Another day of baby steps toward recovery
Dear Loved Ones,
Its late so I'll be short, perhaps. Just back from the airport where Marilyn's plane was delayed hours in Chicago. But she is here and Nan stayed awake to see her. Pam came over and stayed with Nan during the time I was gone. She is so helpful and positive, she helped Nan a lot while I was gone. So all I had to do when I got home was make sure Marilyn's room was the right temperature, prepare TPN for Nan, give her Adavan, give her hydration ( blood work tomorrow and we need all the help we can with creatin levels), pump her system one more time and say good night. She and Marilyn talked for a few but since Marilyn lives in the eastern time zone she was pretty tired and worn out from the flight and delays.
Nikki and Keanna came this evening when Mom woke from a long nap upstairs and Nan enjoyed seeing Keanna and hearing all the latest news. Keanna proudly showed her her new Jelly shoes that can even get wet!!
Nan woke early briefly and then went back to sleep for hours. She decided to get up and try the chair and while she was in the chair Art and Connie came to visit. I grabbed Art to help me put in the instant water heater since the last one dumped water all over the cabinet and Connie talked to Nan for a bit. It was great to see them both and they look really good. Retirement is working well for them yet they are always busy with projects and people. I carry good thoughts of their visit with me for days and it was so very good to see them as they are about to go on a road trip which will take them away for several days.
My prayer is focused on dealing with the blockage and the tumor growth, they may be related, no one knows at this point. And I intend to see if someone can figure it out and explore ways to solve it. Nan and I had some rough moments this morning just thinking of the issues she faces which are so serious. And today was the first day in weeks that nan could read her emails. Jim the wiz tech and good friend that keeps our computers working has returned the little laptop we got so nan could have it on her lap without it crushing her lap. It works great and while she was reading message she came across one very sad and disturbing. Our close friends Kathy and Herb Flom are coping with advancing GIST. Herb has many tumors that cannot be operated on due to where they are in his body. He has been on a new trial in Las Vegas which has not been working for him, while he was there he developed blockage and an emergency surgery had to be performed. His life was in danger for hours and they worked and tried to keep his blood pressure up and the bleeding down. He made it through and is determined to attend his daughters graduation this coming weekend. Reading all the news really hit Nan hard as just a year ago she had terrible blockage and in two hours was in surgery. Art and Connie came at just the right time to help us move on from the bad news about Herb.
After ARt and Connie left Nan got up from her chair, walked to the 3 steps, did them and then walked to the stairchair, then walked to her bed upstairs. She settled in and after some Adavan she slept like a little baby for hours only waking about 7:20. She has had lots of pain but I sense it is less than a couple days ago.
So now its bed time and you know what we know, not much but we do know to be grateful for the blessings we experience. This morning the line coming out of her stomach was plugged and would not allow anything to pass. nan was beginning to sort of panic dreading the vomiting again and we did not know what we could do to unplug the line. We tried over and over to no avail, so I prayed for God's help and immediately I felt the urge to turn up the vacuum for just a second or two and we both watched as slowly fluid began to move up the line, so slow that we could hardly tell. Then suddenly it broke loose and nearly a half of canister of fluids came rushing out. Thank you Lord, timing was really good that time indeed.
Terry the nurse comes at 8 am to do blood draw, that is just 7 hours away from now so I'll say good night and lets pray that this week the blockage will be history like the nausea is history.
We appreciate you, your input, your prayers and your friendship and love.
tim and nan
Its late so I'll be short, perhaps. Just back from the airport where Marilyn's plane was delayed hours in Chicago. But she is here and Nan stayed awake to see her. Pam came over and stayed with Nan during the time I was gone. She is so helpful and positive, she helped Nan a lot while I was gone. So all I had to do when I got home was make sure Marilyn's room was the right temperature, prepare TPN for Nan, give her Adavan, give her hydration ( blood work tomorrow and we need all the help we can with creatin levels), pump her system one more time and say good night. She and Marilyn talked for a few but since Marilyn lives in the eastern time zone she was pretty tired and worn out from the flight and delays.
Nikki and Keanna came this evening when Mom woke from a long nap upstairs and Nan enjoyed seeing Keanna and hearing all the latest news. Keanna proudly showed her her new Jelly shoes that can even get wet!!
