Looked like a choir...

Dear Friends and Family,
This has been a non stop day for all. Early this morning I went to lab for full blood workup, its been almost a year and time to see the numbers. When I got back Dana had the fire burning brightly and kept the house warm all day long. She made a brief run to the store for supplies and cooked and cooked. She has Nan eating small portions of lots of things, all good for her. Some she keeps down and some not so lucky.
Our friends came to visit at 2 pm. Lloyd and Bernice White from Tracy, Bob and Carrol from Lodi and Roger and Carol from N. Carolina. Nan got up from her nap and Dana and I joined the happy group and we talked for a couple hours. Carrol is looking so good and her numbers are looking pretty good on her blood now too. Roger, newly recovered from a heart attack is doing much better with good heart numbers and renewed energy. The only thing wrong with today is that Nan and I could have talked for hours with every person in the room, we all were in choirs together in the past, after all it was the Roger Peden Chorale originally. We all love music and we had at least three conversations going most of the time. It was just wonderful to see everyone and so very nice to have them drive all the way out to Discovery Bay.
I left as they left to see if I could help get out an appraisal since the appraiser is still in the hospital. Finally after hours of learning their systems we got the appraisal emailed out, then home to Nan who was so tired and exhausted that as soon as she got the TPN connected she fell asleep. However sleep is at a premium tonight since the weather is nasty, pretty strong wind gusts are buffeting our home and boat cover ripping it to shreds. While I was gone it felt so good to know Dana was watching over Nan and that Nan had someone to be with her to talk to and not get lonely. I know this is hard on Dana because she and Ronnie are so close and to be apart is hard on both of them so we really appreciate her sacrifice in coming.
Tomorrow morning they are heading out to get Moomoo fixed. That will require a trip to Stockton over the levee roads, no fun any time of the day. nan wants to do it and if she feels up to it in the morning then she and Dana will make the trip.
I spoke to Jo this evening as I drove back home, they are home and safe from the upcoming Denver storm and we hope to see them either tomorrow of the next day, whatever fits their plans. We are so glad they are home safe after the stormy time they had in Denver.
Well since I am falling asleep at the keyboard perhaps its time to bid you each good night. Please pray that we might find a way to reduce the constant nausea so Nan can enjoy life a bit more than now. The interventional radiology team has us booked into surgery for Jan. 5 to put a more permanent block in Nan's ureters. So far the leaking is continuing but not as much as in the old days.
Sending our love
tim and nan and dana
ps Somehow Dana got left out of the pictures. We'll take care of that over the next few days.
At 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards & Dana Too,
It was so good to visit with You & Pedens & Whites, Almost like a Choral Reunion. What a Joy it will be when We can again blend our voices in Praise to Our Heavenly Father, Won't that be grand !!
Hope things are going well today and will continue through the weekend. We will Pray for good results with the up coming Surgery for Nan next week.
It was great to meet Dana in Person. It seems like We have known Her for a long time but now We can put a real body to the Person that We have only known in words. You can see why Nan is so attached to Her. She is a real bright spot for the both of You.
We had a safe ride Home and got the Pedens off on their way to Sacramento about 6:00 or so. So much fun to visit with Those Very Special People again.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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