing and powerful hand will be on her, on her heart, on her tumors, on her strength. I thank Him for yet another chance to enjoy this delightful woman with the backbone of steel and the guts of wonder woman. She is amazing.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 5:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Mustards!
Another Good News Blog! So glad Nan had another day of feeling better. It must be the home grown squash. I know Nan takes some weird meds, but V12? That one must really give her a boost! Today should be a good day with friends coming and things going on around her. It gives her something to look forward to.
No bug yet? Just think of how much you will appreciate the A/C as you make your way around the cities. There are so many things we take for granted. Now you will appreciate it even more! Have you named that little black bug? It has become a major part of your life the last few years. Like a good friend ~ it needs a name.
Roger left for WA last evening, drove to Charlotte where his flight was delayed 2 hours because of a thunder storm. He finally got to Atlanta where he missed his connecting flight. He is still in Atlanta this a.m. He was scheduled to be on at 8:15 this a.m. Now it is changed to 8:45. It was a short trip ~ now it is even shorter. I told him to ask for another day extension on his trip. He is scheduled to return on Thursday. Doesn't give him any time at all with his brother. He does have to be back Friday anyway.
Enjoy your day with special friends and good eatin'. Maybe you need to plant another squash plant for when this one is finished producing.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
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