Safe and sound
Dear Ones,
*I drove nearly 400 miles today to see properties
*Nan ventured out in her van to have her hair washed
*Both of us are very tired tonight
*Both of us are on edge about tomorrow's Dr. visit at UCSF
*Nan had significant bleeding around her colostomy today when it failed while she was out and that concerns us both, not sure where the bleeding is coming from
*We anticipate leaving around 9:30 in the morning, pick up CD of the CT scan from September in Concord, then pick up CD of the CT scan at UCSF done at the end of November.
*We will spend the night in SF at a nearby hotel
* We are not sure if we can blog tomorrow night or not
*10 am Wednesday IR is going to replace nephrostomies and inject dye to see if the glue is holding in ureters and look for other leaks
*When Nan recovers we are traveling home Wed. afternoon.
*We sure need your prayers seeking God's answers and healing for leaking, vomiting, bleeding, controlling tumors
Your intervention in our lives is precious to us both and to our children as well. Thank you!
*I drove nearly 400 miles today to see properties
*Nan ventured out in her van to have her hair washed
*Both of us are very tired tonight
*Both of us are on edge about tomorrow's Dr. visit at UCSF
*Nan had significant bleeding around her colostomy today when it failed while she was out and that concerns us both, not sure where the bleeding is coming from
*We anticipate leaving around 9:30 in the morning, pick up CD of the CT scan from September in Concord, then pick up CD of the CT scan at UCSF done at the end of November.
*We will spend the night in SF at a nearby hotel
* We are not sure if we can blog tomorrow night or not
*10 am Wednesday IR is going to replace nephrostomies and inject dye to see if the glue is holding in ureters and look for other leaks
*When Nan recovers we are traveling home Wed. afternoon.
*We sure need your prayers seeking God's answers and healing for leaking, vomiting, bleeding, controlling tumors
Your intervention in our lives is precious to us both and to our children as well. Thank you!
At 5:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan
Many prayers are going with you for Wednesday's procedures. They will be able to check on the bleeding and find the source. Nan you are amazing going out to have your hair done - go girl!!!
You have had good appraisals Tim and that is certainly a good thing. What a full day you had yesterday - the only bad thing is that you are away from Nan.
Safe travels today.
Love, Marilyn
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan,
My thoughts and prayers go with you as you continue to seek for answers. May you have a safe and profitable trip. I pray it all goes well. So many questions begging for answers.
So, you are off driving yourself around again? Good for you girl! Nothing like clean and styled hair to make a lady feel good.
Now to stop the bleeding, leaking, vomiting and continue the healing. I eagerly await hearing how it goes for you.
Love and prayers,
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
We too will be praying for answers to all of the issues facing Nan. Please keep Us up on the results.
We just got back from Reno (Tax Prep Time) Decided to cut the visit short because of in coming bad weather across the Passes. due in 6:00 a.m. Tuesday so We beat a trail home this evening over Hwy 88. We did encounter some high winds but otherwise no problems.
Have a good Day tomorrow & Wednesday too.
Much Love to you Both,
Bob & Carrol.
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