Dear Family, Fellow GISTers and Friends,
I can't get it to take a title tonight, not sure why but I'm not going to stress over such small things.
We have had an interesting day, we fought fever all night with antibiotics are 2 am and 8 am. Nan woke me with talking disjointed sentences but when I raised a subject she could recognize it and speak to it. While we had no fevers that were 104 last night we never got rid of them either. I had to run to Tracy this morning to do a construction inspection so LeAnn, our dear next door neighbor came over to watch over nan while I was gone. When I returned she said Nan had been hot and cold and was under a blanket. Well that pushed the temps up again. Nan was able to talk on the phone with Dana and Jason but in a feeble way. I tried to work downstairs but was mostly unsuccessful as I have a lot to finish but it needs intense concentration and I just did not have it with Nan in such trouble. At 1:30 Dr. Melynk returned my call and we went over her situation. He thinks we are doing what we can at this point and agrees to stop Sprycel in case it is causing the fevers and also agrees with the new antibiotic we are using. He asked about blood pressure which is OK, heart rate which is normal between fevers, blood work, normal and nothing coming out of the blood cultures. He thinks we carry on hoping to get a hold of the fevers and get them stopped.
This afternoon Nan responded to my idea that she get up into the recliner for awhile. With help she walked to the chair and settled in to snooze, watch TV, talk at times. I left her in the chair for awhile and came back to discover her colostomy bad had exploded all over the chair, I should have emptied it but all day it had had nothing in it and suddenly it took off. So I spent the next hour cleaning Nan, getting her back to bed, changing gown and then turned my attention to the chair, suade material, not sure if I won that round or not. Felt really silly not to keep checking on the bag and Nan had not felt it at all due to being so sleepy.
This evening an order for Tracy came through and they wanted it rushed so LeAnn was kind enought to come back and watch Nan while I raced to Tracy to do the appraisal. On the way home I got to talk to Steve Ahn, recently returned from Russia and then friend Art. I brought Nan a coke iccee but she was not interested and was starting a fever when I got back. When I last checked it we were about 101.9 or so. We have started our routine, ice bags (wings), cold cloth on the head, liquid tylenol and ceiling fan. Lets hope that the fever can be headed off before it gets serious tonight, sleeping most of the night would be nice for a change.
Mary came by today on her way out of town to San Diego for a trip with the girls. It was good to see her and while she was here Nan was pretty subdued and sleepy.
After Nan sat in the chair she was more awake and aware of things with her eyes wide open for awhile. Hopefully that is the direction we are moving although it seems a long ways off.
We are both looking forward to seeing Jason and Jo tomorrow providing little Timothy does not decide to make an arrival early.
So this evening another week closes, last week we had just gotten nan home from the hospital and we were all glad that she was here. Now a week later and so much has happened. I sometimes try to contemplate what God has in mind for us. How does He work and when does He decide to intervene and when not so. We felt led to Sprycel yet we think a side effect of that drug has caused the fevers. The AMN is on its way but how long we don't know. nan has much less pain now but is mostly asleep these days. hard to see whats next.
We send our love and deep appreciation.
Tim and Nan
I can't get it to take a title tonight, not sure why but I'm not going to stress over such small things.
We have had an interesting day, we fought fever all night with antibiotics are 2 am and 8 am. Nan woke me with talking disjointed sentences but when I raised a subject she could recognize it and speak to it. While we had no fevers that were 104 last night we never got rid of them either. I had to run to Tracy this morning to do a construction inspection so LeAnn, our dear next door neighbor came over to watch over nan while I was gone. When I returned she said Nan had been hot and cold and was under a blanket. Well that pushed the temps up again. Nan was able to talk on the phone with Dana and Jason but in a feeble way. I tried to work downstairs but was mostly unsuccessful as I have a lot to finish but it needs intense concentration and I just did not have it with Nan in such trouble. At 1:30 Dr. Melynk returned my call and we went over her situation. He thinks we are doing what we can at this point and agrees to stop Sprycel in case it is causing the fevers and also agrees with the new antibiotic we are using. He asked about blood pressure which is OK, heart rate which is normal between fevers, blood work, normal and nothing coming out of the blood cultures. He thinks we carry on hoping to get a hold of the fevers and get them stopped.
This afternoon Nan responded to my idea that she get up into the recliner for awhile. With help she walked to the chair and settled in to snooze, watch TV, talk at times. I left her in the chair for awhile and came back to discover her colostomy bad had exploded all over the chair, I should have emptied it but all day it had had nothing in it and suddenly it took off. So I spent the next hour cleaning Nan, getting her back to bed, changing gown and then turned my attention to the chair, suade material, not sure if I won that round or not. Felt really silly not to keep checking on the bag and Nan had not felt it at all due to being so sleepy.
