Art and Connie visit
Dear Friends and Family,
Art and Connie Diaz drove from Gilroy to our home this morning and Art went with me to an Oakland appraisal appointment and Connie stayed with Nan, swept, cleaned in the kitchen, bagged dried fruit and kept Nan company. Art and I had lunch at the Red Robin in Pleasanton and then back to Disco Bay where Art and Connie moved on and I went to Bethel Island for a late afternoon appraisal.
I appreciate their coming over today very much. It was good to have Art riding shotgun and we both enjoyed having the GPS tell us where to go, we both comments that it was sort of like having a second wife, a womans voice telling us where to turn and what to do next. Very life like and also very accurate.
Nan has been having a lot of pain from her nephrostomy tubes. Tonight when I got home I checked them out. Our visiting nurse had never put them on before, the little butterfly locking devices and as I looked closer she had put them on incorrectly, no wonder the pain. However I'm not sure about me changing them as I have not done it before either. However I do know how they are supposed to be positioned and I'll tell you, they are not right as they are. We may change them yet tonight, not sure, really up to Nan and how much more pain she can take as changing them causes a lot of pain also.
Nan just had a toast so she could take her meds and is ready to head to bed I think. I know I am. Nan has rested a lot today but I think she needed to. She has had a pretty good evening when she came down. Of course the fire is burning brightly and warmly and should hold all night.
We ran out of time today and did not get tires so one more day on my special slicks. Soon! Tomorrow morning I drive to Copperopolis up Highway 4 for an appraisal and then on to Grass Valley for a second appraisal. Then home quickly since Jason and Jo are coming tomorrow night and staying over to go to Sabbath School and Church in Tracy. Yea! Nikki and Steve leave for Tahoe on Saturday for a much needed vacation in the snow, Keanna can't wait to get there.
Hope your week is winding down well. We send our love and appreciation for those constant prayers in nan's behalf.
tim and nan
Art and Connie Diaz drove from Gilroy to our home this morning and Art went with me to an Oakland appraisal appointment and Connie stayed with Nan, swept, cleaned in the kitchen, bagged dried fruit and kept Nan company. Art and I had lunch at the Red Robin in Pleasanton and then back to Disco Bay where Art and Connie moved on and I went to Bethel Island for a late afternoon appraisal.
I appreciate their coming over today very much. It was good to have Art riding shotgun and we both enjoyed having the GPS tell us where to go, we both comments that it was sort of like having a second wife, a womans voice telling us where to turn and what to do next. Very life like and also very accurate.
Nan has been having a lot of pain from her nephrostomy tubes. Tonight when I got home I checked them out. Our visiting nurse had never put them on before, the little butterfly locking devices and as I looked closer she had put them on incorrectly, no wonder the pain. However I'm not sure about me changing them as I have not done it before either. However I do know how they are supposed to be positioned and I'll tell you, they are not right as they are. We may change them yet tonight, not sure, really up to Nan and how much more pain she can take as changing them causes a lot of pain also.
Nan just had a toast so she could take her meds and is ready to head to bed I think. I know I am. Nan has rested a lot today but I think she needed to. She has had a pretty good evening when she came down. Of course the fire is burning brightly and warmly and should hold all night.
We ran out of time today and did not get tires so one more day on my special slicks. Soon! Tomorrow morning I drive to Copperopolis up Highway 4 for an appraisal and then on to Grass Valley for a second appraisal. Then home quickly since Jason and Jo are coming tomorrow night and staying over to go to Sabbath School and Church in Tracy. Yea! Nikki and Steve leave for Tahoe on Saturday for a much needed vacation in the snow, Keanna can't wait to get there.
Hope your week is winding down well. We send our love and appreciation for those constant prayers in nan's behalf.
tim and nan
At 11:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's 2:45 a.m here. I just woke up and added more wood to the fire and decided to check the blog. It looks like it just came in! I'm glad you had a good day riding around with your new GPS and with Art. Woman telling you what to do huh? I don't get to tell my man what to do!
When you read this it will be the tomorrow you said you would be getting tires, so today is the day! Priorities?
So disappointed that Nan is not getting relief from the new device. At least it was worth the try. I hope you were able to get some relief from those nephrostomy tubes. Nan doesn't need any more unnecessary pain.
How nice to have Jason and Jo coming for the week end. With Nikki and Keanna going away it's good to have other family near. They probably won't bring the "sunshine" that little Keanna brings, but they always bring you joy.
I'll be in Idaho for a couple of weeks starting the end of the month. Linda is having her first surgery on her knee ~ ouch! She will need assistance since her cast will be from hip to ankle. Roger, Lesley and Paulette will have to run Lakemont for awhile. It is traditionally a slow time, so it should work out ok.
Back to bed for me for a few more hours. Have a pain free day! I hope Tim is beginning to feel better.
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know if would help at all but there is a TWH that would love to tell you and Art where to go. Let me know and I will arrange to have it brought to your location! In addition to directions it will offer driving critics (sp) and menu suggestions.
Safe journeys tomorrow, the prayer warriors will keep Nan lifted up.
At 8:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
This cold snap is really taking hold over here. BURRR. I trust the furnace is working. Keeping a fire going all the time is a full time job and does not do much for the more remote spots in the house.
We will try to get over for a visit Sabbath P.M. We will call to see how things are with You before We make the drive over.
Tim , think "TIRES" today good rubber on the road is a must! Good thing You were not driving the Bug when You got the ticket the other day or You would have had a "Fix It" Violation to deal with for the Tires and those tickets are no fun at all. (Paper Work).
Any word from Boston on the Scan C.D. yet or did We miss it ?
Have a safe day and stay warm.
Love & Prayers ,
Bob & Carrol.
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