Dear Family and Friends,
11 pm after a huge day for all. Nan woke with a fever of 101, took tylenol and later it was gone, was so cold, actually cold, not shivering with fever that I let her have a blanket today, the room felt icy. After doing research this morning Gerry and I left at 11:30 for San Anselmo, a tiny town near San Rafael in Marin County. Gerry was amazed at the values and the tiny roads we had to traverse to get to the subject and then comparables. On the way out we found a Subway which was great. Then followed the GPS to Sonoma to a very nice home in a classy neighborhood, shot comps and then set the GPS for west sac. We arrived at 5:40 only 10 minutes from target time after driving a couple hundred miles. Did that one and then headed home finding our way through back roads and such till we found Freeway 5 near Lodi. When we got home we found Nan and Barbie had a pretty good day, no fevers, lots of good rest, a couple hits of dilautid and more clarity most of the time. Jason had called 4 times today to check in and said each time he called Mom was more clear and lucid. When he told her Jo's water had broken she started to cry. They were headed to the hospital to just get checked out but I could tell they were both excited about what is happening. While his arrival is not scheduled for a couple more weeks anytime will be fine with all of us. Dana has referenced the moon in her thought about when the little guy would arrive.
Nan called me as I was on the final leg of coming home and we spoke about her sitting up in the chair, she did and made it look easy. Then Barb made some yummy soup and Nan had a few bites. Finally it was time to go to bed so she put herself back in and cuddled up under her blanket and went to sleep. I gave her Adavan, two different kind of antibiotics, new TPN and made sure all bags were emptied. Barb had kept everything in order all day and did a great job.
Gerry was fun to have along and is a constant hoot, he does not like to eat in the car, I always do since I can get going to the next appointment that way, but Gerry is retired and not under the same time pressure I am. Gerry likes to get free drinks from where ever we go ordering them as senior drinks, sometimes it works and sometimes they just stare at us, Gerry likes to tell other drivers what to do and even me once in a while. Never a dull moment with Gerry there that is unless he falls asleep.
Today I have spoken to the pharmacist at Critical Care. Blood work results: creatins went from 2.7 to 3.5 (bad direction), hemoglobin is now 8.9, was 8.8 last week (will need transfusion soon), white count was 13.1 last week and 7.5 today, higher white count means infection so todays numbers were great, liver function was somewhat elevated but they say it goes up and down. I asked for and will get more hydration in the morning so I can give her hydration every day, that should help with the creatins. Then doctors office called and we together decided that we let the antibiotics finish out tomorrow and then wait and see what happens. Physical therapy is coming to see Nan at 8:30 in the morning which will be interesting indeed and perhaps helpful as well. In the afternoon Art is coming over to visit and we will think about a ramp, later in the day Pam and Donna Want are coming to visit, that will be so nice because Donna has been so faithful in remembering Nan in prayer and to prayer groups, every since Boston until now. Mary told me she is making some squash with onions like Nan likes so that could arrive tomorrow also. Its shaping up to be a big day.
Barb and Gerry must leave about 10 tomorrow and we will miss them. They have helped in so many ways, I only hope we can do something helpful for them in the future. The are our friends, our helpers, our courage builders and even provide laughter from time to time. And the closets are clean of available candy now that the sniffer has found it all.
We all need to remember Dana tomorrow as she once again goes under the knife getting her other hand done for carpel tunnel issues. We look forward to her return as soon as possible. Nan talks about Dana all the time and even tried to call her tonight about 9: our time, 11 hers.
Well its time to sleep, thank you for your prayers and I do believe Nan is stronger, more alert and very ready to take on control of her own life again, all good signs. She is an amazing lady and still stops my heart when I see her face, her eyes or a leg out from under the sheets, amazing!
Thank you our dear friends for all your help and good thoughts, prayers and encouragement. We hope Carrol had good answers at the dr. visit today.
tim and nan and barb and gerry
11 pm after a huge day for all. Nan woke with a fever of 101, took tylenol and later it was gone, was so cold, actually cold, not shivering with fever that I let her have a blanket today, the room felt icy. After doing research this morning Gerry and I left at 11:30 for San Anselmo, a tiny town near San Rafael in Marin County. Gerry was amazed at the values and the tiny roads we had to traverse to get to the subject and then comparables. On the way out we found a Subway which was great. Then followed the GPS to Sonoma to a very nice home in a classy neighborhood, shot comps and then set the GPS for west sac. We arrived at 5:40 only 10 minutes from target time after driving a couple hundred miles. Did that one and then headed home finding our way through back roads and such till we found Freeway 5 near Lodi. When we got home we found Nan and Barbie had a pretty good day, no fevers, lots of good rest, a couple hits of dilautid and more clarity most of the time. Jason had called 4 times today to check in and said each time he called Mom was more clear and lucid. When he told her Jo's water had broken she started to cry. They were headed to the hospital to just get checked out but I could tell they were both excited about what is happening. While his arrival is not scheduled for a couple more weeks anytime will be fine with all of us. Dana has referenced the moon in her thought about when the little guy would arrive.
Nan called me as I was on the final leg of coming home and we spoke about her sitting up in the chair, she did and made it look easy. Then Barb made some yummy soup and Nan had a few bites. Finally it was time to go to bed so she put herself back in and cuddled up under her blanket and went to sleep. I gave her Adavan, two different kind of antibiotics, new TPN and made sure all bags were emptied. Barb had kept everything in order all day and did a great job.