This evening an order for Tracy came through and they wanted it rushed so LeAnn was kind enought to come back and watch Nan while I raced to Tracy to do the appraisal. On the way home I got to talk to Steve Ahn, recently returned from Russia and then friend Art. I brought Nan a coke iccee but she was not interested and was starting a fever when I got back. When I last checked it we were about 101.9 or so. We have started our routine, ice bags (wings), cold cloth on the head, liquid tylenol and ceiling fan. Lets hope that the fever can be headed off before it gets serious tonight, sleeping most of the night would be nice for a change.
Mary came by today on her way out of town to San Diego for a trip with the girls. It was good to see her and while she was here Nan was pretty subdued and sleepy.
After Nan sat in the chair she was more awake and aware of things with her eyes wide open for awhile. Hopefully that is the direction we are moving although it seems a long ways off.
We are both looking forward to seeing Jason and Jo tomorrow providing little Timothy does not decide to make an arrival early.
So this evening another week closes, last week we had just gotten nan home from the hospital and we were all glad that she was here. Now a week later and so much has happened. I sometimes try to contemplate what God has in mind for us. How does He work and when does He decide to intervene and when not so. We felt led to Sprycel yet we think a side effect of that drug has caused the fevers. The AMN is on its way but how long we don't know. nan has much less pain now but is mostly asleep these days. hard to see whats next.
We send our love and deep appreciation.
Tim and Nan
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tim and Nan, Try to have a nice Sabbath day with some extra rest for Tim. Let's hope those temps come down and stay down after you discontinue SpryCel.
Jason and Jo are brave venturing out when baby is due. Won't it be fun having a little baby around once again. Feel better, Nan, so you can enjoy him.
Tomorrow I teach the lesson in Cradle Roll...Baby Jesus is the topic. This other mother and I are going to experiment...while I tell the story she will put felts up on the felt board.
I'm off to bed. Sleep well! Love and peace, Barbie
At 4:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning and a restful blessed Sabbath to you.
You had quite a day yesterday! Those adventures with the colostomy must be exciting! Never a dull moment at the Mustards. (Personally, I long for a boring day here.) That was very nice of your neighbor to come sit with Nan while you were working. Now to get the fever under control. 104 is very high! It sort of drains what strength Nan has left from her body.
Enjoy Jason, Jo and little Timothy today. When is Baby Timothy due? I know sometime in July, but I never heard when in July. I guess that will be when he decides to arrive! Babies are like that, you know? God has blessed you with a very special family.
Tim, I hope you can get some rest today! Even a good night's sleep would help. Our prayers continue for fever and pain control for Nan and for peace and rest for Tim.
Our love and prayers continue ~ Carol
At 8:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning Tim & Nan,
A cool Sabbath morning has arrived, We all pray for much needed rest and thank the Lord for the relief from the heat that has been here the last few days.
Sounds like You have got a handle on the fever cause? Lord we need the new "Trial Med" asap! Nan will perk up when She no longer has to deal with those high fevers, they take so much out of one and especially in Her compromised position.
Our Hearts are heavy this morning, Our Dear Friend Richard Wiech,(Most of You do not know Him at all only from our speaking about His cancer & Surgery briefly over the last 10 months or so) Was told Yesterday by His Dr. to get His affairs in order. His latest Scan showes that His Cancer has exploded to nearly all major parts of His frail body and there is nothing that can be done. Carrol & His Wife Rosie worked for many Years together in the Home Health Division of Lodi Memorial Hospital.
They have remained fast friends, We as couples were Married only a month apart in the same Year 1956 so just last August & September We four had Our 50th Anniversaries. This Dear people also lost thier Youngest Son some years ago as We did and now the Cancer is taking the Life Mates that We love the most.
How We long for the day when All Things will be "Made New Again" . Even So Come Lord Jesus.
We wre going to the Chemo Clinic in Stockton Monday for Carrol's regular Aridia Infusion and at that time We will find out the results of Her recent MRI Scan, We are praying that it will not show bad things happening to Her.
We all do so very much need the special care and healing that only Our Lord can Provide. Through this Sabbath Day We will ask again for His Devine Intervention and pray "Thy Will Be Done"
We ask all of the kind readers of the blog to remember these Dear folks in Your Prayers too today.
Much Love & Good Thoughts & Prayers for You Your Family,
Bob & Carrol.
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