Nan woke early briefly and then went back to sleep for hours. She decided to get up and try the chair and while she was in the chair Art and Connie came to visit. I grabbed Art to help me put in the instant water heater since the last one dumped water all over the cabinet and Connie talked to Nan for a bit. It was great to see them both and they look really good. Retirement is working well for them yet they are always busy with projects and people. I carry good thoughts of their visit with me for days and it was so very good to see them as they are about to go on a road trip which will take them away for several days.
My prayer is focused on dealing with the blockage and the tumor growth, they may be related, no one knows at this point. And I intend to see if someone can figure it out and explore ways to solve it. Nan and I had some rough moments this morning just thinking of the issues she faces which are so serious. And today was the first day in weeks that nan could read her emails. Jim the wiz tech and good friend that keeps our computers working has returned the little laptop we got so nan could have it on her lap without it crushing her lap. It works great and while she was reading message she came across one very sad and disturbing. Our close friends Kathy and Herb Flom are coping with advancing GIST. Herb has many tumors that cannot be operated on due to where they are in his body. He has been on a new trial in Las Vegas which has not been working for him, while he was there he developed blockage and an emergency surgery had to be performed. His life was in danger for hours and they worked and tried to keep his blood pressure up and the bleeding down. He made it through and is determined to attend his daughters graduation this coming weekend. Reading all the news really hit Nan hard as just a year ago she had terrible blockage and in two hours was in surgery. Art and Connie came at just the right time to help us move on from the bad news about Herb.
After ARt and Connie left Nan got up from her chair, walked to the 3 steps, did them and then walked to the stairchair, then walked to her bed upstairs. She settled in and after some Adavan she slept like a little baby for hours only waking about 7:20. She has had lots of pain but I sense it is less than a couple days ago.
So now its bed time and you know what we know, not much but we do know to be grateful for the blessings we experience. This morning the line coming out of her stomach was plugged and would not allow anything to pass. nan was beginning to sort of panic dreading the vomiting again and we did not know what we could do to unplug the line. We tried over and over to no avail, so I prayed for God's help and immediately I felt the urge to turn up the vacuum for just a second or two and we both watched as slowly fluid began to move up the line, so slow that we could hardly tell. Then suddenly it broke loose and nearly a half of canister of fluids came rushing out. Thank you Lord, timing was really good that time indeed.
Terry the nurse comes at 8 am to do blood draw, that is just 7 hours away from now so I'll say good night and lets pray that this week the blockage will be history like the nausea is history.
We appreciate you, your input, your prayers and your friendship and love.
tim and nan
At 2:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
I called you last evening and no answer. I guess Pam and Nan had probably hit the mall. Thank you, Pam, for being a good friend. I'm thankful for Marilyn and her gettting to visit. I know what it means to both of you.
I pray this will be a great day for you both. Will call later this morning, your time.
Remember that I love you,
At 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I hope and pray for the strength for both of you on a daily basis. So much to endure and you guys keep pulling off.
Take Care of yourselves.
At 8:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning to Tim, Nan and Marilyn! Welcome back to California, Marilyn! I'm so glad you can be with Nan for awhile. It will cheer her up. You two always had so much to talk about. Keanna will remind you of Nikki when she was that age. Too bad "baby" Lori couldn't come with you.
Today we are going to a luncheon for the retired people who worked for the County. We always see a few of the people Gerry worked with. We try to save places at the table for each other. The luncheon is at the Daunte Club on Fair Oaks might remember that place as it has been there a long time. The good thing about that place is that it has a lot of parking spaces!
Well, dear Nanny goat, we do love you and you're always in our prayers. Today I am praying that you will feel good and enjoy your sweet visitor!
Love to all 3...Barbie
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Nan & Tim,
Hope that You Nan, are reading this message. We are glad to read that Your Lap top is back on line for You.
What a joy it must be for You to have Marilyn there to visit with and catch up on things from the East Coast.Maybe she can cook up some New England Chowder for You while She is there. We so much enjoyed eating lots of Chowder when We vacationed there 3 different times in Years past, not the least of which was 9-11 when We got stuck at Prince Edward for 7 days,We will never forget that time.
Have a good day and We will continue to Pray for the "Blockage" to be corrected and for Your Comfort & Healing.