Gerry was fun to have along and is a constant hoot, he does not like to eat in the car, I always do since I can get going to the next appointment that way, but Gerry is retired and not under the same time pressure I am. Gerry likes to get free drinks from where ever we go ordering them as senior drinks, sometimes it works and sometimes they just stare at us, Gerry likes to tell other drivers what to do and even me once in a while. Never a dull moment with Gerry there that is unless he falls asleep.
Today I have spoken to the pharmacist at Critical Care. Blood work results: creatins went from 2.7 to 3.5 (bad direction), hemoglobin is now 8.9, was 8.8 last week (will need transfusion soon), white count was 13.1 last week and 7.5 today, higher white count means infection so todays numbers were great, liver function was somewhat elevated but they say it goes up and down. I asked for and will get more hydration in the morning so I can give her hydration every day, that should help with the creatins. Then doctors office called and we together decided that we let the antibiotics finish out tomorrow and then wait and see what happens. Physical therapy is coming to see Nan at 8:30 in the morning which will be interesting indeed and perhaps helpful as well. In the afternoon Art is coming over to visit and we will think about a ramp, later in the day Pam and Donna Want are coming to visit, that will be so nice because Donna has been so faithful in remembering Nan in prayer and to prayer groups, every since Boston until now. Mary told me she is making some squash with onions like Nan likes so that could arrive tomorrow also. Its shaping up to be a big day.
Barb and Gerry must leave about 10 tomorrow and we will miss them. They have helped in so many ways, I only hope we can do something helpful for them in the future. The are our friends, our helpers, our courage builders and even provide laughter from time to time. And the closets are clean of available candy now that the sniffer has found it all.
We all need to remember Dana tomorrow as she once again goes under the knife getting her other hand done for carpel tunnel issues. We look forward to her return as soon as possible. Nan talks about Dana all the time and even tried to call her tonight about 9: our time, 11 hers.
Well its time to sleep, thank you for your prayers and I do believe Nan is stronger, more alert and very ready to take on control of her own life again, all good signs. She is an amazing lady and still stops my heart when I see her face, her eyes or a leg out from under the sheets, amazing!
Thank you our dear friends for all your help and good thoughts, prayers and encouragement. We hope Carrol had good answers at the dr. visit today.
tim and nan and barb and gerry
At 4:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning~
Good News! Nan is more awake and alert. Tim has a coach for his driving. Baby Timothy is getting ready to make his debut. The house is back in order. Soup in the pot. Bad news is that Gerry and Barb have to go home! All in all yesterday sounded like a good day and you got a lot of work done. Now for the checks to follow...
Life here is the same with the usual plumbing problems that come from old plumbing, fan chains to replace, ants to fight, mowing, trimming, laundry, the constant stream of people in and out of the office for various reasons and listening when people just need someone to talk to. So we keep on keepin' on for now waiting for God to show us when it's time to move on. For now we try to be faithful caring for His property.
Today I pray for another good day for you both. Our thoughts turn to you and we lift you up in prayer several times a day. Our prayers are with Jason and Jo as she brings this little guy into this world. What a special time for all of you!
Continued Love and Prayers ~ Carol
At 5:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
That Gerry must have nerves of steel. Can you imagine sleeping in a vehicle that you are driving. Must come as a package deal with the candy sniffing gene. Does Gerry know you missed you last driving leason?
Soon and very soon there is going to be a new Timothy. How exciting! We are praying here that your day will be as great as predicted and that here will be someone new to love to put a cherry on top!
Thanks to Barb and Gerry for doing such a great job of taking care of our friends Tim and Nan. God Bless You.
Wes and Nan
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim & Nan,
How good it was for You to have Jerry & Barb there with You for a few days, Friends are priceless.
My Sister & Brother in law arrived Yesterday and We were able to get Our Mother out of Her room at Ashley Place for dinner. At Co- Co's,that does not happen often, She enjoyed Herself and ate Her Supper with gusto.
Isn't this weather something else? Beautiful and cool what more could We ask.
Glad to read that Nan had a good day and that the new Baby is on the way, What a joy that will be for the whole family.
Carrol's numbers were good enough to stay off of the Chemo for 2 more months, The Primary test of Cancer activity in the Bone Marrow will be taken in 2 weeks and then at the Clinic August 6th We will see how things are holding or not.
We will continue to keep You in Our Prayers.
Much Love,
Bob & Carrol.
At 12:37 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi Tim and Nan:
We made it home from Calif, as you know we met John and Karen on our way home. It's good to be home. Tonight we have prayer meeting at our church and we will be praying for you and Nan. Sounds like you had a pretty rough week. We send our love to you and we will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Love Glenn and Sandy
At 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi blessed friends! We got home safely and then did the errands we needed to do. It was so good to see you both again and to be able to help Nan a little when she wasn't sleeping. Jo has been having a very long day with no baby arriving. Be sure to call us when he pops out! Gerry went to his EAA meeting up in Auburn this started with a bar-B-Q and of course he loves that! Then he sold tickets for the raffel.
Tomorrow is garbage so I got it all gathered up for Gerry to take out when he got home. Now we are off to bed. You are amazing, Tim!
Soooo much to do and you keep right on doing it all! Blessings, peace and love to you both, Barbie
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