Home again after a meaningful trip
Dear Family and Friends,
Family has never meant more to us than this weekend. Nan enjoyed seeing Jason and Jo as they visited the motor home often and in spite of being pretty much in her bed she still had many happy moments. Keanna was so cute, she decided to place kisses on Nan's foot and then rub them in to help the pain, seems to work as the pain in the foot, leg and thigh was less last night and today.
We finally got up about 9 this morning after being up a couple times during the night, not bad though. Jason came to the door of the motor home and I went out to talk to him and ended up eating a nice breakfast with them. Nan managed an entire bottle of water during the night but probably lost that much this morning. She has been taking tums that Jason and Jo had and that seems to calm the burning in her stomach. She loves to have ice water nearby to sip and we used pillow to prop her up higher in the bed. We used up nearly all of our medical supplies, each IV infusion of Adavan uses as least three saline pushes, the Adavan itself comes in tiny vials which at the most have 4 doses when drawn out using a small needle and we are down to the last little vial with 3 doses to go.
Late this morning we unhooked from Jason's power, water and cable and under his watchful eye backed out onto the road missing a power line guy wire I have hit before. Reluctantly we drove away from MBA and headed home. I had given Nan a dose of Zophram and Adavan just before leaving so she slept most of the way home and was fairly comfortable. I drove slower than normal so things would not be so bumpy. We drove directly to Brentwood which turned out to be a problem, seems hundreds of people wanting to buy produce, cherries, apricots etc were jamming the roads. We finally made our way through to Longs where we picked up Marinol, an anti nausea medicine with strange origins, pot! Nan took a dose and then we drove home. At home I helped her down the steps, actually lifted her part of the way and when she got to the ground she was ready to walk and did so quite well into the house and to her bed where she settled in for a long afternoon nap. I unloaded the motor home which ended up taking more than an hour. Fixed a cupboard door that keeps coming open above my head when we are driving, stripped the sheets, emptied the frig and freezer and started a load of wash. with Nan all settled and sleeping I drove the motor home back to Safeway for fuel, 10 cents off due to a recent food stop, parked it in storage, drove the Fiero home. Then I started the whole process of meds over again, got the TPN ready to go and decided to add hydration tonight since Nan has lost so much fluids through vomiting. One unwelcome touch today was tinges of blood in the stuff coming out.
Terry our visiting nurse is coming in the morning at 9. When she talked to Nan this evening she asked her why she was not in the hospital and Nan said, we are waiting on you to tell us so that could happen tomorrow. We are in our third week of the vomiting when ever Nan is awake and alert. Something has to be done in my opinion. We are now using 6 different nausea solutions and only one really works and that is Adavan which makes her sleep and its primary function is not to solve nausea.
What a temperature difference between MBA and the ocean and our home here in Discovery Bay. Seems like about a 40 degree difference. It was so pleasant to actually need a coat at Jason and Jo's house. As we began to drive home today it remained cool in Watsonville, even in Gilroy and we did not start the AC in the motor home until we were out of San Jose at the Sunol Grade. I was concerned that Nan might be getting to warm so I switched from vent to AC and gradually it pulled out the heat and replaced it with cooler air. On this trip the motor home worked perfectly. Due to its low profile and streamlined design the winds that hit us below Gilroy hardly effected us and the same coming home over Vasco Road where the winds were high. Only once did I really hear Nan cry out, that was due to a stop I had to make which was quicker than expected and she started to slide forward.
When we finally checked the mail the Sabbath checks had come again. Enough to pay the most pressing of the bills and to cover payroll for last Friday, praise the Lord. I already made the deposit which is good since we were slightly in the red in the business account. While I traveled home today I enjoyed talking to Art for many miles and then to Sharon in Texas. Helps keep the spirits up where they belong to communicate with friends and family.
We are thankful that we made the trip and as I came into the house on one of the many trips to bring things in I heard Nan on the phone explaining what happened at the shower and I was gratified that she got to attend. What a gutsy thing to do, she felt terrible but she went and enjoyed it so much. This morning she felt the baby kicking up his little storm and I know she liked that too. It has been a magic weekend in spite of the health issues, a weekend to reflect on blessings and relationships, to be thankful for what we have in each other.
