Grammy meets Timothy, love at first sight!
Dear Ones,
We are settled in the motorhome tonight parked next to Jason and Jo's home at Monterey Bay Academy located on the Pacific Ocean, Monterey Bay. Dana is snoring gently in the rear bedroom with her TV on, Nan is sleeping in the front bed and of course I am blogging. I hope to be able to attach photos of Nan with precious Timothy in her arms. It took a long trip through traffic to get here but Nan thinks it is worth it.
Our day started with Nan having yet another fever and planning . hoping to head to MBA. We talked a couple times and I could tell she was not happy with the progress of things. I talked to Critical Care Home health and they said they had heard nan was being released so we started to plan that way. I took care of paper work at the office, loaded medical things we would need into the motorhome and then headed over to the hospital. Dana was also on her way, got a much needed oil change in Nan's van and then helped Nan get packed. When I got close I parked a block away as the motorhome and hospital parking lot are not really made for each other. We loaded up the many items from the room into the van and then when nan was released I grabbed the motorhome. She was wheeled to the motorhome but walked up its steps and to the bed waiting for her. Then we headed to hayward to Critical Care to pick up TPN and other needed antibiotics etc. That took awhile since our exit was blocked by a truck on its top and cops everywhere. Then from Critical Care into 880 4:30 traffic which was a mess all the way down to San Jose where we caught 101 south to 129 which goes directly to Watsonville and to MBA. The trip took a long time but finally we arrived at MBA and Jason brought Timothy out to play. Nan lovingly held him for a long time just looking at him and treasuring the experience. Our baby has a baby, wow. I went in and talked to Jo and Julie who are both tired but happy. Dana also enjoyed holding the little guy. He is so cute and stretches his arms, opens his arms wide and his big eyes too. How precious, how beautiful.
Our prayer tonight is for God's leading and healing. We are tired and ready to go to bed.
This has been another big day for Nan who has longed to be with this little guy for two weeks. Her will power has once again conquered her fears and circumstances and she is here tonight.
We were informed by research at the oncology office that they hope to have AMN by Friday. I am assuming that the review board passed the drug today but no one told me that yet.
We are thankful and yet apprehensive at the same time. nan has incredible pain at times especially at 65 miles per hour down the freeway over the bumps yet she endured through it all. This is one very special lady and I thank God for her on behalf of our entire family.
tim and nan and dana and jason and jo and timothy and julie
sorry about the multiple copies of the same photo, I know how to put them in but don't know how to take them out and the nice room, well thats up in Rohnert park and has nothing to do with anything, its late, be forgiving please.
I hope they have a quiet night in the house. Sir Timothy sometimes likes to be up during the night and Joe, Julie and Jason seems to have a sleepy look in their eyes.
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi to all, Things look happy and content. What a difference a baby makes! Even if it was a long ride to Monterey, I'm sure it was worth it. And seeing Little sweetheart for the first time must fill your heart with memories from when Jason was just a wee one! Enjoy! Enjoy!
We had a $5 coupon for the "Feast" at the Thunder Valley Casino so we went there for lunch today with some friends. They have the best coconut macroon cookies that you'll ever find. This evening I went to a Cookie Lee Jewelry party at my neighbor lady's. She made me a virgin Margarita.
Have a great visit. AMN coming on Friday, Nan could make it up the steps into the motor home... and we will be thanking the Lord for all the good things that have happened and will be praying for tumors to shrink and less pain. Sending our love to you, Barbie
At 4:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ah! Finally Nan gets to hold Timothy! How special. There's nothing like holding a new grand child in your arms, looking into their little faces and seeing family traits. So, the road was bumpy, Nan was in a lot of pain, the trip was long ~ the joy in her eyes to have that little guy in her arms showed that yes, it was worth it! Actually, Grandpa looked pretty happy also. I knew you would make it! Now for the AMN on Friday ~ maybe.
Roger is off playing golf today. Can you believe that he actually takes a day off each week to play golf? He is preparing for retirement.... someday.
By the way, I was curious enough to try your peanut butter tomato sandwich concoction. I think I prefer just tomato and mayo and maybe a leaf of lettuce on my bread. For being a picky eater this is quite adventurous for you, Tim.
Have a good day with Timothy, Jo, Jason and Julie. Savor the memories of that moment that you finally got to meet that little bundle of joy.
Continued Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 5:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good morning ~
Everyone looks so very happy holding that little Timothy - is he a cutie or what?
So happy you made it to Jason and Jo's place OK and settled in for a nice rest at the beach - cool breezes and all!! God of so good.
I'm praying for the AMN on Friday and you get started and that it works!
Love to all, Marilyn
At 7:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim,Nan&Family,
How good it is to see Nan with the Baby and flashing Her beautiful Smile once again for all of Us to see. Sorry that the trip was slowed by traffic but what else is new, this is California !!
Good news that the AMN is arriving. Do You have to go to the Hospital to have it given and is it I.V. or Oral Pills ? how often does She take it?, sorry about the questions, having gone through many changes in Carrol's med's till the right combination was found I was just wondering what You were looking at.
We finally got to the lab Yesterday at 3:30 after some delays and got the blood drawn for the "Light Chain" (Cancer Activity level). Results will be read for Us at the regular Chemo Clinic appointment on the 6th. We are Praying for good readings once again.
Have a good day and enjoy the Newest "Mustard" , What a Joy for You all to have this ray of sunshine in Your Family now.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan and Tim:
Thanks for the pictures, I also saw the others on the web-page. Nan does look very happy with the baby in her arms.
I have been in 'your neck fo the woods'(Discovery Bay) for a few days visiting my sister - she had foot surgery and is doing well.
Let's hope that the drive home is with less traffic. We were in Monterey over the weekend and the traffic was bumper to bumper for miles so we took the Watsonville turn but that didn't help, I guess the weekends are always that way as we didn't see any accidents.
My best to all of you.
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear tim and nan,
so glad nan got to see her new grandson. he is a keeper.
Have you recieved a box and letters yet. They should have been there at least a week ago. Let me know please. Will follow up with Post Office if you did not get it yet. God bless you and keep your courage up. Remember HE has a plan and is in control. Love you, JKS
At 1:07 PM,
divatobe said…
What wonderful photos! Thank you for sharing them.
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
You and Nan finally made it! I can see from the pictures that there was great joy at the end of the journey. It looked like everyone was having a good time oogling and hugging the new Timothy! Can't say that I blame them, he looks pretty good to me too!
We hope that the journey to the AMN will end in a happy way on Friday as well. In the mean time I pray that the journey there will be less painful for Nan and less stressful for you. Thanks again for inviting us to join you on the journey.
God Bless you and give you peace,
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