Some precious good news at last
Dear Family, Friends and GISTers,
We have good news to share this evening. Nan's oncology office called this afternoon with the good news that Novartis has decided that Nan can have AMN107 on the compassionate basis. While the process still has hospital review boards to pass we are well on our way to having access to this important drug that is in phase II trials already for GISTers. How thankful we are for this development which interestingly comes just one day after the prayer and annointing service last evening. I could tell from the phone call that the people who work in the doctors office were very happy with this development. I asked that they let Dr. Melynk know how much we appreciate his work toward this end.
A few minutes after the call from the Dr. office came in Loree called to tell me that she had just deposited over $1,000 in the Nan's recovery fund which had arrived from the Tracy SDA Church. That is just about the same amount that I spent last week for the Sprycel drug for a week. I felt such a lifting of the shroud of despair that has been on my shoulders for weeks. I am fully aware that we have not received the drug yet and that Nan continues to face serious issues of infection, fever, weakness. This afternoon she sat in the recliner in our room for several hours and did the walking both ways to and from the bed. When I returned from an Oakland inspection I found Nan back in bed but alert and engaged. Dana had prepared food and brought it up and Nan had dinner, She is watching a Law and Order episode and drifting in and out of sleep now. Since our morning fever of 103 when we woke the rest of the day has been normal temps.
About three years ago we had a prayer and annointing service led by pastor Jim. In a few days Nan was admitted into the Sutent program which gave us over a year of tumor stability. The news we received today a day after the service last night is a glimmer of hope in a sort of dark time. We are very thankful for that glimmer of hope and for Nan's improvement in alertness and condition this evening.
The doctors office and lab both let us know today that so far they have no idea of what infection is alive as the tests so far are showing nothing wrong, it may take at least another day before the blood cultures grow out something interesting, like fungus. So for now we keep the same antibiotic going even though it seems to be doing nothing to solve the fevers.
We are having to deal with Dana leaving in the morning, Mary has offered to drive her to the Sac. airport, we appreciate that so much as we were not sure how to get her there and still watch over Nan at the same time. Dana will fly out at 1:45 and land in Phoenix, then hope to catch a flight to Houston arriving home around 8:30. Ronnie and John will be so glad to see her and we will miss her terribly yet her being here has been wonderful and I've gained some weight as I enjoyed the tasty food, like hot cereal and bisquits for breakfast this morning.
Now Nan is sleeping soundly as we approach time to go to bed. We have had a good day and made some progress along the way. We are thankful tonight and deeply appreciate the help we received today to help with the cost of the Sprycel. Nan decided last night and this morning to go ahead and take the Sprycel just in case it might help. Now that we have AMN on its way I'm not sure what she will decide tonight regarding taking another Sprycel. Once again it will be her decision. Just now she had a bad hit of pain and she cried out.
So once again our situation changes and we continue to face severe challenges. We want to express our deep appreciation for the many messages that were emailed to the blog today. Nan was touched by each message was so happy to hear from each person. It lifted her day.
We send our love to each of you.
tim and nan and dana
We have good news to share this evening. Nan's oncology office called this afternoon with the good news that Novartis has decided that Nan can have AMN107 on the compassionate basis. While the process still has hospital review boards to pass we are well on our way to having access to this important drug that is in phase II trials already for GISTers. How thankful we are for this development which interestingly comes just one day after the prayer and annointing service last evening. I could tell from the phone call that the people who work in the doctors office were very happy with this development. I asked that they let Dr. Melynk know how much we appreciate his work toward this end.
A few minutes after the call from the Dr. office came in Loree called to tell me that she had just deposited over $1,000 in the Nan's recovery fund which had arrived from the Tracy SDA Church. That is just about the same amount that I spent last week for the Sprycel drug for a week. I felt such a lifting of the shroud of despair that has been on my shoulders for weeks. I am fully aware that we have not received the drug yet and that Nan continues to face serious issues of infection, fever, weakness. This afternoon she sat in the recliner in our room for several hours and did the walking both ways to and from the bed. When I returned from an Oakland inspection I found Nan back in bed but alert and engaged. Dana had prepared food and brought it up and Nan had dinner, She is watching a Law and Order episode and drifting in and out of sleep now. Since our morning fever of 103 when we woke the rest of the day has been normal temps.
About three years ago we had a prayer and annointing service led by pastor Jim. In a few days Nan was admitted into the Sutent program which gave us over a year of tumor stability. The news we received today a day after the service last night is a glimmer of hope in a sort of dark time. We are very thankful for that glimmer of hope and for Nan's improvement in alertness and condition this evening.
The doctors office and lab both let us know today that so far they have no idea of what infection is alive as the tests so far are showing nothing wrong, it may take at least another day before the blood cultures grow out something interesting, like fungus. So for now we keep the same antibiotic going even though it seems to be doing nothing to solve the fevers.