Well my friends it is getting late and in spite of my best intentions to go to bed earlier, seems it does not happen. I honestly could use more time right now, time to complete important things that are begging for attention. Some are done, some remain but a lot depends on how Nan's health is judged by Terry in the morning.
So my family and friends, please PRAY, asking God to once again intervene and stop the vomiting. And of course may His divine will be done.
tim and nan
Family has never meant more to us than this weekend. Nan enjoyed seeing Jason and Jo as they visited the motor home often and in spite of being pretty much in her bed she still had many happy moments. Keanna was so cute, she decided to place kisses on Nan's foot and then rub them in to help the pain, seems to work as the pain in the foot, leg and thigh was less last night and today.
We finally got up about 9 this morning after being up a couple times during the night, not bad though. Jason came to the door of the motor home and I went out to talk to him and ended up eating a nice breakfast with them. Nan managed an entire bottle of water during the night but probably lost that much this morning. She has been taking tums that Jason and Jo had and that seems to calm the burning in her stomach. She loves to have ice water nearby to sip and we used pillow to prop her up higher in the bed. We used up nearly all of our medical supplies, each IV infusion of Adavan uses as least three saline pushes, the Adavan itself comes in tiny vials which at the most have 4 doses when drawn out using a small needle and we are down to the last little vial with 3 doses to go.
Late this morning we unhooked from Jason's power, water and cable and under his watchful eye backed out onto the road missing a power line guy wire I have hit before. Reluctantly we drove away from MBA and headed home. I had given Nan a dose of Zophram and Adavan just before leaving so she slept most of the way home and was fairly comfortable. I drove slower than normal so things would not be so bumpy. We drove directly to Brentwood which turned out to be a problem, seems hundreds of people wanting to buy produce, cherries, apricots etc were jamming the roads. We finally made our way through to Longs where we picked up Marinol, an anti nausea medicine with strange origins, pot! Nan took a dose and then we drove home. At home I helped her down the steps, actually lifted her part of the way and when she got to the ground she was ready to walk and did so quite well into the house and to her bed where she settled in for a long afternoon nap. I unloaded the motor home which ended up taking more than an hour. Fixed a cupboard door that keeps coming open above my head when we are driving, stripped the sheets, emptied the frig and freezer and started a load of wash. with Nan all settled and sleeping I drove the motor home back to Safeway for fuel, 10 cents off due to a recent food stop, parked it in storage, drove the Fiero home. Then I started the whole process of meds over again, got the TPN ready to go and decided to add hydration tonight since Nan has lost so much fluids through vomiting. One unwelcome touch today was tinges of blood in the stuff coming out.
Terry our visiting nurse is coming in the morning at 9. When she talked to Nan this evening she asked her why she was not in the hospital and Nan said, we are waiting on you to tell us so that could happen tomorrow. We are in our third week of the vomiting when ever Nan is awake and alert. Something has to be done in my opinion. We are now using 6 different nausea solutions and only one really works and that is Adavan which makes her sleep and its primary function is not to solve nausea.
What a temperature difference between MBA and the ocean and our home here in Discovery Bay. Seems like about a 40 degree difference. It was so pleasant to actually need a coat at Jason and Jo's house. As we began to drive home today it remained cool in Watsonville, even in Gilroy and we did not start the AC in the motor home until we were out of San Jose at the Sunol Grade. I was concerned that Nan might be getting to warm so I switched from vent to AC and gradually it pulled out the heat and replaced it with cooler air. On this trip the motor home worked perfectly. Due to its low profile and streamlined design the winds that hit us below Gilroy hardly effected us and the same coming home over Vasco Road where the winds were high. Only once did I really hear Nan cry out, that was due to a stop I had to make which was quicker than expected and she started to slide forward.
