Nan up all day, Dana arrives, Pam keeps a watchful eye, Nikki confirms baby is beautiful, We go to Camp Meeting and never leave the house!
Dear Family, Friends and Fellow GISTers,
This has been an eventful day. This evening as Nan is trying to go to sleep a new level of pain is gripping her which is not responding to our normal pain meds. She has a temperature of 100.3 as we start into the night.
We had a decent night last night, slept most of it, had fever this morning, did normal things and it dropped rapidly, then I ask and Nan accepted the idea of coming downstairs early so by 9:30 we were downstairs with her deposited into her recliner. She managed the transition well and after some Adavan slept for a bit while I watched Camp Meeting sermon by pastor Black, chaplain of the US Senate. Great preaching and very interesting. Dana was not able to make the first flight as there were seats available but they were all broken so she had to wait for 3 hours for the next possible flight. She arrived with John about 3 in San Jose and I picked them up, then missed freeway connections and ended up wasting about 1/2 hour just getting out of town. Dana was hungry having had no meals so we found an Olive Garden in San Leandro, worlds slowest service I think, food was good, then to Oakland to pick up her luggage that had made the first flight she was going to come on. Then home. Pam had been with nan all day and had tidied up a bit, slept some and relaxed, talked with Nan when she could and cared for her as only Pam can do. Shortly after we arrived home and after Pam had some of the take out food from Olive Garden she drove home. Nikki called a couple times and saw the baby twice, first time baby had a mask on and is in his own little sun tanning booth, seems he is jandiced a bit, second time the mask was gone and Nikki got to see him, she says he is beautiful with wavy hair, and looks like Jason. jason drove to the San Jose airport this afternoon and picked up Jo's mom who can stay for a week and will help with little Timothy. She is excited like we are about this new miracle in the family. Jason and Jo are doing well and learning fast to sleep when the baby sleeps. He is a good baby and gives them a break now and then.
Nan stayed in the recliner the entire day and was fairly comfortable. I believe it makes her stronger than lying flat in the bed all the time and she enjoys being around people. She was very funny this morning but has had serious bouts of pain all day. In reality she has slept most of the day but does have waking moments and often makes perfect sense and then there is the tent she wanted me to remove from our bed, the nuts and bolts that were scattered over the bed, the whole issue of what day it is. When I came in she thought i had been gone all night and was just getting home.
Questions I have: why so confused? where is the AMN drug? should we be back on Gleevec until AMN arrives? what is causing the fevers? is she getting enough fluids on board?
Tonight I want to thank Donna for the dish, we enjoyed campmeeting so much over the hope channel both for church and this evening, Art for the ramp so nan can safely move about, Pam for being willing to come and stay with nan today, Dana for coming back to be with nan, Nikki for checking in with us to let us know about baby and our precious Lord who gave us a safe trip to and from the airport. Our hearts and thoughts are with a number of people who are suffering from a loss, Kathy Flom and daughters as they say goodnight to Herb, Arts uncles family as they adjust to his passing, Bob and Carrol's family as they cope with the loss of a man just 62 and our friends Debbie Reed and sons as they learn to live without Paul. This life we treasure is precious and very much like the flicker of a candle in a windstorm, only in God's hands do we find eternal safety and security. Long ago the Father endured seeing Jesus die for human beings who often do not even appreciate what He has done for them. Because of Jesus we have hope for healing, courage to live, assurance of eternal life in a better place than we know now.
Nan needs our prayers, she is weak, confused, in pain, torn by pain and suffering and fearful at times. How she longs to see Timothy and as soon as we can we will help that happen.
Good night my friends and we appreciate you,
tim and nan and dana and jonathan
This has been an eventful day. This evening as Nan is trying to go to sleep a new level of pain is gripping her which is not responding to our normal pain meds. She has a temperature of 100.3 as we start into the night.
We had a decent night last night, slept most of it, had fever this morning, did normal things and it dropped rapidly, then I ask and Nan accepted the idea of coming downstairs early so by 9:30 we were downstairs with her deposited into her recliner. She managed the transition well and after some Adavan slept for a bit while I watched Camp Meeting sermon by pastor Black, chaplain of the US Senate. Great preaching and very interesting. Dana was not able to make the first flight as there were seats available but they were all broken so she had to wait for 3 hours for the next possible flight. She arrived with John about 3 in San Jose and I picked them up, then missed freeway connections and ended up wasting about 1/2 hour just getting out of town. Dana was hungry having had no meals so we found an Olive Garden in San Leandro, worlds slowest service I think, food was good, then to Oakland to pick up her luggage that had made the first flight she was going to come on. Then home. Pam had been with nan all day and had tidied up a bit, slept some and relaxed, talked with Nan when she could and cared for her as only Pam can do. Shortly after we arrived home and after Pam had some of the take out food from Olive Garden she drove home. Nikki called a couple times and saw the baby twice, first time baby had a mask on and is in his own little sun tanning booth, seems he is jandiced a bit, second time the mask was gone and Nikki got to see him, she says he is beautiful with wavy hair, and looks like Jason. jason drove to the San Jose airport this afternoon and picked up Jo's mom who can stay for a week and will help with little Timothy. She is excited like we are about this new miracle in the family. Jason and Jo are doing well and learning fast to sleep when the baby sleeps. He is a good baby and gives them a break now and then.