Much Love ,
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
You frightened me a little last night! I woke up at 3:00 a.m. (our time) to make my nightly run and had to check the blog ~ no blog! So first thing this a.m. I checked again ~ ahh! You're back with a good reason to be late. So glad Marilyn made it in even though it was very late. Nan will enjoy having her there I'm sure.
We had a little rain, but not enough. There are some promising clouds in the sky, but we aren't seeing any moisture yet today. We are now classified as being in a severe drought. That means the grass is brown and the lakes are getting very low. They are even talking about water rationing. A good rain would really be nice about now. It has been interesting watching the results of the bad freeze we got in April. The tender leaves turned brown and dropped off. Now the leaves have come back fuller and thicker than ever on some trees. Others, like the Japanese Maple, are still really hurting. I don't think some of the azaleas are going to make it.
What a relief to be rid of that constant nausea! The pump doesn't sound like a party, but at least it's better than that awful vomiting.
You both are frequently in my thoughts throughout the day and I send up many prayers for you.
Continued Love and prayers ~ Carol
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
It was so nice to see both of you yesterday. We also got to see your garden - what a wonderful idea on how to plant tomatoes, I can't wait to see the results and how much the plants will grow that way. We came home and checked out our three plants of tomatoes which are getting big but have only a few tomatoes. The bell peppers are not growing, probably not enough sun. Art doesn't care since he won't eat bell peppers....
We had a busy weekend with church, potluck, then drove to Sacramento for a dinner/dance, then back to Tracy and slept over mom's, visited you guys and then stopped to see Ron and Lidia, went out to dinner with them. We drove back to Gilroy and there was still lots of traffic. Slept in this morning, it is after 12:00pm and still have not have anything to eat. Art finally showed me how to use some of the excercise equipment in the shop. We both need to be consistent in doing some kind of excersice as we eat out too much....we have a 6:30 dinner with friends tonight. We plan to hike lots while on our road trip so we need to stay fit.
Nan, stay positive, I know you are hurting, we continue to pray for your health. Again, it was nice seeing you yesterday, I wanted to keep talking but I could tell that you were tired and wanted to sleep.
Tim, I have told you this many times - you really amaze me on how much you do for Nan, I do think that you can be a wonderful full-time nurse if you decide to change professions.
Enjoy your company and continue to love each other.
At 12:46 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Tim & Nan:
Glenn and I are here in Calif. from Oregon for graduations, went to the Tracy Church this Sabbath and learned of your struggles. Just want to let you know our love and prayers are with you. We will continure to pray for Nan and you both. Nan you are such a wonderful brave person, you will be in our prayers continually.
Glenn & Sandy Toon
At 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Glen and I think and talk of you both often during the day and wish we'd be more faithful in letting you know we are praying for you.
Summer vacation has begun, and I'm relieved. Olga's 90th birthday is this Thursday; her whole family and all the grandkids will be in town this weekend-- partly because of that but also for Julianne's baby shower! It will be a fun and busy time. Kelly will stay here for two weeks with the grandmas, as we leave on our vacation next Thursday. Karyn will fly up for the last 10 days of the time we're gone. We'll be back July 5. I'm sure the girls will be happy to relinquish responsibility by then.
Glen says hi; he's working on an adoption on the phone right now. We love you and think of you often. How strong you both are emotionally. Bye for now.
Joyce & Glen Conner
Tim, I have about 10 tomato plants growing, and I'm sure some of those tomatoes want to be eaten in a peanut butter sandwish by you in August.
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
Glen and I think and talk of you both often during the day and wish we'd be more faithful in letting you know we are praying for you.
Summer vacation has begun, and I'm relieved. Olga's 90th birthday is this Thursday; her whole family and all the grandkids will be in town this weekend-- partly because of that but also for Julianne's baby shower! It will be a fun and busy time. Kelly will stay here for two weeks with the grandmas, as we leave on our vacation next Thursday. Karyn will fly up for the last 10 days of the time we're gone. We'll be back July 5. I'm sure the girls will be happy to relinquish responsibility by then.
Tim, I have about 10 tomato plants growing, and I'm sure some of those tomatoes want to be eaten in a peanut butter sandwich by you in August.
Glen says hi; he's working on an adoption on the phone right now. We love you and think of you often. How strong you both are emotionally. Bye for now.
Joyce & Glen Conner
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