We need you prayer warriors!
Its late but I am wide awake thinking about the huge tumor that is growing rapidly, confirmed by the CT scans today. It has grown a lot in the past 2 weeks since the last CT scan. We really don't know how to proceed or what can be done about it. I just wrote an email to our beloved Dr. Morgan and Travis Quigly in Boston asking their advice. The worst mistake we have made was to stop Gleevec after our trip when we were flown back to Concord. The thinking was that the Gleevec had failed so why bother with it, but it was allowing slow growth, now without it we have huge growth. I ask Dr. Morgan if we should start it up again tomorrow until the AMN drug arrives, I also ask if we should try to see Dr. Warren, head oncology surgeon at UCSF.
I am asking you to seek God's intervention and guidance for Nan and for her doctors, for the speedy arrival of AMN. Suddenly Nan is alert and awake, gaining in strength, not troubled by fevers and has to face this terrible tumor. Please take this tumor to God asking that He do what we mortals seem not able to do.
I would also mention that Nan is alert to take phone calls during the day. If you call keep it short and positive, she needs reassurance right now that she is not alone and that she is loved. Her cell number is 925 354 7677.
On Nan's behalf I thank you for praying and caring.
I am asking you to seek God's intervention and guidance for Nan and for her doctors, for the speedy arrival of AMN. Suddenly Nan is alert and awake, gaining in strength, not troubled by fevers and has to face this terrible tumor. Please take this tumor to God asking that He do what we mortals seem not able to do.
I would also mention that Nan is alert to take phone calls during the day. If you call keep it short and positive, she needs reassurance right now that she is not alone and that she is loved. Her cell number is 925 354 7677.
On Nan's behalf I thank you for praying and caring.
At 4:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning,
Yesterday looks like a good news bad news day. Nan is up walking and eating with new determination. Nan's tumor continues to grow. What to do? How to proceed? Tim, sometimes there are no good answers. We just proceed the best we can with the knowledge we have trusting that God will lead. There are many of us "prayer warriors" out here doing our part. Now we must trust. I know it feels lonely at times, but we are here and God is near.
Hang in there, Tim. Don't take the responsibility for ALL the decisions that have been made in Nan's behalf. Everyone has done their best. That's why they say doctors "practice" yet they have more experience and knowledge to work with. Every one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made and Nan has a lot more determination thrown in than most of us can even fathom. She WILL go see that new baby!
Continued love and prayers ~ Carol
At 6:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
I'm up early this morning, could not get back to sleep, thinking and praying about Carrol and Nan and asking the Lord to work His wonders for Nan and the Tumor problem. His ways are a mystery that is so difficult for Us to understand so much of the time.
It is much warmer this morning and a bit overcast too the air smells of humidity like the Midwest and the weather people are saying "Maybe a bit of shower activity" would'nt that be a hoot for this time of the Year?
Be assured Tim that We in the "Prayer Warrior" chain will keep the lines open to Our Heavenly Father today. Tests, AMN, Dr's and comfort in general. We all so much wish for all of this Pain & Suffering to be gone from Our Dear Ones.
Thinking of & Praying for You,
Bob & Carrol.
At 7:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim ~
I'm running behind this morning, but wanted you to know that I'm praying for Nan today that God will work out His plan for her.
Have courage, you can make it through another day with God's help!!
At 7:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nan continues to amaze me on how she get well and starts walking and being alert and the next thing you are worried so much about her. Last night I said this is great, perhaps she should stay in the hospital as it seems like she gets better fast there and you need some rest. Nurses are there to help the patients, I know that you know her best but sometimes you need to take care of yourself too. Nan is a fighter and she will get out of this one with God's will.
We are getting ready for Art's uncle memorial service, we are helping as much as we can and need to be there early. Last night we went to get friends from the airport so they didn't have to bother with it. Art is suppose to speak at the church; I know he will do a great job - he loved his uncle.
Take care and give our best to Nan.
At 10:18 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Dear Tim,
As a GIST patient myself, one needs to take Gleevec with food and lots of water. Nan had been unable to tolerate food and water over the past few weeks until yesterday. So, Tim, do not blame yourself for what would not have been possible. You did your best by trying out Sprycel which was also approved by Nan's doctors. At those moments, you made the best choices that you thought were best and always seeking God's trust. Yes, it is a mystery why God is having Nan go through so much. Do remind yourself of 1 Peter:6-7 - ". . . though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
Praying for more blessings and patience with God's perfect timing.
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