When we finally checked the mail the Sabbath checks had come again. Enough to pay the most pressing of the bills and to cover payroll for last Friday, praise the Lord. I already made the deposit which is good since we were slightly in the red in the business account. While I traveled home today I enjoyed talking to Art for many miles and then to Sharon in Texas. Helps keep the spirits up where they belong to communicate with friends and family.
We are thankful that we made the trip and as I came into the house on one of the many trips to bring things in I heard Nan on the phone explaining what happened at the shower and I was gratified that she got to attend. What a gutsy thing to do, she felt terrible but she went and enjoyed it so much. This morning she felt the baby kicking up his little storm and I know she liked that too. It has been a magic weekend in spite of the health issues, a weekend to reflect on blessings and relationships, to be thankful for what we have in each other.
Well my friends it is getting late and in spite of my best intentions to go to bed earlier, seems it does not happen. I honestly could use more time right now, time to complete important things that are begging for attention. Some are done, some remain but a lot depends on how Nan's health is judged by Terry in the morning.
So my family and friends, please PRAY, asking God to once again intervene and stop the vomiting. And of course may His divine will be done.
tim and nan
At 2:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Am so thankful that the trip went nicely and that Nan got to be at the baby shower. We have talked of it many times and I know how much she wanted to go. Getting to feel that little one kick is a Grandmother's delight.
Am anxious to hear what the next step will be. Once again, Nan, you have done something I have never done, POT! I sure hope it helps. I pray that you will have a calm and restful day. Know that you are loved. Thanks for taking her to the coast, Tim, I know how you dread the trip in the "big bus" ( Ha!)
Love you both,
At 3:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi dear friends, It was nice for Nan to be at the baby shower. In the picture, Jo looks beaming and healthy! She is making a lovely grandbaby for you to love and spoil. It is late and Gerry came out and turned off all the lights and it is hard to find the right keys...where is the delete key? Well, I hope we don't read about you in the news for taking pot, Nan. We watched the Indy 500 but I went to sleep so don't know exactly how it came out after the rain.
Remembering you in our prayers, Nan! Jesus loves you plus all the rest of us. Cheerio, Barbie
At 7:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Always appreciate reading your blog. The pictures and descriptive writing help me stay connected and informed.
Ain't it funny how some parts of God's country can be so much warmer than other parts? Welcome home to your part even if it needs a little A/C to improve it.
Talk about differences in God's country from place to place. I am sure that the blog readers from other parts of the country were amazed and or shocked by today's blog. How can they imagine a place like Brentwood CA where there is a traffic jam at a farmers market where you can by pot (medicine) to help with nausea. Will wonders never cess?
May God grant Nan relief from her constant nausea so your family can better enjoy the peace celebration of this memorial day.
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
What a special week end you had! Your blog reflected the love and care your family has for each other. I'm so glad Nan was strong enough to go.... I should probably say "strong willed". I know she didn't feel that great, but she did her Nan thing and went anyway.
We are anxious to hear what this week will bring for both of you. You had a reprieve for the week end ~ now it sounds like Nan is headed back to the hospital. What more can they do there that you aren't doing at home? It does give Tim a break though. Tim, you have been a full time care nurse for Nan plus trying to work, trying to keep up the yard, the laundry, the cleaning, cooking and animal maintenance. Not a simple task at all... In fact it is impossible! You have made a valiant effort and your reward will come someday.
Our prayers continue for Nan to be relieved of the pain and constant nausea. And for Tim our prayer is for strength for the day and peace in your heart.
Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We are going to a lunch at the Veterens Hall in Woodbridge at Noon and then to the Cemetary for the Memorial Day Service. Carrol will be playing with the Band. Hope that it's not too hot as shade is a premium where they play.
We will try again to get over to visit sometime this week. Seems like so long since We saw You. We are hoping that the new Med will help with the Nausea. It did well for Our Dear Son Rick when He was going through His Chemo Treatment. It has been 5 Years since He left Us and the Grief still lingers. Some Day We will all be together again and Cancer will be NO MORE !!
Much Love & Prayers Always,
Bob & Carrol.
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