We are having to deal with Dana leaving in the morning, Mary has offered to drive her to the Sac. airport, we appreciate that so much as we were not sure how to get her there and still watch over Nan at the same time. Dana will fly out at 1:45 and land in Phoenix, then hope to catch a flight to Houston arriving home around 8:30. Ronnie and John will be so glad to see her and we will miss her terribly yet her being here has been wonderful and I've gained some weight as I enjoyed the tasty food, like hot cereal and bisquits for breakfast this morning.
Now Nan is sleeping soundly as we approach time to go to bed. We have had a good day and made some progress along the way. We are thankful tonight and deeply appreciate the help we received today to help with the cost of the Sprycel. Nan decided last night and this morning to go ahead and take the Sprycel just in case it might help. Now that we have AMN on its way I'm not sure what she will decide tonight regarding taking another Sprycel. Once again it will be her decision. Just now she had a bad hit of pain and she cried out.
So once again our situation changes and we continue to face severe challenges. We want to express our deep appreciation for the many messages that were emailed to the blog today. Nan was touched by each message was so happy to hear from each person. It lifted her day.
We send our love to each of you.
tim and nan and dana
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have read your post and I am praying for Nan as so many others. In the mighty name of Jesus, name above all names I praise and thank you Lord for life and more abundant life. I ask for wisdom and understanding for all concerned with Nan's health. Nan is more then a conqueror thru Christ Jesus.
Love and prayers,
Kaye ~ Ohio
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good news tonight! What a lift to your spirits to hear that AMN will be available for Nan! And what a good feeling to get word that $1000 is in the Nan recovery account. Please list the Tracy Church address once again as I cannot find it. You have some great friends and much to be thankfuly for and I know you are thankful! Even though we are not under all the pressure you two are, it is such a relief to know that help is on the way; my heart is singing and praising our Heavenly Father for another miracle. Sleep well! Love, Barbie
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Make sure you get Dana to leave her special bisquit recipe before she escapes back to Texas! You can never have too many recipes.
Glad to hear that your day had some plesant ingredients. Makes for a good day doesn't it?
Happy 4th of July!
At 6:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy 4th of July and all of the good news.
So much to be Thankful for isn't there?
Let's hope for more than 1 year of stable tumors this time, how about 20 years or so. Or, until the next drug comes out.
Have a wonderful day and here's hoping the drug comes quickly.
Sue m
At 9:14 AM,
Unknown said…
I am so very thankful for the good news from the blog today!
I know you are both going to miss having Dana there. When she gets back home I look forward to having her fill me in on everything you guys did there. I know that she was a huge help and that Nan will miss her very much.
I love you, Nan!
Cousin Barbara in Houston
At 9:18 AM,
taesmom said…
I'm glad to hear some good news at last. It is truly a gift from God. He knows what we need when we need and seems to send it to us somehow. I pray He will continue to give rest and peace that only He can give. You both are truly an inspriation to me. blessings.
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
What an answer to the prayers from so many that Nan will be recieving the New trial drug at last. We will surely pray that it will be very effective in bringing relief from Tumor growth and the resulting pain that is caused by them.
Many thanks to all who are suporting the Tracy Church Recovery Fund. Address is: Tracy Seventh-Day Adventist Church. 2025 Holly Drive. Tracy, Ca. 95376. Attach a "sticky note" to the check labled "Mustard Recovery" do not write that on the check memo.
Have a good 4th with your Family and we wish a safe trip home for Dana, Thank You Mary for the transport to the AirPort.
The Band Concert (All Sousa Music) in the Park went very well Yesterday afternoon, good crowd, beautiful weather 93 degrees and after the concert The Band Members & familys were treated to a Catered Lunch in the Cool & Comfortable Hospitality Room at the Square. Very Nice indeed.
Should be quite warm here today 102 they say but a far Cry from the 119 that My Sister & Family in Palm Springs are enduring. Our Dear Friends in Phoenix are also very warm at 117. Makes Our 100+ seem very bearable. We are looking forward to a good Fireworks Display this evening about 9:15. We are able to see most of it from the Park just across the street from Our Home on Evergreen Drive. We are actually less than a mile from the launching site on the west shore Lodi Lake so We get a lot of the launching noise too.
Hope to see You soon.
Bob & Carrol.
At 10:31 AM,
Irene Wing said…
It is just awesome that Novartis (pharmaceutical company) approved the AMN for Nan to use on the compassionate track following the special prayer and oil annointing. Praise God for his wonderful intervention. I think that is definitely a sign that God still has plans to use Nan for His further purposes. So glad Nan had a better day but will still keep praying for less pain and no more fevers.
Blessings and love,
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy 4th of July!
I hope you will be able to spend at least part of the day with family. Yes, you will miss Dana! What a blessing she has been for you both.
Roger stained all the decks on all the cottages today. No matter that there are guests in them..... The job MUST be done today! Oh well ~ I'm not responsible for what he does. Dad and Barbara are coming to fish for awhile. Then we're headed to Tryon for our church picnic this afternoon.
Our prayers continue for no fever, shrunken tumors and less pain for Nan. And for Tim ~ continued calming of the spirit, no dizziness, no chest pain, some good nights sleep, cranking out some good work and checks coming in the mail.
God loves you and He cares. Now that's good news!
Love and prayers ~ Carol
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