Prayer and annointing
This evening our pastor and elders are coming to have special prayer and annointing over Nan. She is once again having a bout of fever which started about an hour ago. Also had one last night. She is very weak and when awake in pain. Please join us in prayer.
Thanks so much,
Tim and Nan
Thanks so much,
Tim and Nan
At 7:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am thinking about Nan and praying for her. I have never met her except from the posts but know she is a courageous and wonderful lady.--Doris in NC
At 7:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, we also are praying in NC. You didn't say when the anointing will take place, but we are praying for God's healing touch ~ for both of you. He hears, He understands our concerns, He knows Nan's body and best of all He holds the owner's manual. May God's will be done.
Love and continued prayers ~ Carol
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Indeed We will join the host of Friends & Family that are Praying for You this evening. May the Lord hear and pour out His Healing Power on Nan and His Oil of Comfort On You Tim, May His will be done.
We love You and are thinking of You Both at this very critical time.
Bob & Carrol.
At 9:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan and Tim,
This is the first time I have visited your site since Nan returned from the East coast and the huge surgery that happened there. You can be sure my prayers will also be added to the myriad of others that are focused on Nan's healing right now. I send my love to you both, and will also pray for your strength to continue.
Love, Deanne in Placerville
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I only know Nan through posts I have read some time ago. I haven't been uptodate to know that she has been so ill.
Please know that as I write this note that my heart is filled with sorrow for the pain that Nan is going through.
May our heavenly father place his healing touch on her and give your whole family his blessings. Our prayers go with you.
Love and Peace,
Kay - Wife of Tony P
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I only know Nan from the site that I have recently become acquainted and I will be in agreement in prayer for Nan's recovery.
E in VA
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for keeping us updated on Nan's condition. I pray for God's sweetest blessings on Nan and your family. I also pray for travel mercies for Dana when she flies back to her home. Your family has surely been through the fire but I am thankful that you all know who holds all of us in the palm of His hands. There is nothing too big that God cannot carry us through. He continues to be good no matter what our circumstances may look like. I pray for all of you to see His strength that is perfect in our weakness.
In His loving grip,
Minnie Broas
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
There are few women in the world that are as well loved as Nan. You are that love that she lives for. She knows that you have loved more than anyone else could do.
Today your love needs some additional support, so the big guy has been called to help carry the load.
I am adding my little support as well.
Love Wes
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi dear Tim and Nan, At our Daniel Bible Study this evening we had prayer 2 times for Nan. So sorry to hear that she is having a tougher time right now. Your parking space at the cabin was looking lonesome this past weekend; how we wished you were there! My hands still smell like bleech from cleaning. The smoke from the fireplace really left film on everything plus the ever present spider webs were between all the beams. We are thankful that the BIG fire was not in our vicinity. The buzz up there is that more trees can and should be removed and the forest cleaned up. This was a wake-up call, especially to all the ecology, conserative people that want to preserve every twig and weed.
Like Carol in NC said "He knows Nan's body and best of all He holds the owner's manual." We pray that Nan will have comfort and peace. We also pray for you, too, Tim, that your dizzyness will leave and you have energy and strength to keep up with all your heavy responsibilities at the present.
Love and peace to you both, Barbie
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