A quiet time to reflect on the love of friends
Dear Family and Friends,
As I start to write I am overwhelmed by the powerful and caring messages to the blog. I have just read them all and to know that so many people care, are praying and sending positive thoughts, well it is like a warm blanket on a chilly evening, reminds one that we are never alone unless we want to be. Thank you dear GISTers, family and friends for your great kindness shown to Nan and to her family.
Nan had a quiet morning without fever and then late afternoon it hit again. This time we caught it before it was large, only 100.7 with liquid tylenol, ice wings as Nan calls them, just a sheet and AC on high with a ceiling fan helping out. In a couple hours the fever had subsided. We knew in advance that Nan would be seeing several people today, we had no idea just how many would come. Terry came to do blood cultures and care for the picc line this morning, then Julie from wound care came. Both were kind and helpful. We knew the pastor and elders were coming at 7 and they arrived right on time but earlier Mary came to visit Nan and just hang out with her on the bed, Nikki and Keanna arrived just as the pastor was praying and waited quietly until he was through, then came in to see her precious grammy, Dana had spent the majority of the day with Nan and would give her dilautid when needed or when Adavan was needed would let me know. We kept fresh ice water nearby, emptied many bags with the fluid runoff that is so much needed. Nan was aware of much that took place but not all. She drifted in and out of sleep. A phone call brought the good news that our friends the Cresses were nearby and could visit so they arrived later in the evening. We spent some time surrounding Nan and John prayed over her. They are on their way to their son Tim's wedding on Catalina Island this sunday, what a great event that will be.
So nan was surrounded by love today, both from you by email and by those who could stop by in person. She is deeply touched by it all and so am I.
We heard nothing back today from the blood work but have determined that Nan is weak enough that if she goes to the hospital it will have to be by ambulance. I'm not sure I could get her into the back bed of the van at this point, she is just too weak and torn by pain. Physical therapy called today but I pushed them to thursday to see what takes place between now and then.
At this point we don't know what to plan for next. While I have several properties to inspect I have not made appointments yet for fear I will be a longs ways off and be needed here.
We deeply appreciate every dear person who visited today, thank you all.
This evening at 7 our pastor prayed and annointed Nan's forehead with a bit of oil following the bible command to do so. We are seeking God's intervention once again as He has all power, all healing, all wisdom and all strength. We seek His blessings. I appreciate the prayers also of Dick and Becky, our friends of many years.
Each day we pray for freedom from fever, from infection, from tumors, strength for renewal, clarity of mind, calmness of the soul.
Thank you dear friends,
tim and nan and dana
As I start to write I am overwhelmed by the powerful and caring messages to the blog. I have just read them all and to know that so many people care, are praying and sending positive thoughts, well it is like a warm blanket on a chilly evening, reminds one that we are never alone unless we want to be. Thank you dear GISTers, family and friends for your great kindness shown to Nan and to her family.
Nan had a quiet morning without fever and then late afternoon it hit again. This time we caught it before it was large, only 100.7 with liquid tylenol, ice wings as Nan calls them, just a sheet and AC on high with a ceiling fan helping out. In a couple hours the fever had subsided. We knew in advance that Nan would be seeing several people today, we had no idea just how many would come. Terry came to do blood cultures and care for the picc line this morning, then Julie from wound care came. Both were kind and helpful. We knew the pastor and elders were coming at 7 and they arrived right on time but earlier Mary came to visit Nan and just hang out with her on the bed, Nikki and Keanna arrived just as the pastor was praying and waited quietly until he was through, then came in to see her precious grammy, Dana had spent the majority of the day with Nan and would give her dilautid when needed or when Adavan was needed would let me know. We kept fresh ice water nearby, emptied many bags with the fluid runoff that is so much needed. Nan was aware of much that took place but not all. She drifted in and out of sleep. A phone call brought the good news that our friends the Cresses were nearby and could visit so they arrived later in the evening. We spent some time surrounding Nan and John prayed over her. They are on their way to their son Tim's wedding on Catalina Island this sunday, what a great event that will be.
