Nan is free of nausea but gripped by pain
Dear Family and Friends,
Its 9:40, I just watched the sun set over the lake while chatting with my brother who is at his Sacramento home for a few hours. The lake is quiet, calm and reflects the various lights of homes nearby. Geese and ducks quietly paddle back and forth looking for a treat and a couple fishermen are trolling by looking for the last catch of the day. Their boats are silent due to electric motors.
Nan has had a tough day of pain in and around the tube in her stomach. At this moment she just cried out in pain, that usually means Starr is moving about none to carefully and has bumped something. Earlier this afternoon I was in Brentwood doing appraisal work and she called saying she needed me, the pain was too much so I dropped everything, did not go to Longs for meds or the grocery store for food, just came home as quickly as I could. We got her up from the bed and into her chair, cleaned her up a bit, changed the nightgown, gave her some of those yummy frozen gatoraide cubes. I remade her bed since one of the nephrostomy tubes sometimes leaks and it had. Checked her temperature, 100.4, gave her Lovenox shot, changed wound bandage, dry after 12 hours, gave her Adavan which is supposed to make her sleep and got her settled in for the night. This could be a long night, not sure why there is so much pain surrounding the tube and not sure how long to run the vacuum pump each time either. We just run it until nothing more is coming out and then quit.
Its time for her pain meds, her TPN and then sleep.
The bug repair person called today to tell me, yes the compressor is shot and a new one was $667 plus labor. He will only install a VW one, not Napa auto parts since he has had a run of bad pumps from other marketers. So that little bill with be $1,180 on next Tuesday. At least something to look forward to. This money things is a real challenge, so many places to pay and so little money coming in and by the way nan and I want to thank who ever gave money to the Recovery Fun. Loree deposited over $700 this week into the fund. We tend to save it until a crisis comes along and then use it as best we can. For example it might have to go to pay the Blue Cross premium this month which runs about $1,100 a month and worth every penny of it.
We had a wonderful surprise this morning, Steve and Keanna came about 11:15 to visit, Meleboo went for the lake and was in the water more than out for the next hour. Keanna fed ducks and geese and mom got to see her precious family for a few minutes. How we love to see them come, so fun and full of life.
Well its time to wrap it up again. I printed out the comments emailed to the blog for the last 2 days and read them to Nan today. I think it was one of the high points of the day, she smiled, made comments and genuinely appreciated all the helpful and positive things said. You made a direct difference for Nan today with those comments. Thanks
Tonight I will pray for pain relief and healing, for blockage removal, for tumor control and for God to do things we have no clue about that she needs.
Last friday night we went to bed at MBA in the motorhome in the cool weather and surrounded by family. We sure do remember that weekend fondly.
Sending our love from this house to yours, enjoy the weekend and your quiet time to worship.
tim and nan
At 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well at least two things went well today. Your VW is on its way to recovery and there is still a place for quiet and calm on the lake right outside your back door.
Even Nan found joy through the pain with her favorite Starr. It hurts sometimes but is worth it. Mix in a few yummy frozen gatoraide cubes and we are up to two happy events on the day.
Not as many happy events as we wish. We pray that on the morrow we will find more happy moments. We all have this hope.
At 2:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would hope someone could tell you how long to run the pump, that would certainly be helpful.
I would think any kind of surgery causes pain for 4-5 days and then should start to heal. Let's certainly hope so.
So sad to have to have pain to take away the vomiting.
Hopefully this morning will bring a renewed feeling of "wellness" to Nan and yourself. Have a wonderful weekend and I am hoping for the best for you.
Sue M
At 5:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning from VERY dry NC!
Still no rain! There is a very slight chance for rain in the next few days but, it looks like it could be another week. We actually had to water the grass this week.
How nice that you have a quiet place to enjoy in your own back yard. How often God gives us beauty around us and we get too busy to notice.
Something struck me this a.m. as I read the blog. You said "Tonight I will pray for pain relief and healing, for blockage removal, for tumor control and for God to do things we have no clue about that she needs." We have all been praying for specific things yet the part about doing "things we have no clue about that she needs" is probably the key. We have no clue what her real needs are. God knows Nan's body, mind and spirit inside and out. We leave her needs in His hands today.
Have a blessed day today and enjoy the beauty in your back yard.
Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Will be thinking of you today and we will have our special prayer for you in our Sabbath School Class. Rick really knows how to approach the Lord and I know He hears every word. I remember where and how you were a year ago today, what progress! How God has lead us through things is so easy to overlook when we have so much at the present to contend with. Makes me think of Moses and all those people headed for the Promised Land.
Let today be a low key day, reflect on your blessings and have a peaceful Sabbath.
Love you, Sharon
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
How We do Pray that the Lord will take care of the Pain issue for You Nan. I know that Tim & Your Nurses are doing all that they can but truly the Lord knows what really needs to be done and We continue to Pray for His leading to make that happen for You.
If only You,Nan, were more like the "Sick Bug" One New OEM Part and You would be on Your way again. We however are not that simple to fix so We are left to depend on the Creator for Healing & Strength every day.
We managed to get Our Mother out of Her Room for Dinner Yesterday afternoon. She ate a good Meal and was quite alert,more like Herself for a few hours. When We got Her back to Her room at Ashley Place She was worn out and almost immediately went to bed and to sleep 7:30/8:00 or so. My Sister is with Her now this Morning . This was the first time out for Mom in quite a while.
We have a long Day ahead on Sunday, Band rehersal & Concert 1:00/6:30 with a couple of breaks (about 3 hours) for lunch & Dress Up time.
May You Have a Restful Sabbath and Quality relief from the Pain. How We wish that We were getting ready to Sing together for some Church Service somewhere with the Choral, What a Joyful time that was for all of Us before "Cancer". Some Day We will be whole again, What Joy that will be!
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now if that isn't just the sweetest picture! Gets right to the heart in a hurry! What a blessing Keanna is to the Mustard family and their friends. Jesus made a special one when He made Keanna. Count your blessings. Love, Barbie
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