Getting better
Dear Family and Friends,
Nan has gone to sleep awhile ago but did so after a good day. Yes she has some nasty foot pain and her stomach is giving her fits but she has been up since about 11. She has had two helpings of squash and cottage cheese, she has had a whole tray of gatoraide ice cubes (thanks Sylvia for the idea), she and Marilyn have watched many Law and Order reruns, laughed, talked, napped. Nan's colostomy bag is back working full time and has been emptied many times today. I just thank God for every time we need to empty it, after so many weeks. We hardly pumped today and when we did got almost nothing. In general she is stronger and happier than a couple weeks ago.
I have worked at my desk the entire day and tonight it is cleaner than when I started, not caught up totally but much closer. We have not heard from the doctor this weekend about Sprycell, the alternative drug for her tumors but we will I think soon.
Terry, the nurse comes at 9 in the morning to draw blood and take vitals. I think she will be very pleased with Nan's condition.
So our prayers tonight should be blended, full of thanks and gratitude and yet seeking more strength, tumor control and greater stability on her feet.
Our friends Art and Connie are leaving tomorrow for a road trip to Crater Lake, Glacier national park and other places of interest. We wish them well as they travel. Pam and Shannon are driving home today and tomorrow from Walla Walla WA where Shannon has been attending college. Bob and Carrol have appointments this week with their medical team and hope for good news to continue.
We are thankful for a better time again. Nan is still suffering but not to the same extent she was even a week ago. Having Marilyn has been wonderful, when friends come to visit and become family it is so special. We munched on Brentwood Corn again this evening, what good food and of course had some Slow Churned Ice Cream too. To see Nan get to eat again is almost a dream, it is so wonderful. She really has not eaten much since we left the cruise ship in Acapulco and that was a very long time ago. She is enjoying her squash so much. It is nice and soft, tasty and she happens to love it and it is extra special because she grew it in her own back yard.
Well bed time calls, my how we appreciate you and your comments.
tim and nan and marilyn
Nan has gone to sleep awhile ago but did so after a good day. Yes she has some nasty foot pain and her stomach is giving her fits but she has been up since about 11. She has had two helpings of squash and cottage cheese, she has had a whole tray of gatoraide ice cubes (thanks Sylvia for the idea), she and Marilyn have watched many Law and Order reruns, laughed, talked, napped. Nan's colostomy bag is back working full time and has been emptied many times today. I just thank God for every time we need to empty it, after so many weeks. We hardly pumped today and when we did got almost nothing. In general she is stronger and happier than a couple weeks ago.
I have worked at my desk the entire day and tonight it is cleaner than when I started, not caught up totally but much closer. We have not heard from the doctor this weekend about Sprycell, the alternative drug for her tumors but we will I think soon.
Terry, the nurse comes at 9 in the morning to draw blood and take vitals. I think she will be very pleased with Nan's condition.
So our prayers tonight should be blended, full of thanks and gratitude and yet seeking more strength, tumor control and greater stability on her feet.
Our friends Art and Connie are leaving tomorrow for a road trip to Crater Lake, Glacier national park and other places of interest. We wish them well as they travel. Pam and Shannon are driving home today and tomorrow from Walla Walla WA where Shannon has been attending college. Bob and Carrol have appointments this week with their medical team and hope for good news to continue.
We are thankful for a better time again. Nan is still suffering but not to the same extent she was even a week ago. Having Marilyn has been wonderful, when friends come to visit and become family it is so special. We munched on Brentwood Corn again this evening, what good food and of course had some Slow Churned Ice Cream too. To see Nan get to eat again is almost a dream, it is so wonderful. She really has not eaten much since we left the cruise ship in Acapulco and that was a very long time ago. She is enjoying her squash so much. It is nice and soft, tasty and she happens to love it and it is extra special because she grew it in her own back yard.
Well bed time calls, my how we appreciate you and your comments.
tim and nan and marilyn
At 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
It sounds like a good week end at the Mustards. It's always seems to be a good report when there's not much to report. The good news is she ate food and "put out" like she was supposed to. If summer squash is something Nan really likes ~ Keep that squash growing! I was wondering about the "Brentwood Corn" though.... certainly Nan could not eat that. If she did that's probably the source of the stomach "fits". I know she loves corn and has been deprived of it for some time.
It is looking like it is thinking about rain. I see a few drops on the walk, but it needs to get a lot more serious before it's over. I bought some more flowers today to set out. They will like the shower.
Have another good day!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim, Nan, and Marilyn,
Just read all the blogs and saw the picture with Nan out in the sunshine! How happy that makes me feel! Marilyn still looks like herself, fun and kind!
We just arrived home from our Tahoe visit. The car is loaded with stuff Jeni doesn't want and we are wondering how in the world we obtained this stuff...Salt Mine here we come! (A thrift place here in Lincoln that takes everything!) We ate breakfast at the Dam Restaurant where Jeni works and she introduced us to her boss and she (the boss) came running around the counter and gave each one of us a huge hug like long lost friends. She told us how much she likes Jeni. We did a lot of work at the cabin -- Ger fixed two broken water pipes, I planted flowers and did some spring cleaning. We visited our neighbor's Scandanvian shop at Cobblestone and found some nice gifts for my secret pal and secret sister. The lake was beautiful as we drove by and I was wishing we could have stayed longer.
Tomorrow (Tuesday)we are getting up early and driving to Discovery Bay to visit "the girls" and Gerry wants to go with Tim on his runs for the day. We love hearing that Nan is feeling better than a week ago. We had Brentwood corn at the cabin and it reminded us of how you guys always brought up corn from Brentwood .. the best in the west! Looking forward to seeing all of you between 8:30 and 9 a.m. tomorrow. Love, Ger & Barb
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you need to look up any information on it, that is correct spelling
At 11:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
If the colostomy bag is back working full time does that mean the kinks/blockage are gone? If true this is good news.
I read the word happier and stronger in the BLOG. For sure this is good news and we are happy to hear it.
PS Tell Gary to review his life insurance before spends a day Tim in the car
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