So nan was surrounded by love today, both from you by email and by those who could stop by in person. She is deeply touched by it all and so am I.
We heard nothing back today from the blood work but have determined that Nan is weak enough that if she goes to the hospital it will have to be by ambulance. I'm not sure I could get her into the back bed of the van at this point, she is just too weak and torn by pain. Physical therapy called today but I pushed them to thursday to see what takes place between now and then.
At this point we don't know what to plan for next. While I have several properties to inspect I have not made appointments yet for fear I will be a longs ways off and be needed here.
We deeply appreciate every dear person who visited today, thank you all.
This evening at 7 our pastor prayed and annointed Nan's forehead with a bit of oil following the bible command to do so. We are seeking God's intervention once again as He has all power, all healing, all wisdom and all strength. We seek His blessings. I appreciate the prayers also of Dick and Becky, our friends of many years.
Each day we pray for freedom from fever, from infection, from tumors, strength for renewal, clarity of mind, calmness of the soul.
Thank you dear friends,
tim and nan and dana
At 11:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan:
It is 11:30 and I wanted to read the blog before going to bed. Art wanted to call but at the same time didn't want to interrupt the Pastor's visit. He worked all day cleaning cars and around the house. He decided to go out for a late movie. I don't care for movies that much so he went alone. I'm nursing my soreness from the fall but will be fine to start with my exercises in a couple of days.
I'm so glad that you had lots of support today and yes so many people pray for Nan and you each and every day. I told my neighbor again of your situation and she said they are on my prayer list, she is such a wonderful neighbor.
Wishing you a restful night.
At 12:49 AM,
Irene Wing said…
Dear Tim and Nan,
What a blessing to have had so many people express their concern and love for you today. How comforting that must be to know that God is orchestrating the support you are getting.
We all want Nan to be free of the fevers and the pain and we pray that God has that in mind as well.
We know that the Lord is thinking of you.
"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Blessings and love,
At 3:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
As Irene said, you are in God's hands and what an awesome honor! When we place something in His hands we need to leave it with Him. So many times we take it out of His hands and thinking we know what to do, fail to leave it with Him. I thank Him for a new day and for the support group that you have. (Hey, preacher man, do you get tired of all us out here "preaching" to you?) Know that we love you.
At 3:33 AM,
Amie daughter of Susie Priest said…
I have not been on the computer in a long time. But, Nan is always in my thoughts and prayers. I really hate to here that she is not doing well. She has always been so kind to both myself and my mother Susie. I hope you remember us you brought Nan to Athens to see my mom before. I know how hard all this must be for you.Please let Nan no that I checked in on her. I no that she would want to no about mom. Her last scan showed another stop on her liver we are having that checked again this month.She is home and still on gleevic. 4 years with very few changes. With all our love thoughts and prayers.
Amie daughter of Susie Priest from Athens, TN.
At 4:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good Morning,
I'm awed this a.m. by all the beautiful comments from the last couple of days. You are both blessed to have such a strong support system. I know God is near you both and will bring you peace and relief from pain.
Tim it was good to see your calm spirit as you wrote the blog last night. Remember today that God truly is near you and loves you both more than we can imagine. There is medicine, there are treatments, there are more experimental programs, but only God holds the key to Nan's recovery.
We love you both dearly!
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 6:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is the day that the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it! I love that still moment just before sun rise and the burst of light as the sun comes up in the east. Some where the sound of birds, happy as well, remind me that there are others enjoying the new day.
Tim, I invite you to enjoy the new day with me as well. Remember that all you need is love and you have that in abundance.
God bless you and Nan during this new day!
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim & Nan,
What a vast support group You have to draw strength from each day as You read the heart felt messages that are there on the blog to lift Your Spirits up. We are all united in Prayer for You both. How wonderful it must make the Lord feel to know how many can unite in support for One of His Own.
We ask again for His special guidence and intervention on Nan's behalf today.
We love You & May God Bless,
Bob & Carrol.
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
As always, you both are in our prayers! You two are so strong and a gift to us all! Our blessing to you!
Shay & Rodney
Gunnar & Camden
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