Nan stayed in the recliner the entire day and was fairly comfortable. I believe it makes her stronger than lying flat in the bed all the time and she enjoys being around people. She was very funny this morning but has had serious bouts of pain all day. In reality she has slept most of the day but does have waking moments and often makes perfect sense and then there is the tent she wanted me to remove from our bed, the nuts and bolts that were scattered over the bed, the whole issue of what day it is. When I came in she thought i had been gone all night and was just getting home.
Questions I have: why so confused? where is the AMN drug? should we be back on Gleevec until AMN arrives? what is causing the fevers? is she getting enough fluids on board?
Tonight I want to thank Donna for the dish, we enjoyed campmeeting so much over the hope channel both for church and this evening, Art for the ramp so nan can safely move about, Pam for being willing to come and stay with nan today, Dana for coming back to be with nan, Nikki for checking in with us to let us know about baby and our precious Lord who gave us a safe trip to and from the airport. Our hearts and thoughts are with a number of people who are suffering from a loss, Kathy Flom and daughters as they say goodnight to Herb, Arts uncles family as they adjust to his passing, Bob and Carrol's family as they cope with the loss of a man just 62 and our friends Debbie Reed and sons as they learn to live without Paul. This life we treasure is precious and very much like the flicker of a candle in a windstorm, only in God's hands do we find eternal safety and security. Long ago the Father endured seeing Jesus die for human beings who often do not even appreciate what He has done for them. Because of Jesus we have hope for healing, courage to live, assurance of eternal life in a better place than we know now.
Nan needs our prayers, she is weak, confused, in pain, torn by pain and suffering and fearful at times. How she longs to see Timothy and as soon as we can we will help that happen.
Good night my friends and we appreciate you,
tim and nan and dana and jonathan
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a great Sabbath and great ending to help start the week out right. Great reports on New Tim, Dana's back with just a little tarnish on her hallo. Gives me hope. You did say she was testy when she gets off her feeding schedule didn't you?
Pam's hallo must be thinning out a little too. You gave her left overs while you, Dana and John ate higher up on the proverbial hog. What ever could she have done. You will have to wait till tomorrow for the next exciting episode of Nan's Recovery. Hopefully tomorrows chapter will have less pain and more joy.
At 7:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tim and Nan ~
Pretty good news from yesterday - good for Nan for coming down early and staying most of the day. I think you're right about being up and taking in things is better than bed all day.
What fun to have Dana and John there - I know Dana is such a comfort to Nan - and I'm sure it works the other way too.
So glad Nikki got to see Timothy and gave a good report. Maybe with Jo's mother there, they will want to take a little ride and bring Timothy to visit you. That way Nan wouldn't have to make that long trip there. I know you both are anxious to see that little guy!! Keanna and Timothy will have such fun togther - what an interaction for all of you to watch. I tell you kids and grandkids are the greatest!!!
More prayers and love going your way, Marilyn
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Nan,
My prayers for all of your senses to be restored and the pain to be managed. Make the new drugs arrive to halt the growth of the tumors..
I cannot imagine how the pain must feel, no one can I am sure since we are not in your body.
Hold on tight!!! Hopefully you will get to see the new baby soon.
love and strength
Sue M
At 10:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice going, Nan. Glad you were up and downstairs yesterday. Taking in campmeeting was a treat...and you could do it from your comfortable is unbelieveable. Gerry is cutting the grass today and I am cleaning out some of the dust in the house. Nice day outside...maybe you could sit out on your deck for a little and get a little sunshine on you and watch the cute ducks in your lake. God loves you and so do we! Barbie
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Mustards,
Our Company just left for their home in Palm Springs. Chuck was able to help His Aunt and Her family get the Funeral Service arranged. It will be Thursday 19th in Antioch so He will fly in on Wed 18th to take charge of the service as planned. It is a very difficult thing for Chuck as the family wants no mention of Jesus or Christianity at all! so He has to prepare a secular type service but at the same time try to give some consolation to the Family.
How blessed We are for the "Blessed Hope" that We all have to cling to in difficult times.
Good to read that Nan was able to be up most of the day. We know how She must be wishing that "Timothy" could visit Her, or She / Him. AMN Where are You? It will be here very soon We all hope & Pray.
We have been enjoying the fresh produce crops that are so abundant here in the valley right now. Corn,Peaches,Tomatoes,Melons etc.How fortunate We are to live in this fertile valley. Can We say "Outstanding Weather".
Welcome Dana & John too, We hope to see you both some time next week if conditions allow.
Have a good Sunday. We will continue to pray for less Pain & Fever, More Mobility & Comfort, and above all for the AMN to arrive soon.
Much Love & Prayers,
Bob & Carrol.
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