The weekend draws to a close
Dear Ones,
10:20 Nan is settled into bed, bags are pinned to the bed so they won't get heavy in the night and hurt her, TPN is running full force, pain meds are on board and it should be a good night. Nan complained this morning of leg and foot pains all night, said her feet feel like they are on fire and rubbing them with lotion calms the pain. So I have done that several times today. I can tell Nan hates to ask for my help but there is no one else here to rub them and she does not dare bend that far or the tummy dressing / collection bag will become dislodged and start leaking and when that happens it is disaster. Nan has had several bouts of nausea today, one after eating a yummy orange and one after eating a lemon from our own tree, exciting really. However she quickly recovers after losing a bit of fluid and feels better.
nan had me pick up a couple things after I did some appraisal work in Brentwood this afternoon. She hoped to be able to guide me in fixing some vege scalops but didn't feel up to it by the time I got home with everything, I had to go to two different stores on the opposite sides of brentwood to find Best Food Tartar sauce. Anyway we have all the supplies on hand now for the next time she decides we can make some special things. We had a fire this morning and managed to get the house so hot that it even made the fish tank get too warm. Nan likes it warm, makes her feel better I think. This afternoon she came down from a nap and decided to go walking. She walked the furtherest yet while at home. She felt it but I think was proud of her accomplishment. We had planned to pay bills today but managed to not do so, in the morning after the visiting nurse leaves we had better get some things mailed out and hope the money will come in to cover the basic bills.
I've managed to provide a bowl of cereal for Nan's breakfast, popsickles, ice water, hot tea, asparagas soup tonight we crackers that are actually current. The ones we had were up in 2004, no wonder they tasted stale. Nikki is great about helping us keep our stuff up to date. She looks at me and simply says, Dad throw it away and then being an obedient dad I do. I carrried the bag from the compactor out to the trash can tonight for tomorrows pickup and it must have weighed 40 lbs. Mostly baby food that we no longer need and is far out of date.
I really appreciate some emails I received today reminding me of positive things I have done in the past. These emails are a real boost in dark times like the present. Thank you very much!
Tomorrow I am going to Patterson and Los Banos for appraisal work. One is even COD which of course I love, money in hand for ready deposit. Yes! I have work to do in Tracy, Concord, North Highlands, Oakdale, Alameda and one local one.
Nan and I thank God for life, for the ability to be home, not at a hospital, for friendly phones calls, for enough to eat, for a good bed for sleeping, for a warm environment. Mostly we are grateful to Jesus who gave His life that we might have eternal life and the hope of living with healthy bodies forever.
sending our love and deep appreciation
tim and nan
10:20 Nan is settled into bed, bags are pinned to the bed so they won't get heavy in the night and hurt her, TPN is running full force, pain meds are on board and it should be a good night. Nan complained this morning of leg and foot pains all night, said her feet feel like they are on fire and rubbing them with lotion calms the pain. So I have done that several times today. I can tell Nan hates to ask for my help but there is no one else here to rub them and she does not dare bend that far or the tummy dressing / collection bag will become dislodged and start leaking and when that happens it is disaster. Nan has had several bouts of nausea today, one after eating a yummy orange and one after eating a lemon from our own tree, exciting really. However she quickly recovers after losing a bit of fluid and feels better.
nan had me pick up a couple things after I did some appraisal work in Brentwood this afternoon. She hoped to be able to guide me in fixing some vege scalops but didn't feel up to it by the time I got home with everything, I had to go to two different stores on the opposite sides of brentwood to find Best Food Tartar sauce. Anyway we have all the supplies on hand now for the next time she decides we can make some special things. We had a fire this morning and managed to get the house so hot that it even made the fish tank get too warm. Nan likes it warm, makes her feel better I think. This afternoon she came down from a nap and decided to go walking. She walked the furtherest yet while at home. She felt it but I think was proud of her accomplishment. We had planned to pay bills today but managed to not do so, in the morning after the visiting nurse leaves we had better get some things mailed out and hope the money will come in to cover the basic bills.
I've managed to provide a bowl of cereal for Nan's breakfast, popsickles, ice water, hot tea, asparagas soup tonight we crackers that are actually current. The ones we had were up in 2004, no wonder they tasted stale. Nikki is great about helping us keep our stuff up to date. She looks at me and simply says, Dad throw it away and then being an obedient dad I do. I carrried the bag from the compactor out to the trash can tonight for tomorrows pickup and it must have weighed 40 lbs. Mostly baby food that we no longer need and is far out of date.
I really appreciate some emails I received today reminding me of positive things I have done in the past. These emails are a real boost in dark times like the present. Thank you very much!
Tomorrow I am going to Patterson and Los Banos for appraisal work. One is even COD which of course I love, money in hand for ready deposit. Yes! I have work to do in Tracy, Concord, North Highlands, Oakdale, Alameda and one local one.
Nan and I thank God for life, for the ability to be home, not at a hospital, for friendly phones calls, for enough to eat, for a good bed for sleeping, for a warm environment. Mostly we are grateful to Jesus who gave His life that we might have eternal life and the hope of living with healthy bodies forever.
sending our love and deep appreciation
tim and nan
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
As a far off stranger, who has been drawn into the courageous world of you two, I want you to know that I witness a sermon everytime I read your BLOG.
Each time that you make a BLOG entry, we are priviledged to experience a living sermon that is a testimony to your trust in the will of our Heavenly Father for your lives. A sermon that reflects a loving servants heart for his beloved Nan.
Nan's courage through all of this; waiting for God to open the next door He has for her...what an amazing witness she is to so many of us. How she helps to put into perspective for so many (me especially), the minor aggravations we might be experiencing in our lives. What a witness of how to trust in our Gracious Father and "keep-on-keeping-on" as long as He wants us to.
Tim you give a sermon each time you so lovingly report to us Nan's trials and your heavy concerns for her each day. Your committed faithfulness and unselfish love for Nan, as you juggle and prioritize the craziness of each day is such a witness of how to live our faith.
I don't know what God has planned for you two. But I believe with all my heart that each pain filled day has blessed someone in your circle of experience that day.
I continue to lift you both in prayer to our Abba God, knowing His love for you is beyond anything we can fathom.
Love and prayers,
Phyllis Lytle - North Carolina
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