A very complex day, Nan did pretty well through it all

Dear Friends and Family,
Jason just called this minute and is home safe back at MBA. They have been with us since last evening and we have had a very good time together. Nan started the day quite rough but as the day passed she started to feel some better. Pam came this afternoon armed with every cleaning device and substance known to mankind. She has transformed our bedroom and bathroom, tops of dressers are attractive now, clothes that were laying around are hung or are being washed, the treadmill is clear of anything and ready to be used again, Nan's tan colored recliner in our bedroom is free of clothes and can be used again, bathroom surfaces are clean, sparkle and shine. Pam has worked non stop for hours on things getting ready for the birthday bash. Jason and Clayton assembled the new chairs that Nan found on the web for about 75% off. Jo spent time with mom and they both took turns napping in the warm family room under blankets.
I got to take Keanna to Sabbath School this morning and for a grampa that is about as good as it gets, she was dressed so cutely in boots and a warm outfit, her hair was perfect and her eyes sparkled. Kim was the teacher today and Keanna enjoyed getting to be there again. Then I brought her to her mommy and they had an appointment in Brentwood and I drove back to Tracy church to hear a very encouraging sermon by the pastor. I had a rough time holding it together as I was quite worried about mom being alone again and not feeling that well. She encouraged me to have lunch with jason and Jo at Olive Garden which we did. Then home to help mom come downstairs where she settled into her recliner, got warm and gradually felt some better. Eventually she had a popsickle, then a chocolate milk, then later a piece of pizza and some Martinellis Sparkling Apple Juice. Amazingly she was able to keep all of this down.
So we enjoy those times of feeling better and treasure them. I asked God for His special blessing on our family today and I believe we experienced it.
I am so proud to be able to let you know now a secret that we have known for awhile. Jason and Jo are going to introduce a new little person into the world around the end of July. Ultrasound has not been able to indicate boy or girl yet but Dana using a pencil and string forcast two girls for them. Hmmm, that there is science for you. Mom and I are so happy that there will be another precious little person in our lives, we can't wait. Both jason and Jo are delighted with the news and are preparing themselves for the addition.
It was hard to see them drive away this evening, it always is hard since we love them so much and treasure time we get to spend with them. Cat Stevens's song about cats in a craddle is sure true. Jason used to want me to spend more time with him and now I want to get to see him more, things change and we have to adjust. Do you like to adjust? I sure don't. I don't like to change, to move, to learn a new way of doing something. I like security and a known commodity any day.
Nan's courage was so good this evening and she felt good enough to be fully engaged in conversations with Jason, Jo, Clayton and me as we munched our Straw Hat Pizza and sipped soda or apple juice. Having the kids last night and today really helped her a lot, thanks family. And special thanks to Pam for her hours of cleaning and arranging things. She even took all the little pieces of the different nativity sets out of the cabinets and dusted them and cleaned them, wow that is work.
Now it is time to rest, I'm not sure if pam is staying the night or not but it makes sense if she wants to. She has worked very hard and has to be tired.
It was very meaningful to see our friends and loved ones at the Tracy SDA church today. They understand what we are going through and are very supportive and a great help emotionally. How we treasure the Tracy church family, they know how to share Jesus and His love with all.
I've included a couple photos. One is our faithful Frosty in the front yard, probably tomorrow he will go back into his box for the season until next Christmas along with the other little items. The other photo is of the kids as they left this evening in Jo's new car. The mostly dark photo is their car going around the corner on their way home.
We are sending our love this evening, seeking your prayers and hoping for the miracle of well being. We know God knows what He is doing.
tim and nan and pam
At 4:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning!
What a special day you had yesterday ~ Family and friends near, taking Keanna to Sabbath School and being able to attend church yourself, getting a clean house, and being able to share the special news of Jason and Jo adding to their family. (Congratulations, Jason and Jo!) Nan I'm glad you felt up to interacting in conversation with them. And it sounds like you experienced minimal nausea yesterday! Yea!!! Isn't it amazing what family can do for us?
I haven't heard anything more about new tires though...... I hope that's on the top of your priority list this week. Slicks aren't good for rainy weather.
We are having very strange weather this winter. The last few days have been in the mid 60's to lo 70's during the day and about 45 at night. The daffodils and forsythia are starting to bloom. Not normal for here at all! I wonder what spring will be like? We had a few days of "normal" the first part of the week then it got warm again. We have had a lot of rain, so we are glad it wasn't cold and made ice.
Have a good week as you prepare for that birthday bash! I wish I could come, but it looks like I'll be with Linda in Boise after her knee surgery.
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great to see you, Jason and Jo Sabbath. I have never had anything but happy encounters with any of the above mentioned. Congratulations on the new addition to you family. Needless to say a little more mustard is a good thing!
I had the opportunity to visit briefly with Jason and he is still the same charming young man I remember. He must of have excellent parents.
God Bless,
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